你可能是学习压力较大,脑力劳动较多。大脑容易缺氧,产生嗜睡表现。如果晚上睡眠质量好,白天还是困倦,不可抗拒,影响学习,那考虑您是嗜睡症。 嗜睡是一种神经性疾病,它能引起不可抑制性睡眠的发生。这些睡眠阶段会经常发生,且易发生的时间不合适宜,例如当说话、吃饭或驾车时。尽管睡眠可以发生的任何时间,但最常发生的是在不活动或单调、重复性活动阶段。 中医中药根据患者的具体情况辨证论治,效果不错。另外.给你一点本人的方法吧 买瓶风油精,一瞌睡是就涂点在太阳穴上,很管用的,我现在还用着. 这种方法还有一个好处,就是不仅让本人清醒了,还能把周围的人也弄醒,他们会感谢你的哦. 还有,作业多不是利用,老师不会让所有的学生天天熬夜,原因只有一个那就是做题效率低。提高做题效率,晚上自然就会不熬夜,白天就不困,听课效率就搞,作业完成就快,做题效率就搞。 看明白了吗,这是良性循环。熬夜、吃药那就会进入恶性循环。
Do you know the harm of sleeping during class?The importance of sleep With so many obligations and concerns that modern life brings, people don't care much about having a good sleep. Some think that sleep is a waste of time. Others want to sleep better, but cannot. In my opinion,sleep is so important toourhuman being's health! Good sleep is essential for physical, mental and spiritual health. We spend a third of our lives sleeping. It is during sleep time that mental and bodily functions are restored and the body is prepared to face the next day. However, the vast majority of people do not sleep properly, which can cause serious health problems. Sleeping poorly can cause memory loss, depression, and difficulty concentrating. In adults, the lack of sleep interferes with the ability to assess risks and make decisions. Children are also affected. Sleeping late affect the release of growth hormones, make children more irritable and with less ability to concentrate in school.Also, when we sleep poorly for a long time, our body undergoes physiological changes that may be related to obesity and diabetes. Make adjustments in your schedule so you can sleep more and better. Remember that the hours of sleep before midnight are essential for a good rest。
Do you know the harm of sleeping during class?The importance of sleep With so many obligations and concerns that modern life brings, people don't care much about having a good sleep. Some think that sleep is a waste of time. Others want to sleep better, but cannot. In my opinion,sleep is so important toourhuman being's health! Good sleep is essential for physical, mental and spiritual health. We spend a third of our lives sleeping. It is during sleep time that mental and bodily functions are restored and the body is prepared to face the next day. However, the vast majority of people do not sleep properly, which can cause serious health problems. Sleeping poorly can cause memory loss, depression, and difficulty concentrating. In adults, the lack of sleep interferes with the ability to assess risks and make decisions. Children are also affected. Sleeping late affect the release of growth hormones, make children more irritable and with less ability to concentrate in school.Also, when we sleep poorly for a long time, our body undergoes physiological changes that may be related to obesity and diabetes. Make adjustments in your schedule so you can sleep more and better. Remember that the hours of sleep before midnight are essential for a good rest。