take out和take out of有什么区别?
从释义,用法,使用环境,形象和影响范围五个维度分析take out 和take out of的区别,详细内容如下。
1. 释义区别:
- "Take out" 表示拿出或取出某物,从某处移动物体到外面或离开原来的位置。
- "Take out of" 表示从某个容器或者位置中取出某物。
- She took out her wallet from her bag.(她从包里拿出了钱包。)
- He took the books out of the shelf.(他把书从书架上拿了下来。)
2. 用法区别:
- "Take out" 后面通常接表示物体的名词,表示将物体从某个位置或者容器中拿出。
- "Take out of" 后面通常接表示容器或者位置的名词,表示从特定的容器或位置中取出某物。
- Can you take out the trash?(你能把垃圾拿出去吗?)
- She took the cookies out of the jar.(她从罐子里取出了饼干。)
3. 使用环境区别:
- "Take out" 更多用于描述将物体移出某个位置或者把物体带到室外。
- "Take out of" 更多用于描述从容器或者特定位置中取出物体。
- He took out his umbrella before going outside.(他出门前拿出了雨伞。)
- She took the keys out of her pocket.(她从口袋里拿出了钥匙。)
4. 形象区别:
- "Take out" 给人的形象是从内部向外部移动或者转移物体的动作。
- "Take out of" 给人的形象是从特定容器、位置中取出物体的动作。
- He took out a book and started reading.(他拿出一本书开始阅读。)
- She took the cake out of the oven.(她从烤箱中取出蛋糕。)
5. 影响范围区别:
- "Take out" 更适用于各种情境下将物体移出或带到室外的动作。
- "Take out of" 更多适用于描述从特定容器或位置中取出物体的动作。
- They took out their chairs and sat in the garden.(他们拿出椅子在花园里坐下。)
- She took the money out of her wallet.(她从钱包里取出了钱。)

2025-02-13 广告