adsl: asymmetric digital subscriber line,不对称数字订阅线路
ah: authentication header,鉴定文件头
amr(audio/modem riser,音效/数据主机板附加直立插卡)
arp(address resolution protocol,地址解析协议)
atm(asynchronous transfer mode,异步传输模式)
bod(bandwidth on demand,弹性带宽运用)
cbr(mitted burst rate,约定突发速率)
ccirn: coordinating mittee for intercontinental research working,洲
ccm(call control manager,拨号控制管理)
cdsl: consumer digital subscriber line(消费者数字订阅线路)
cgi(mon gateway interface,通用网关接口)
ciea: mercial inter exchange association,商业因特网交易协会
cir(mitted infomation rate,约定信息速率)
cts(clear to send,清除发送)
dbs-pc: direct broadcast satellite pc(人造卫星直接广播式pc)
dce: data circuit terminal equipment,数据通信设备
des: data encryption standard,数据加密标准
dmt: discrete multi - tone,不连续多基频模式
dns(domain name system,域名系统)
docsis(data over cable service interface specifications,线缆服务接口数据规格)
dte: data terminal equipment,数据终端设备
ebr(excess burst rate,超额突发速率)
esp: encapsulating security payload,压缩安全有效载荷
fdm: frequency division multi,频率分离
fricc: federal research inter coordinating mittee,联邦调查因特网协调委员会
ftp(file transfer protocol,文件传输协议)
ghost:(general hardware oriented system transfer,全面硬件导向系统转移)
hdsl: high bit rate dsl,高比特率数字订阅线路
(hypertext transfer protocol,超文本传输协议)
icmp(inter control message protocol,因特网信息控制协议)
ietf(inter engineering task framework,因特网工程任务组)
ike: inter key exchange,因特网密钥交换协议
imap4: inter message access protocol version 4,第四版因特网信息存取协议
ip(inter protocol,网际协议)
isdn(integrated service digital work,综合服务数字网络)
isoc: inter society,因特网协会
isp(inter service provider,因特网服务提供商)
lan(local area work,局域网)
ldap: lightweight directory access protocol,轻权目录访问协议
iab: inter activities board,因特网工作委员会
ietf: inter engineering task force,因特网工程作业推动
l2tp(layer 2 tunneling protocol,二级通道协议)
lmds: local multipoint distributed system,局域多点分布式系统
mime: multipurpose inter mail extension,多用途因特网邮件扩展协议
mnp: micro working protocal
modem(modulator demodulator,调制解调器)
nat(work address translation,网络地址转换)
nc(work puter,网络计算机)转载请保留
nds: novell directory service,novell目录服务
nntp: work news transfer protocol,网络新闻传输协议
msn: microsoft work,微软网络
ofdm(orthogonal frequency division multiplexing,直角频率部分多路复用)
p3p(privacy preference project,个人私隐安全平台)
pds: public directory support,公众目录支持
pgp: pretty good privacy,优良保密协议
pics: platform for inter content selection,因特网内容选择平台
pof: polymer optical fiber,聚合体光纤
pop3: post office protocol version 3,第三版电子邮局协议
pptp: point to point tunneling protocol,点对点通道协议
radsl: rate adaptive dsl,速率自适应数字订阅线路
rarp(reverse address resolution protocol,反向地址解析协议)
rdf: resource deXion framework,资源描述框架
rsa(rivest shamir adlemen,一种因特网加密和认证体系)
rts(request to send,需求发送)
sis: switched interworking services(交换式网络互联服务)
s/mime: secure mime,安全多用途因特网邮件扩展协议
snmp(simple work management protocol,简单网络管理协议)
*** tp(simple mail transfer protocol,简单邮件传输协议)
skip: simple key exchange inter protocol,因特网简单密钥交换协议
sua(single user account,单用户帐号)
tcp(tran *** ission control protocol,传输控制协议)
uart(universal asynchronous receiver/tran *** itter,通用异步接收/发送装置)
udp(user datagram protocol,用户数据报协议)
uls: user location service,用户定位服务
vod: video on demand,视频点播
vpn: virtual private work, 虚拟局域网
(world wide web,万维网,是因特网的一部分)