
我期末考试要用,请大虾们帮帮我!!!!!!!... 我期末考试要用,请大虾们帮帮我!!!!!!! 展开
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推荐于2018-05-16 · TA获得超过5436个赞
Oh, that's it! Spindle, taillight.
Hey. Hey!
- What?
- What do you mean, "what"?
Hey! Hey, what are you doing?
Yeah, this is the sleeping chamber.
Go to sleep.
Don't make me come up there!
I'm so sorry, but I must have
the final ingredient for my potion.
Now, what's more important:
Me completing my life's work
for the salvation of the colony...
Which includes you guys.
- Or your sleep?
- Sleep. I'm going with sleep.
- Yeah, the second one.
Well, then I shall try to be very quiet.
That's it, I'm coming up there!
Fire crystals.
At last. The final ingredient.
I'm on vacation.
- No. No, cut it out.
- Dogpile.
It's the Destroyer!
Atomic wedgy.
And a clean break.
- Clean break. Excellent wedge.
- Yeah. All right.
Come on, man,
I'm running out of underwear.
Well, what are you gonna do about it, huh?
- Because I'm big and you're small.
- Yeah.
- Because he's big and you're small.
- Hey.
Quit repeating everything I say.
I was just adding emphasis, dude.
Man, why you gotta be hating?
- Zoc.
- Hova, please, get to the grass.
It's dangerous up here.
But I've always wanted to see
a human up close.
I hear they're capable of speech, like us.
They are nothing like us.
What you gonna do about it, ants?
Because I'm big and you're small.
Away, monster, or I will use my powers
to destroy you.
Powers that I have yet to perfect. Run!
We mean you no harm.
- Oh, great.
- Shoe!
- Please, go in peace.
- Look out!
- Are you all right?
- L... I guess he didn't hear me.
Peanut, it's time to come inside now.
I think I might have gotten through
to him.
- What do you think?
- Destroyer.
Tiffany, Lucas, we're leaving now.
Lucas? All the numbers are on the fridge.
- Good one. Extended play.
- Lucas.
What are you doing back there?
Why didn't you answer?
- Are you all right, sweetie?
- I'm fine.
- I was just playing with my friends.
- I don't know.
- Maybe we shouldn't go on vacation.
- Come on, it's our big wedding anniversary.
We're going to Puerco Vallarta.
And I gotta spend a little quality time
with the mamacita.
Don't cancel your vacation
just because of me.
- I can solve my own problems.
- Problems? What problems?
Does it have anything to do with
why I can't find your underwear?
Bed-wetting is nothing
to be ashamed of, Peanut.
What? Just stop it, Mom!
I don't have any problems
except for you treating me like a baby.
- Peanut.
- And stop calling me that.
Just go away and leave me alone.
I, Zoc, call upon the elements:
The wind that blows, rain that falls,
fire that burns.
Deliver your awesome power
and transform my potion.
That was great, sweetie.
I loved the smoke effects.
Didn't you, Spindle?
You rock. Curse upon your children.
I don't think rocks have children, honey.
- They won't now.
- Okay. What's the matter?
Hova, the potion is supposed to
change color.
It's not changing color.
It's not changing color.
I call upon the elements:
Wind, rain, et cetera.
Transform my potion and clacktiel.
Clacktiel, clacktiel...
- Maybe you're pronouncing it wrong.
- How could I pronounce it wrong?
- I made it up.
- Take a break.
Hova, perhaps you didn't notice but we were almost squished today,
and the colony is in shambles.
I am this close to finding a solution
to the human problem and you tell me I need to...
Hova, what are you doing?
- Nothing, I'm not doing anything.
- No. Wait.
- No.
- I'm simply walking towards you.
- There's no reason to panic.
- Wait. Now, Hova...
- I'm just coming towards you.
- Wait. No. Hova. No.
Does it tickle?
What about when I do this?
Why are you laughing?
I see you laughing.
Don't make me clacktiel you.
Well, I'm glad you two have something
to laugh about.
- Head of Council.
- Hi.
How nice of you to...
It was unexpected.
Forgive me.
I was working on an experiment.
Oh, yes, I see.
Well, we were... How may I be of service?
Zoc, attacks from the Destroyer
grow more frequent.
Our food supplies
are now desperately low.
