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 我来答
2015-10-02 · TA获得超过2973个赞
今天我一到幼儿园,我的老师告诉我说有几个孩子开始在训练上厕所了toilet training了
Today, when I was in kindergarten, my teacher told me that a few kids started to go to the bathroom with training toilet.
In fact, most of the children in our class have to go to the bathroom.
Only a small portion of the child is still in the bag, in order to let them grow up and learn more.
Our teachers decided that they had to start to go to the bathroom.
Also because of this, so pay special attention to the time when they go to the toilet, there is no real stool and urine
所以现在的我 都会特别帮忙注意他们上厕所 大小便的时候
So now I'm going to pay special attention to the size of the toilet.
我认为这样的训练是必须的 并且是非常重要的
I think this training is necessary and very important.
因为他们必须长大 必须知道什麼时候该上厕所
Because they have to grow up and have to know when to go to the bathroom.
Instead of relying on a diaper
In the morning, we took the kids out for a walk to the park. We were going to take the kids to the park.
却发现公园里的门是被锁住的 也因为这样没办法
It was found that the door is locked in the park is also because it can not
只好改变方向 带孩子们走别条路去散步
Had to change the direction of the children take a walk along the road
虽然没办法去公园玩 但其实带孩子们在街道上散布我觉得是一件很棒的事情
Although there is no way to go to the park to play, but it is a great thing to take the kids on the streets.
Children learn a lot of different things from the things they see.
例如 当我们看到有货车经过时 我们都会告诉他们说 那裏有一辆好大的货车喔 有人可以告诉我什麼颜色吗,孩子们都会抢先回答
For example, when we see a truck passing by, we'll tell them that there's a good van. Oh, can you tell me why the color will be the first time the children will be able to answer it.
给其他的例子 例如有经过超市时经过水果蔬菜广告看板时,我们都会让孩子们说出看到的蔬菜水果名字,孩子们也都会很兴奋的回答
Give examples of other such as after the supermarket after the fruits and vegetables billboards, we will let children to say to see the name of fruits and vegetables, the children will be very excited to answer
我觉得在街道上散步真是个非常好的教学活动方式 因为可以依据看到的东西而延伸不同的主题去教导孩子
I think walking on the street is really a very good teaching activity because it can be found on the basis of what they see as a way to teach their children.
In the afternoon I made an activity in my class.
I used my own design to make the children challenge me to do the four pieces of the puzzle
Although seemingly simple, but for this age of the children.
Be a full and challenging event.
Most of the children are full of excitement, but only a few of the children of the success of the four pieces of the puzzle I do
我觉得我设计的这个活动 还不错
I think I designed this activity is not bad.
Because it can train children's thinking and logical ability, and so on.
Today also spent a very full day
I think every Wednesday day to stay in kindergarten
I will learn a lot of different things.
It really helped me a lot.

Today the weather overcast, but no rain, it is not particularly cold
So we took the children out for a walk, but did not expect to go on a walk to the park, it began to rain
Because of this, we must go home, go back to the kindergarten
Also because these two days are not going to the park to play, so the children are very disappointed
班上有个孩子叫做Vafa 她才刚来到这班上不久
There is a child in the class called Vafa. She has just come to this class.
之前我实习的前一两个礼拜 我每次来 我都看见他在哭
One or two weeks ago I came to see him every time I came to see him
而且她必须要有母亲的陪伴 她才不会哭
And she must have her mother to accompany her to not cry
也因为他一直哭 所以她母亲很早就把她接走了 所以她待在班上的时间并不多
Also because he has been crying so her mother took her to the very early so she stayed in the class time is not much
但渐渐的我发现这个孩子越来越好了 比之前刚来时的她好很多
But gradually I found that this child is better than before the arrival of her many
因为如今的她不再哭, 并且会主动来参语班上的活动
Because now she is no longer crying, and will take the initiative to participate in the activities of the language class
也因为这样 所以现在的她待在班上的时间越来越长,越来越习惯待在幼儿园里的生活
And because of this, she is now in the class, more and more long, more and more accustomed to life in the kindergarten
It's a great change. Now she can stay until the afternoon.
希望之後的她可以更适应 待到下午之後的时间
Hope that she can be more adapted to the time after the afternoon
下午我在班上做了两个美术活动 孩子们满喜欢我做个第一个美术apple craft的活动
In the afternoon I did two art activities in the class. The kids were full of love. I was the first art craft apple.
因为他们可以自己选择他们想在apple craft上放上自己想放的颜色
Because they can choose their own craft apple on their own to want to put the color
我做的第二个美术活动handprinting chicken 孩子们比较不感兴趣
I do the second art activities chicken handprinting children are not interested in
Maybe they feel a little difficult and challenging relationship
So then I just let the five kids do this activity.
Today I do the activities that are related to art.
Next time I want to challenge physical related music
I hope the kids will be more interested and more like and enjoy the activities I designed.
This morning because of the bad weather, and the relationship between the rain, so we did not take the children out for a walk
We spent the whole morning doing activities in the class.
