大片大片的沙质荒地被开垦出来了。Large tracts of sandy wastes were reclaimed. 在北京以东的沙质平原上,“星耀五洲”(the world)项目陷于困境。On the sandy plains east of Beijing, the world is in trouble. 基于遥感、GIS的内蒙古沙漠和沙质荒漠化研究
Research on Sandy Desertification in Inner Mongolia by Remote Sensing and GIS PAM对沙质土壤持水性的效应研究Effect of PAM on Water Holding Capacity of Sandy Soils 建立了该区域内沙质海岸防护林体系的遥感解译标志.并对遥感与地理信
包系统(GIS)技术集成用于海防林体系的动态监测做了初步探讨。And sets up their interpreted signals. Dynamic supervising of Shelter-forest System through tile integrated technology of remote sensing and GIS is also discussed。