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据记载,世界上现存的鳄鱼类共有20余种, 鳄鱼除少数生活在温带地区外,大多生活在热带亚热带地区的河流,湖泊和多水的沼泽,也有的生活在靠近海岸的浅滩中。它脸长、嘴长,有所谓“世上之王,莫如鳄鱼”之说。鳄鱼富有观赏价值。鳄鱼还具多种药用保健功效。鳄鱼全身是宝。其皮加工成高级皮鞋、腰带、精制皮等。鳄鱼也是名贵食用佳肴。其肉味美且营养丰富,内藏可以入药
鳄鱼形象狰狞丑陋,生性凶恶暴戾,行动十分灵活。一般在白天它伏睡在林阴之下或潜 游水底,夜间外出觅食。它极善潜水,可在水底潜伏10小时以上。和家族中的兄弟姐妹一样,鳄鱼虽然个体庞大,却是卵生。其寿命一般可长达70岁~80 岁,多的可达100多岁。雌鳄长到12岁时性成熟,开始生儿育女,至40岁左右,停止生育。
鳄鱼看似凶恶,其实它胆子很小,有的小鳄鱼甚至会因受惊而生病,如中国扬子鳄,一 遇有人走近,它立即钻洞躲藏。鳄鱼很少主动袭击人类,相反,经过训练,它还可以与人合作表演。任人抚摸、亲吻、骑乘,甚至张大嘴巴让人把头伸进去,以此惊险动作供人观赏。
可见鳄鱼的经济价值相高。对其进行人工饲养效益较好,在泰国著名的是拉差龙虎园,8年培育出鳄鱼6万多只,把它们推向市场,成了当地人的摇钱树。可见,鳄鱼对人类社会的经济发展,也做出了一份贡献 展开
鳄鱼形象狰狞丑陋,生性凶恶暴戾,行动十分灵活。一般在白天它伏睡在林阴之下或潜 游水底,夜间外出觅食。它极善潜水,可在水底潜伏10小时以上。和家族中的兄弟姐妹一样,鳄鱼虽然个体庞大,却是卵生。其寿命一般可长达70岁~80 岁,多的可达100多岁。雌鳄长到12岁时性成熟,开始生儿育女,至40岁左右,停止生育。
鳄鱼看似凶恶,其实它胆子很小,有的小鳄鱼甚至会因受惊而生病,如中国扬子鳄,一 遇有人走近,它立即钻洞躲藏。鳄鱼很少主动袭击人类,相反,经过训练,它还可以与人合作表演。任人抚摸、亲吻、骑乘,甚至张大嘴巴让人把头伸进去,以此惊险动作供人观赏。
可见鳄鱼的经济价值相高。对其进行人工饲养效益较好,在泰国著名的是拉差龙虎园,8年培育出鳄鱼6万多只,把它们推向市场,成了当地人的摇钱树。可见,鳄鱼对人类社会的经济发展,也做出了一份贡献 展开
According to records of the world total of more than 20 categories of the existing crocodile species, except for a few alligator living in temperate areas. Most live in tropical and subtropical areas of the rivers, lakes and marshes more water, and some are living in the shallows near the coast of China. It faces a long, long beak, the so-called "king of the world, is the crocodile," said. Crocodile rich ornamental value. Crocodile also has a variety of medicinal health. Crocodile full of treasure. High processor into their work shoes, belts and other refined skin. Crocodile is also expensive gourmet food. U.S. nutritionally rich meat flavor, containing whole treasure because it can be used as medicine, therefore, Crocodile positive development in some countries of the world aquaculture industry. Saying goes, "crocodile tears" is not in fact became a fake. Crocodile tears will really flow, but is not because it is sad, but it is superfluous in vivo excretion of salt. . Crocodile renal excretion function not perfect, intimate excess salt, the salt glands to rely on a special excretion. Crocodile ugly image of the ugly, vicious and brutal nature, the action is very flexible. Overhead sleep in the daytime it is usually in the alley or under submarine underwater travel, going out at night feeding. It is extremely good at diving, underwater incubation in less than 10 hours. And the family of brothers and sisters, although individual huge crocodiles, it is oviparous. Its life-expectancy of up to 70 years to 80 years, more than 100 years old. Female crocodiles grow to sexual maturity at the age of 12, began to give birth to 40 years old, to stop childbearing. Crocodile looks ugly, in fact, it bolder small, and some may even result in a small crocodile and frightening illness, such as China Chinese Alligator. strangers who approached one, it immediately holes are drilled in hiding. Crocodile rarely attack people, on the contrary, training, and it can cooperate with the performance. Being passed, kiss, Saddle and even big mouths After stretching its people, for the people watching this thrilling action. The alligator shows high economic values. Its artificial breeding efficiency, is the widening gap in Thailand's famous dragon Park, only eight years produce more than 60,000 alligator. put them into the market, has become a local source of money. This shows that the economic development of the human society alligator, also made a contribution