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street funk


Breaking Boy, Boogie Boy,只要是跳Breaking的都叫B-Boy.


















B-Boy倒立且旋转,然后随着身体重量的移转由一只手换到另一只手做动 作,做到脚着地为止.(俗称手转)







poppin就是大家说的机械舞.通过肌肉的放松收紧所达到的视觉效果和节奏配合的一种舞蹈. hiphop是由自由的舞步及动作组成的舞蹈.以up-down以及基础舞步等等为基础. hip hop源起美国纽约布鲁克林区.人们厌倦贫困.毒品充斥及失业率高的问题. 然而却无力脱离这样萧条的环境.贫民窟的人们渴望变的富有.需要感情的慰藉. 缺乏食物.期望生活有所改善. 他们用肢体动作.音乐.饶舌歌曲谈论暴力.女人.社会现象.埋怨并且有许多的不平之鸣. 即使身处在这当中.他们仍然期望可以得著自我的满足.逐渐演变成一种特别的文化称之hip hop. 是最单纯而原始的人性与内心的渴望. hip hop文化的本质其实就是回归个人意识.并且宣导美国社会还存有著不同成程度上的经济与政治迫害. 目前美国最热门的hip hop音乐属电子合成音乐.强调回归本质与原始初衷. live表演成为hip hop不可或缺的一环.音乐取材综合各派系.包含爵士乐.灵魂乐. 黑人传统音乐.摇滚乐.拉丁乐.甚至亚洲音乐等. 饶舌歌曲加入诗词和俗语.乍听之下充满慢骂不平.然而却有其特殊的韵味甚至议题性.不单只局限於压韵及节奏而已. 所以有些人认为hip hop可以称为种族音乐的融合.hip hop的音乐呈现出不同层次及繁复的节奏. 其精神在於创作好的音乐.就必须仍把音乐分层次.并传达清楚的意念.也许快乐或悲伤.但意念一定出自创作者本人. 形成hip hop四个主要元素为DJ(djing).舞者(Dancer).MC饶舌歌者(emceeing)及涂鸦(graffititi). 各自有其不同风格与属性.台湾的hip hop团体虽然仍著重於舞蹈的分部.但是团队的组合以略为成形. 为独涂鸦的部分仍属青涩的阶段. 其源头是美国街头黑人文化,包括音乐、舞蹈、涂鸦、刺青和衣着。

美国纽约的黑人社区BRONX于是成为Hip-Hop文化的源头。 HIP HOP是源自美国纽约的黑人社区BRONX,他们将生活上的娱乐发展成为现今多样的HIP - HOP 文化,发挥黑人独有的特质,如节奏感及歌声进而舒缓情绪和消遣。

照字面来看HIP是臀部,HOP是跳跃的意思 实际上 , 它是一种生活文化的统称.HIP HOP 包含了 . DANCE.DJ . MC(Party里头,用很有押韵节奏表演绕舌的人) GRAFFITI WRITING(街头涂鸦)还有很酷的.黑人头、装扮.等.它是个深入黑人生活文化的精神,结合了黑人的语言,音乐,舞蹈,生活方式。等 jazz就是爵士.现在一般是指的New jazz.性感动作为主. lockin是锁舞.是动作的快速与突然停顿.就想上发条的玩具突然停止.主要以绕手等为基础. breakin即我们说的技巧.需要力量以及平衡.以次为基础做出高难度的动作.又可以分style和power. house主要是由自由的脚上动作组成.国内不太流行. newstyle是个人风格很强的一种舞蹈.以hiphop,lockin,poppin,C-walk等为基础.音乐有hiphop的感觉. kurmp有点类似打架的感觉.不过在国内跳的是另一种风格,接近hiphop. regge是一种女士舞蹈.主要依靠臀部的抖动等.听说不太适合亚洲人.。


