Edelweiss, Edelweiss
Every morning you greet me
Small and white,
clean and bright
You look happy to meet me
Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow
Bloom and grow forever
Edelweiss, Edelweiss
Bless my homeland forever
Edelweiss, Edelweiss
Every morning you greet me
Small and white,
clean and bright
You look happy to meet me
Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow
Bloom and grow forever
Edelweiss, Edelweiss
Bless my homeland forever
《伴你二十年特辑:黑鸭子圣诞经典》是“黑鸭子”圣诞经典专辑,让我们一起倾听圣诞的歌声。《silent night》这首脍炙人口的歌曲曲子动听,歌词优美,充满了一种属天的安宁。在这繁忙的季节中,让我们暂时忘掉那些杂事吧!安静下来,倾听那来自心底的轻轻的《平安夜》歌声,思想两千年前那个夜晚在伯利恒降生的婴孩对人类、对历史、对你我的个人生命的真正意义……“黑鸭子”那圆润优美和谐的声音,演唱着优雅动听而又经典的旋律。让人久久地停留在温柔恬静的音乐中。