我的老师准备了一个关於万圣节南瓜的painting 的活动给孩子们做
My teacher prepared a painting for Halloween pumpkins.
孩子们都很开心和兴奋 因为万圣节的到来
The children are happy and excited because of the arrival of Halloween.
The children take a nap, I and one of my teacher chat
She told me that she had taken the children to do the experience before.
And told me his ideas about how planning, layout and time planning and classroom clean sanitation problems and so on of
Really let me learn a lot, I feel very good
希望如果以後我拥有了自己的幼儿园 我可以把这些主意,想法运用在上面
I hope that if I have my own kindergarten, I can put these ideas, the idea used in the above
今天不晓得为什麼 我感觉班上有些孩子满焦虑(焦躁的)
Today I don't know why I feel a little boy in the class is full of anxiety (anxiety)
I saw a couple of children playing with each other, and each other, and a child's face was scratched.
My teachers and I kept on teaching and warned them, but later hit or pushed people's behavior or continue to occur
In the afternoon, two children have been injured, a child's mouth bleeding, and another child's face is caught red
真的是很可怕. 受伤总是会就这麼意外的发生,想阻止也阻止不了
Really is very terrible. The injury is always on the occurrence of this accident, want to stop also can not stop
我只能尽力的去监督孩子们了 尽量减少孩子们受伤的机会才是我应该要做的
I can only do my best to supervise the children to try to reduce the chances of a child's injury is what I should do
下午做了一个food science的活动
In the afternoon to do a science food activity
A male teacher came to our class to teach the children to make cream.
And to teach them the knowledge of milk, he also brought the apparatus to let the children to experience the real milk
What a great way to do it.
老师给孩子们吃饼乾上面沾了用牛奶做的奶油,孩子们都吃的好高兴 并且还吃了第二片呢
The teacher gave the children eat cookies above dip made from milk cream, the children are happy to eat well and eat second slices.
对我而言 这样的活动真是个满特别满有趣的经验呢
It's a really interesting experience for me.
Today is a very busy and rich day, feeling a lot of things happen
But I really learned a lot.
第一个链接:Today, when I was in kindergarten, my teacher told me that a few kids started to go to the bathroom with training toilet.
In fact, most of the children in our class have to go to the bathroom.
Only a small portion of the child is still in the bag, in order to let them grow up and learn more.
Our teachers decided that they had to start to go to the bathroom.
Also because of this, so pay special attention to the time when they go to the toilet, there is no real stool and urine
So now I'm going to pay special attention to the size of the toilet.
I think this training is necessary and very important.
Because they have to grow up and have to know when to go to the bathroom.
Instead of relying on a diaper
In the morning, we took the kids out for a walk to the park. We were going to take the kids to the park.
It was found that the door is locked in the park is also because it can not
Had to change the direction of the children take a walk along the road
Although there is no way to go to the park to play, but it is a great thing to take the kids on the streets.
Children learn a lot of different things from the things they see.
For example, when we see a truck passing by, we'll tell them that there's a good van. Oh, can you tell me why the color will be the first time the children will be able to answer it.
Give examples of other such as after the supermarket after the fruits and vegetables billboards, we will let children to say to see the name of fruits and vegetables, the children will be very excited to answer
I think walking on the street is really a very good teaching activity because it can be found on the basis of what they see as a way to teach their children.
In the afternoon I made an activity in my class.
I used my own design to make the children challenge me to do the four pieces of the puzzle
Although seemingly simple, but for this age of the children.
Be a full and challenging event.
Most of the children are full of excitement, but only a few of the children of the success of the four pieces of the puzzle I do
I think I designed this activity is not bad.
Because it can train children's thinking and logical ability, and so on.
Today also spent a very full day
I think every Wednesday day to stay in kindergarten
I will learn a lot of different things.
It really helped me a lot.
Today the weather overcast, but no rain, it is not particularly cold
So we took the children out for a walk, but did not expect to go on a walk to the park, it began to rain
Because of this, we must go home, go back to the kindergarten
Also because these two days are not going to the park to play, so the children are very disappointed
There is a child in the class called Vafa. She has just come to this class.
One or two weeks ago I came to see him every time I came to see him
And she must have her mother to accompany her to not cry
Also because he has been crying so her mother took her to the very early so she stayed in the class time is not much
But gradually I found that this child is better than before the arrival of her many
Because now she is no longer crying, and will take the initiative to participate in the activities of the language class
And because of this, she is now in the class, more and more long, more and more accustomed to life in the kindergarten
It's a great change. Now she can stay until the afternoon.
Hope that she can be more adapted to the time after the afternoon
In the afternoon I did two art activities in the class. The kids were full of love. I was the first art craft apple.
Because they can choose their own craft apple on their own to want to put the color
I do the second art activities chicken handprinting children are not interested in
Maybe they feel a little difficult and challenging relationship
So then I just let the five kids do this activity.
Today I do the activities that are related to art.
Next time I want to challenge physical related music
I hope the kids will be more interested and more like and enjoy the activities I designed.
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