street dance Street dance is an umbrella term used to describe dance styles that evolved outside of dance studios at more everyday spaces such as streets, school yards and nightclubs. They're often improvisational and social in nature, encouraging interaction and contact with the spectators and the other dancers.Today, street dance is monly used specifically for the many hip hop dances and funk dance styles that began appearing in the United States in the 1970s, and are still alive and evolving within the hip hop culture of today. Most of these styles are considered African American vernacular dances as they first appeared within African American munities.Origins Many street dance styles were formed as an answer to needs among youths of various urban areas, such as the lack of affordable dance studios. They also offered an alternative lifestyle to gang violence, opening up new ways to form social bonds and expressing their feelings through nonviolent and creative methods.Characteristics Opposite to many other dance forms, most street dances encourage individuality and originality, and that dancers interpret the existing moves freely and even invent new ones to create a personal style of their own. Improvisation is the heart of most street dances, though choreography is also seen, mostly mixed with improvisation or used for prepared shows.Generally, a street dance is based on a unique style or feel that are expressed through the dance, usually tied to a certain genre of music. As new moves evolve based on this feel, the dance is under constant development, and if the feel starts to change it might give birth to a pletely new dance form.Battles Many street dances involve battles of some sort (known as jamming in other dance cultures), where individuals or groups of people (called crews in hip hop contexts) dance against each other, with the observing crowd or a group of judges deciding the winner. Battles normally takes place in a circle of free space on the dance floor, with the dancers taking turns to enter and executing their moves. Normally, if the street dance style is not a partner dance, only one dancer performs at a time, except when people from the same crew performs a choreographed routine. There are some exceptions to this, such as uprocking, which uses a line formation with the dancers facing each other on fixed positions on a straight line, dancing simultaneously.Battles are very improvisational in nature, and the winners are often those who best manage to adapt to the music, their opponents and the current atmosphere. Though battles can bee quite energetic, most dancers consider it very important to show respect to all other dancers, even to adversaries. To let the feelings in a battle bee too personal is generally frowned upon.Competitions Today, serious street dance petitions are getting increasingly popular, and a number of large reoccurring international events are taking place around the world, such as Battle of the Year, Juste Debout, iDance UK Hip Hop Crew Championships and Jump Off. These contests focus mainly on judged battles but also on choreographed shows.Styles Some of the most famous street dance styles of today, such as breakdancing, popping and locking, began appearing around the 1970s, with breakdancing soon being a part of the hip hop culture. Popping and locking are considered funk dances rather than hip hop dances, but are today monly associated with the hip hop scene and breakdancing as well, as they share many street dance elements.More recently, new street dance styles are emerging that are further inspired by hip hop and its music. Krumping, with its focus on highly energetic battles and movements, is an example of such a style that just recently became publicly known. It's also mon to see some characteristics of street dance being mixed with other more traditional dance forms, creating styles such as street-jazz, a hybrid of modern hip hop styles and jazz dance. Such styles are generally focused more on choreography and performance and less on improvisation and battles, and are not always considered pure street dances.。


A boy called Bob.He is interersted in Art and Hip-hop.Bob watches about this TV everyday.Bob's mother very angry .She said;'Bob ,Don't do it.It is bad for you.Now , stopping to study.Study is good for you 'Bob's father said:'Bob,You mustn't do this.You should get a good result.'Bob very sad.He think his parents don't understand him. I think Bob should tell his parents about his ideas.He should Good munication with his parents. I think Bob's parents do this because of They think it is advantageous to the child grow out looking for a job, later will be better 。

They did this in order to Bob's life will be better.But Just the way they let us is difficult to understand .。


街舞(英:Hip Hop,日:ヒップホップ)最早起源于撒哈拉以南的非洲,是爵士舞发展到20世纪90年代的产物,它的动作是由各种走、跑、跳组合而成,并通过头、颈、肩、上肢、躯干等关节的屈伸、转动、绕环、摆振、波浪形扭动等连贯组合而成的,各个动作都有其特定的健身效果,既注意了上肢与下肢、腹部与背部、头部与躯干动作的协调,又注意了组成各环节各部分独立运动。80年代传入中国,并逐渐作为健身活动传播开来。


