1、颜色(Color): blue (蓝色), green (绿色), brown (棕色), black (黑色), blonde (金黄色), red (红色), gray (灰色), white (白色), etc.
2、发型(Hairstyle): long (长发), short (短发), curly (卷发), straight (直发), wavy(波浪发), bald (秃头), etc.
3、脸型(Face shape): oval (椭圆形), round (圆形), square (方形), heart-shaped (心形), etc.
4、身高和体型(Height and build): tall (高), short (矮), slim (苗条), thin (瘦), fat (胖), muscular (肌肉发达), etc.
5、特征(Features): freckles (雀斑), wrinkles (皱纹), dimples (酒窝), mole (痣), scar(疤痕), etc.
6、衣着(Clothing): dress (裙子), suit (西装), T-shirt (T恤), blouse (女衬衫), jeans (牛仔裤), skirt (短裙), etc.
1、He has short, curly hair and blue eyes. (他有短发,卷曲的头发和蓝眼睛。)
2、She is tall and slim with a heart-shaped face and long brown hair. (她身高高,苗条,面容心形,长发棕色。)
3、He has a round face with a small mole near his nose, and wears a gray suit and black shoes. (他的脸圆圆的,鼻子附近有一颗小痣,穿着灰色西装和黑鞋。)
4、She is a short, fat woman with curly red hair and brown eyes. (她是个矮胖的女人,红色卷曲的头发和棕色的眼睛。)