
1.Weagreedtoaccept________theythoughtwasthebesttouristguide.A.whateverB.whomeverC.whi... 1. We agreed to accept ________ they thought was the best tourist guide.
A. whatever
B. whomever
C. whichever
D. whoever
I’d ________ his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community, and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan.
A. take into account
B. account for
C. make up for
D. make out
6This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen ________ comfortably.
A. is worn
B. wears
C. wearing
D. are worn
8. In a sudden ________ of anger, the man tore up everything within reach.
A. attack
B. burst
C. split
D. blast
满分:4 分
9. Sometimes I wish I ________ in a different time and a different place.
A. be living
B. were living
C. would live
D. would have lived
12. Wouldn’t you rather your child ________ to bed early?
A. go
B. went
C. would go
D. goes

15. The words of his old teacher left a ________ impression on his mind. He is still influenced by them.
A. long
B. lively
C. lasting
D. liberal
17. Between 1974 and 1997, the number of overseas visitors expanded ________27%.
A. by
B. for
C. to
D. in
满分:4 分
18. Some diseases are ________ by certain water animals.
A. transplanted
B. transformed
C. transported
D. transmitted
满分:4 分
19. In Britain people ________ four million tons of potatoes every year.
A. swallow
B. dispose
C. consume
D. exhaust
满分:4 分
20. ________ she realized it was too late to go home.
A. No sooner it grew dark than
B. Hardly did it grow dark that
C. Scarcely had it grown dark than
D. It was not until dark that
满分:4 分
21. It is our ________ policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means.
A. consistent
B. continuous
C. considerate
D. continual
满分:4 分
22. It is essential that these application forms ________ back as early as possible.
A. must be sent
B. will be sent
C. are sent
D. be sent
满分:4 分
23. She ought to stop work; she has a headache because she ________ too long.
A. has been reading
B. had read
C. is reading
D. read
满分:4 分
24. Mike’s uncle insists ________ in this hotel.
A. whatever
B. whomever
C. whichever
D. whoever
满分:4 分
2010-06-27 · TA获得超过2137个赞
D whoever 不管哪位
A take into account 考虑
B wears 戴起来/使用
B burst 突发的(怒火)
B were living 虚拟语气
A go 应用动词原型
C lasting 长久的
A by 增加了
D transmitted 传播
C consume 食用
D It was not until dark that 直到天黑她才
A consistent 一贯的
C are sent 被送回,应用原型
A has been reading 应用进行时
A whatever 这个不是很确定
2024-07-24 广告
根据《劳动合同法》第八条规定:用人单位招用劳动者时,应当如实告知劳动者工作内容、工作条件、工作地点、职业危害、安全生产状况、劳动报酬,以及劳动者要求了解的其他情况;用人单位有权了解劳动者与劳动合同直接相关的基本情况,劳动者应当如实说明。缔约... 点击进入详情页
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