Breaking(霹雳舞) Poppin(机械舞) Locking(锁舞) Punking/Wacking/Voguing(甩舞) Hiphop(自由舞) House Jazz (爵士舞) Raggae(雷鬼舞) Krump Breaking“斗舞”battle评分标准

首先要评定一场battle一定要有裁判,而裁判必须是具有很高的专业力的dancer,我这里用bboybattle来说明,作为bboy裁判,他本身必须对这个舞蹈有一定的了解,要看过很多的video,这里是为了看出biting现象.还要了解breaking里面的很多细节所在,知道什么东西难之类的.所以bboy battle的裁判最好是请有些知名度的bboy来担任,最好能有2位以上的裁判,这样才可以尽量排除主观方面的问题.还有就是双方出场的次数必须一样,人数只要不是相差太夸张则问题不大,以5分钟的battle来说,双方通常只各有5-6次出场的机会. 街舞中引入的中国元素

具体评分的时候就得根据几个方面来评定了:我觉得最基本可以分成以下几个方面: 基本功,看你是不是在跳breaking,味道正不正,确保你不是体操或杂技. 动作难度,看freeze,powermove,动作连接等几个方面,不是说你一个freeze能定3秒就一定比定1秒的厉害,还包括是否完成的干净利落等.在powermove方面比如都是同样的动作所组成的bo,那windmill-1990就比flare-1990难了. 独创性,看你的动作是不是抄袭的?有没有你自己的东西?还是你带来了一种全新的东西舞感和气势,看你是不是在跳舞?动作和节奏是否融合?有没有 *** ?你们crew在场上是不是能控制局势和赢得观众?你的动作出的合不合时机以上是我觉得用来评定一场battle的最基本的4个方面,每次评分是0-4分(0分是一塌糊涂,4分是非常完美,这里千万要慎重来评,千万不能存有怜悯心态,不如说给点面子吧,免得输得太难看,要知道,每一分都将有可能左右到比赛的结果)你可以请4位裁判每人评一个方面,评基本功的就专门看基本功,评动作难度就就专看动作难度,比如A方的第一位出场的bboy的得分是:1-2, 2-4, 3-1, 4-3,B方第一位出场的bboy的得分是:1-3, 2-1, 3-3, 4-3.这样每个bboy的得分就出来了,比如这场battle双方各出了5位bboy,最后把他们的个人得分相加就是全队最后的得分了. 总之最后还是要看裁判的眼光了,方法只能尽量的规范些,但不能确保就是绝对的.因为每个方面的空间都很大,都有很多讲究,要*裁判的能力去评定了.breaking的评定是根据多方面来的,常常有些powermove很厉害或能玩很多高难动作的bboy输了battle不服,那没有办法,这是breaking battle,如果你要光看动作难度的话你应该去体操或杂技.这里我不是看轻难度,难度在breaking里面占50%的比重,但每样东西都有自己的规矩,你必须按照它来进行.


街舞(英:Hip Hop,日:ヒップホップ)最早起源于撒哈拉以南的非洲,是爵士舞发展到20世纪90年代的产物,它的动作是由各种走、跑、跳组合而成,并通过头、颈、肩、上肢、躯干等关节的屈伸、转动、绕环、摆振、波浪形扭动等连贯组合而成的,各个动作都有其特定的健身效果,既注意了上肢与下肢、腹部与背部、头部与躯干动作的协调,又注意了组成各环节各部分独立运动。

