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美国人属于性格外向的民族。他们的喜怒哀乐大多通过他们的语言举止表现出来。在谈判中, 他们精力充沛, 感情洋溢, 不论在陈述己方的观点, 还是在表明立场态度, 他们都都比较直接坦率。如果对方提出的建议他们不能接受, 也会毫不隐讳地直言相告。对于中国人在谈判中用微妙的暗示来提出实质性的要求,美国人感到十分不习惯.他们常常惋惜,不少美国厂商因不善于品位中国人的暗示,失去一些极好的交易机会.
俄罗斯人在讨价还价上堪称行家老手。不论你的报价是多么公平合理,怎样精确计算,他们都不会相信,千方百计地要挤出其中的水分,达到他们认为理想的结果. 所以,对俄罗斯人报价比较好的策略是: 公开在你的标准价格上加上一定的溢价(如15%),并说明这样做的理由是同其做生意承担的额外费用和风险。由于俄罗斯的通货膨胀率较高,所以对俄罗斯人要尽量缩短报价期限,并充分考虑报价在合同期内所受的通货膨胀的影响。 展开
美国人属于性格外向的民族。他们的喜怒哀乐大多通过他们的语言举止表现出来。在谈判中, 他们精力充沛, 感情洋溢, 不论在陈述己方的观点, 还是在表明立场态度, 他们都都比较直接坦率。如果对方提出的建议他们不能接受, 也会毫不隐讳地直言相告。对于中国人在谈判中用微妙的暗示来提出实质性的要求,美国人感到十分不习惯.他们常常惋惜,不少美国厂商因不善于品位中国人的暗示,失去一些极好的交易机会.
俄罗斯人在讨价还价上堪称行家老手。不论你的报价是多么公平合理,怎样精确计算,他们都不会相信,千方百计地要挤出其中的水分,达到他们认为理想的结果. 所以,对俄罗斯人报价比较好的策略是: 公开在你的标准价格上加上一定的溢价(如15%),并说明这样做的理由是同其做生意承担的额外费用和风险。由于俄罗斯的通货膨胀率较高,所以对俄罗斯人要尽量缩短报价期限,并充分考虑报价在合同期内所受的通货膨胀的影响。 展开
The Nordic people are very exquisite civility, also very respect high self-cultivation businessman. When they compared with foreigners contacts to observe etiquette, whether formal or informal situations, if they are hosts, arranged in an orderly way, try to make the customer satisfied.
The Nordic people think very highly of the quality of the product, the quality in the world are first-class. In recent years, they learned to export more high value-added products and high specialization. They work in time seriously, meticulous, but time will never work entertainment. This is because they pursue high quality of life and more leisure time.
The Nordic people in negotiations, but very firm and polite. They will be very tough persisted even attitude, but not only by an aggressive negotiations. They don't always use body language these nonverbal communication mode. Nordic an important feature is the truth: they usually will clearly that they want to accomplish, and efforts in negotiations, but never use trickery.
Americans belong to outgoing people. Most of their emotions through their language. In negotiations, energetic, feelings, whether in stating their ideas, or in the attitude that, they are direct. If they cannot accept the others' Suggestions, will openly them the truth. For the Chinese with subtle hints to put forward substantive requirements, americans feel quite uncomfortable. They often feel sorry for many American manufacturer for not good taste Chinese hints, lose some great opportunities.
The Russian experts on the bargaining is experienced. Whatever your quotation is fair and reasonable, how accurate calculation, they will not believe, leave no stone unturned to squeeze moisture, achieve ideal result they think. So, for Russian offers good strategy is: open in your standard price with certain premium (if 15%), and explain the reason for doing so is its business with the extra costs and risks for. Because of high inflation in Russia, so as to shorten the Russian people to offer period, and fully consider the quotation is inside contract period of the effect of inflation.
The Nordic people think very highly of the quality of the product, the quality in the world are first-class. In recent years, they learned to export more high value-added products and high specialization. They work in time seriously, meticulous, but time will never work entertainment. This is because they pursue high quality of life and more leisure time.
The Nordic people in negotiations, but very firm and polite. They will be very tough persisted even attitude, but not only by an aggressive negotiations. They don't always use body language these nonverbal communication mode. Nordic an important feature is the truth: they usually will clearly that they want to accomplish, and efforts in negotiations, but never use trickery.
Americans belong to outgoing people. Most of their emotions through their language. In negotiations, energetic, feelings, whether in stating their ideas, or in the attitude that, they are direct. If they cannot accept the others' Suggestions, will openly them the truth. For the Chinese with subtle hints to put forward substantive requirements, americans feel quite uncomfortable. They often feel sorry for many American manufacturer for not good taste Chinese hints, lose some great opportunities.
The Russian experts on the bargaining is experienced. Whatever your quotation is fair and reasonable, how accurate calculation, they will not believe, leave no stone unturned to squeeze moisture, achieve ideal result they think. So, for Russian offers good strategy is: open in your standard price with certain premium (if 15%), and explain the reason for doing so is its business with the extra costs and risks for. Because of high inflation in Russia, so as to shorten the Russian people to offer period, and fully consider the quotation is inside contract period of the effect of inflation.