超级英语高手来帮我翻译这篇中文的文章吧`~急啊.. 50
一、 第一次到中国旅游,应当先到哪些地方?
故宫 Imperial Palace 大雁塔 wild goose pagoda
颐和园 Summer Palace 鼓楼 drum tower 皇帝陵 the tomb of Huangdi
秦兵马俑 terra cotta soldiers and horses of the Qin Dynasty 展开
一、 第一次到中国旅游,应当先到哪些地方?
故宫 Imperial Palace 大雁塔 wild goose pagoda
颐和园 Summer Palace 鼓楼 drum tower 皇帝陵 the tomb of Huangdi
秦兵马俑 terra cotta soldiers and horses of the Qin Dynasty 展开
The beginning go to which places can Chinese tour arrive?
A, go to China to travel for the first time, should arrive first which places?
Answer:This wants to see first how much time can you arrange.Generally speaking, go to China for the first time, should arrive etc. of Peking, Shanghai, Xian ground first.
Peking is a Chinese politics, cultural center.In here you can sight-see the great wall of a segment- eight reach the 岭 ;The place that clear and pure two imperial house live- past temple;The Manchu Dynasty resists garden- Summer Palace and the North Seas, can also taste Peking of the orthodox school to roast duck, rinse the mutton.
Shanghai is a Chinese biggest city, making choice of purchase the product here quite the cheese, a light repast, pastry and handicraft article, textile products that species of Shanghai are of a great variety, will make you feel satisfied.Leave there are only several hours in Shanghai, Suzhou and Hangzhou of the road, is a representative of Chinese park art, was been called the " heaven" by the person.
Xian is the point of departure of the ancient Silk Road, is also a Chinese history to found a capital one of the most cities up.Qin's terra cotta warrior of the new exhumation was become" the eighth miracle in world";The big wild goose tower, the drum building is the building that the Tang Dynasty stay;You can arrive the pure pond of 华 that YANG2 GUI4 FEI take a shower to wash the hot springs 澡 ;Be the yellow descendant of 炎 can also call to pay respects to leave not far emperor 陵 in Xian.Can also enjoy to imitate Tang's music and song and dances in Xian, taste article Tang's vegetables.
Two, go to China to travel when the best?The winter go where good?
Answer:The Chinese territory is large, everyplace landscape, the weather difference is very big, can say a year, the four seasons can travel.Such as go to Peking, Shanghai, Xian that above-mentioned say best is in the spring, autumn two quarterses.
In winter you if afraid and cold can go to" the spring city" of have no intense heat and sever winter- Kunming, there is fascinating stone wood there and pond of 滇 , can also arrive a version of west 纳 to enjoy the tropical landscape.Can also go to the laurel wood, along river of 漓 with the current but descend arrive the sun 朔 ," laurel wood the landscape number one in the world, the sun 朔 landscape A laurel wood", this tour item will not make you disappoint.Did not see the ice snow HongKong-Macau compatriot, might as well at a, February goes to the strand of 哈尔 , there is the world of the ice snow, can with the view snow landscape, see the ice light, ski, skate.
Three, have to deserve most to buy what things in China?The where buy quite the cheese?
Answer:The handicraft article, silk, china, carpet, the cotton textile product of China at possess the great reputation in the world, and even more reasonable than purchasing the price in other places of world, choose the leeway larger.Chinese everyplace has the oneself the special product and can buy, saying the enamel, carpet of Peking for example;The Chinese clothing, cotton textile product of Shanghai;The silk of Hangzhou;The curio of Suzhou;The going to Xian you can buy the terra cotta warrior, Tang three colourful.If you dislike troublesome, can also buy thing once together in the comity store of Peking, Shanghai, the general sources of the comity store of big city Cities are all more ample, and generally can with generation you check.
Love the visitor of art, can purchase the calligraphy and curios still in China.But remember and must have the invoice and authenticate the marking( namely red paint marking) formally, just meet the trouble in the maritime customs unlikely.
Big wild goose tower wild goose pagoda of the past temple Imperial Palace
Summer Palace Summer Palace drum building drum tower emperor 陵 the tomb of Huangdi
Qin terra cotta warrior terra cotta soldiers and horses of the Qin Dynasty
The beginning go to which places can Chinese tour arrive?
A, go to China to travel for the first time, should arrive first which places?
Answer:This wants to see first how much time can you arrange.Generally speaking, go to China for the first time, should arrive etc. of Peking, Shanghai, Xian ground first.
Peking is a Chinese politics, cultural center.In here you can sight-see the great wall of a segment- eight reach the 岭 ;The place that clear and pure two imperial house live- past temple;The Manchu Dynasty resists garden- Summer Palace and the North Seas, can also taste Peking of the orthodox school to roast duck, rinse the mutton.
Shanghai is a Chinese biggest city, making choice of purchase the product here quite the cheese, a light repast, pastry and handicraft article, textile products that species of Shanghai are of a great variety, will make you feel satisfied.Leave there are only several hours in Shanghai, Suzhou and Hangzhou of the road, is a representative of Chinese park art, was been called the " heaven" by the person.
Xian is the point of departure of the ancient Silk Road, is also a Chinese history to found a capital one of the most cities up.Qin's terra cotta warrior of the new exhumation was become" the eighth miracle in world";The big wild goose tower, the drum building is the building that the Tang Dynasty stay;You can arrive the pure pond of 华 that YANG2 GUI4 FEI take a shower to wash the hot springs 澡 ;Be the yellow descendant of 炎 can also call to pay respects to leave not far emperor 陵 in Xian.Can also enjoy to imitate Tang's music and song and dances in Xian, taste article Tang's vegetables.
Two, go to China to travel when the best?The winter go where good?
Answer:The Chinese territory is large, everyplace landscape, the weather difference is very big, can say a year, the four seasons can travel.Such as go to Peking, Shanghai, Xian that above-mentioned say best is in the spring, autumn two quarterses.
In winter you if afraid and cold can go to" the spring city" of have no intense heat and sever winter- Kunming, there is fascinating stone wood there and pond of 滇 , can also arrive a version of west 纳 to enjoy the tropical landscape.Can also go to the laurel wood, along river of 漓 with the current but descend arrive the sun 朔 ," laurel wood the landscape number one in the world, the sun 朔 landscape A laurel wood", this tour item will not make you disappoint.Did not see the ice snow HongKong-Macau compatriot, might as well at a, February goes to the strand of 哈尔 , there is the world of the ice snow, can with the view snow landscape, see the ice light, ski, skate.
Three, have to deserve most to buy what things in China?The where buy quite the cheese?
Answer:The handicraft article, silk, china, carpet, the cotton textile product of China at possess the great reputation in the world, and even more reasonable than purchasing the price in other places of world, choose the leeway larger.Chinese everyplace has the oneself the special product and can buy, saying the enamel, carpet of Peking for example;The Chinese clothing, cotton textile product of Shanghai;The silk of Hangzhou;The curio of Suzhou;The going to Xian you can buy the terra cotta warrior, Tang three colourful.If you dislike troublesome, can also buy thing once together in the comity store of Peking, Shanghai, the general sources of the comity store of big city Cities are all more ample, and generally can with generation you check.
Love the visitor of art, can purchase the calligraphy and curios still in China.But remember and must have the invoice and authenticate the marking( namely red paint marking) formally, just meet the trouble in the maritime customs unlikely.
Big wild goose tower wild goose pagoda of the past temple Imperial Palace
Summer Palace Summer Palace drum building drum tower emperor 陵 the tomb of Huangdi
Qin terra cotta warrior terra cotta soldiers and horses of the Qin Dynasty