80年代传入中国,并逐渐作为健身活动传播开来。以下是几种常见的街舞舞种: Breaking(霹雳舞) Poppin(机械舞) Locking(锁舞) Punking/Wacking/Voguing(甩舞) Hiphop(自由舞) House Jazz (爵士舞) Raggae(雷鬼舞) Krump Breaking“斗舞”battle评分标准 首先要评定一场battle一定要有裁判,而裁判必须是具有很高的专业力的dancer,我这里用bboybattle来说明,作为bboy裁判,他本身必须对这个舞蹈有一定的了解,要看过很多的video,这里是为了看出biting现象.还要了解breaking里面的很多细节所在,知道什么东西难之类的.所以bboy battle的裁判最好是请有些知名度的bboy来担任,最好能有2位以上的裁判,这样才可以尽量排除主观方面的问题.还有就是双方出场的次数必须一样,人数只要不是相差太夸张则问题不大,以5分钟的battle来说,双方通常只各有5-6次出场的机会. 街舞中引入的中国元素具体评分的时候就得根据几个方面来评定了:我觉得最基本可以分成以下几个方面: 基本功,看你是不是在跳breaking,味道正不正,确保你不是体操或杂技. 动作难度,看freeze,powermove,动作连接等几个方面,不是说你一个freeze能定3秒就一定比定1秒的厉害,还包括是否完成的干净利落等.在powermove方面比如都是同样的动作所组成的bo,那windmill-1990就比flare-1990难了. 独创性,看你的动作是不是抄袭的?有没有你自己的东西?还是你带来了一种全新的东西舞感和气势,看你是不是在跳舞?动作和节奏是否融合?有没有 *** ?你们crew在场上是不是能控制局势和赢得观众?你的动作出的合不合时机以上是我觉得用来评定一场battle的最基本的4个方面,每次评分是0-4分(0分是一塌糊涂,4分是非常完美,这里千万要慎重来评,千万不能存有怜悯心态,不如说给点面子吧,免得输得太难看,要知道,每一分都将有可能左右到比赛的结果)你可以请4位裁判每人评一个方面,评基本功的就专门看基本功,评动作难度就就专看动作难度,比如A方的第一位出场的bboy的得分是:1-2, 2-4, 3-1, 4-3,B方第一位出场的bboy的得分是:1-3, 2-1, 3-3, 4-3.这样每个bboy的得分就出来了,比如这场battle双方各出了5位bboy,最后把他们的个人得分相加就是全队最后的得分了. 总之最后还是要看裁判的眼光了,方法只能尽量的规范些,但不能确保就是绝对的.因为每个方面的空间都很大,都有很多讲究,要*裁判的能力去评定了.breaking的评定是根据多方面来的,常常有些powermove很厉害或能玩很多高难动作的bboy输了battle不服,那没有办法,这是breaking battle,如果你要光看动作难度的话你应该去体操或杂技.这里我不是看轻难度,难度在breaking里面占50%的比重,但每样东西都有自己的规矩,你必须按照它来进行.。


Historically, rap music es from hip-hop culture. The roots of rap music trace back to the Jamaican ska era of the mid-60s. MCs rapping over party music made its way to New York a decade later, thanks to DJ Kool Herc, a man many crown the "Father of Hip Hop." Kool Herc emigrated from Jamaica to New York in 1967 and helped give birth to the hip-hop culture that would continue to thrive and spread.

The Hip Hop Neork notes that while the Sugar Hill Gang's 1979 "Rapper's Delight" was the first breakthrough rap hit, it emerged from a "an inner-city phenomenon centering on DJs and including equal proportions of break dancing, MCing, and graffiti art."

More recently, "rap" has been used to describe the aggressive, mass-market produced music of Nas or Eminem. But, as one online encyclopedia points out, "Not all music that has rapping in it, however, is actually rap music, and not all hip-hop music has rapping in it." Artists like Jurassic 5 and De La Soul typify hip-hop music, which is generally more multi-instrumented and less in-your-face.

Rap and hip-hop music is now a huge industry, and it has the diversity of a huge industry. There's Christian rap, Latin rap, southern rap. Check out the Rap and Hip-Hop category in the Yahoo! Directory for more resources, including Davy D's Hip Hop Corner.


makeup artist 化妆师

principal 主要演员

understudy 替角

patron/sponsor 赞助者

stage hand 舞台工作人员,置景工,舞台装卸工

stage crew 舞台工作人员

publicist 宣传人员

Personnel 员工

Production Team 制作队

executive producer 执行制作人

musical director 音乐总监

choreographer 编舞者

technical director 技术总监

stage designer 舞台设计师

production property master 道具负责人

sound designer 音响设计师

costume designer 服装设计师

lighting designer 灯光设计师

scenic designer 布景设计师


street dance 街舞



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