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2015-04-26 · 知道合伙人教育行家
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Happy is neither a gift nor a right,we must take the initiative to seek out,heart to pursue in order to obtain.When you try new things,accept new challenges,because you will discover a new dimension of life but pleasantly surprised.There are dreams,there to pursue,there will be happy.Because the course of the struggle and achieve the goals of the brilliant,can engender immense pleasure.
What is happiness - we have to learn to tell myself over and not with others than to recognize their own weaknesses and humbly accept the recommendations of others,help and advice,to abandon his mind to bear the "accomplishments" stress.Believe that today better than yesterday and tomorrow better than today.
What is happiness - "caring only for their own people will turn their own slaves." If only for myself,life will become narrow-minded,always been limited."Human need for love",to be respected by others,first of all to respect other people first,when you right around anything,then full of love,the world will become a better human.
Happiness is a state of mind,happiness is not from the object,it is not a thing.Happy is not a chase - you do not need to firmly grasp it,because it's in your heart,you have got it.But this does not mean you do not need to contribute their energies to it.Happy like a party,you sit down to enjoy the fun - but only you want it,you are ready for it until lightly come prepared to allow himself happy bar!Let the good place bar!
If you are not happy,then the best way to find happiness is to boost morale,so that actions and words seem to have felt happy look.Make your face showing a happy smiling face to upright,properly took a deep breath,and then sing a short song; If you are harmonically-challenged,on the whistle; if you do not whistle,we sing a ballad.You will soon discover that you simply will not be worried and decadence go on.
If we want to develop peaceful and happy state of mind,please remember the following words:"With a happy thought and action,you can be happy."
Happy living columnist Harris and friends to buy a newspaper on the newsstand,friends,and politely said thank you to the newspaper vendors,but the newspaper vendors had lengkou cold shoulder,without a word.
"This guy,poor attitude,is not it?" They move on when Harris asked."He's like every night." Friend."Then why are you so kind to him?" Harris asked.Friend A:"Why should I let him decide my actions?"
Every one has the "key to happiness," but we are often unwittingly give it to someone else in charge.
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