1.With the help of artificial respiration his mother soon brought the boy to.他母亲用人工呼吸很快使那男孩苏醒过来了。
2.On deck, mother shouts orders and steers, while father poles to keep the boat off the bank.甲板上,母亲呼喊着号子并掌着舵,与此同时父亲撑篙防止船靠岸。
3.His mother laughed, put some Elder-flowers in the tea-pot, and poured boiling water upon them.他的母亲笑了,把一些接骨木花放进茶壶里,把开水倒在它们上面。
4.A photograph of my mother sits on an easel next to the urn.在骨灰盒边上有一个画架,上面放着我母亲的大照片。
5.He is instead a Greek mythological king. His father was Zeus and his mother a nymph named Pluto.他被一个希腊神话中的国王所代替,他的父亲是宙斯,他的母亲是一个名为普鲁特的仙女。
6.The nucleus in shrinking cytoplasm of microspore mother cell enters into telophase. 另一些花粉母细胞在末期具有微核。