The council was hoping
perhaps you might have a solution.
Fight back. We must stop the Destroyer.
But thousands of ants
would needlessly die.
Perhaps if we could communicate,
you know, just talk with the human.
Oh, what a great idea.
Let's have a nice chat.
Well, hello, Destroyer.
Gee, you look kind of tired.
Why don't you just rest your feet
on my girlfriend.
Okay, oka...
Sometimes you're a real stinkbug,
you know that?
Zoc, a war with the human is...
It's impossible.
A wizard knows no such word.
- Whatever.
- Bye, Tiff. Bye, Lucas.
I love you.
You kids mind your grandma.
Okay, goodbye. Have fun.
Don't worry, everything's under control.
A little help, please.
I think it's your turn.
Teeth in the grass.
Mommo, here's your...
What are you doing?
Preventing alien abduction,
that's what I'm doing.
Thank you.
Dang crabgrass.
See these? Airflow. Aliens hate airflow.
Drives them nuts. And if they try to cut
the power in the middle of the night these babies will wake me up.
- We gotta be prepared. Tell your friends.
- I don't have any friends.
Well, who's gonna look out for you
when you get old and your teeth are falling out,
and them aliens are after you?
- Lucas.
- I'll look after myself.
- Good night, Mommo.
- Good night. Sleep tight.
Don't let the bedbugs bite or creep into your ear
and lay eggs in your brain.
- Dance, Pukas.
- Dance, monkey boy, dance!
Think fast.
Zoc, please, not in front of Spindle.
God, there must be something I missed.
Wait. A crack.
That's it. Imperfections in the crystals.
Perhaps coating it
in a viscous compound.
Spindle. Resin.
Oh, that's it. It worked!
The potion is complete!
Praise the Mother! Yes! Yes! Yes!
- Zoc.
- Hova, hang on.
Spindle, get the potion. Quickly.
Yep, I was about your age
when I flooded my first colony.
Brother, those were good times.
Good times!
- Who are you?
- Stan Beals is the name.
Beals-A-Bug Pest Control.
Exterminator, eradicator,
solver of problems.
Hey, you must be the Nickle boy, right?
Now, your dad ordered my services but he forgot to sign the contract
before he left.
Busy man. Lot on his mind. It happens.
So he just told me to talk to you...
- Lucas.
- Yeah, Lucas.
He said, "You have my son, Lucas,
sign the contract for me if I happen to forget to before I leave.
He's a grown man now."
His exact words.
I don't know.
Do you have any references?
There's one.
I don't think I should.
You don't think you should, huh?
You don't think?
So who does your thinking for you?
Your mommy?
Mommy, Mommy, Mommy,
what do I do?
I'm just a little baby
that can't think for myself.
Please wipe my little bottom for me.
Wipe me. Oh, oh, please, wipe me.
- Give me that stupid contract.
- Yes, sir. A very mature decision.
Enjoy a world that's entirely bug free
Just sign right here
And leave the killing to me
I wrote that.
- Are you all right?
- I'm fine.
Spindle? Spindle?
Spindle. You saved it.
Oh, well, come here.
Well, someone's getting
an extra moldy root tonight.
- Okay, okay.
- Zoc.
Spindle, light.
- Mother, help us.
- Oh, no.
To attack without provocation,
without reason just because they can, it's...
It's barbaric.
But what can we do?
We are lost.
No. We are saved.
This is our salvation.
A potion?
What exactly does it do?
Hey. Hey, hey.
Human. Come with us.
Shoo. Shoo. Get away. Get away.
I got a fan. I'm windy.
I am windy.
Scanning. Scanning. Scanning.
Stop! Hey, come on! Cut it out!
What are you doing out of bed,
tiny Lucas?
Who are you? What did you do to me?
Let me go!
Gross. Hey, cut it out.
Put me down! Hey. Stop. Put me down.
Put me down!
What is that? Oh, he smells.
- It's the human.
- It's Peanut, the Destroyer.
Oh, my.
- All right, Peanut, this way.
- It's small.
- What is it?
- Touch it.
- Don't touch it.
- Hey.
- Poke it.
- He's so soft.
- His skeleton is on the inside.
- He's inside out?
Where are you taking me? Help!
Who are you? What did you do to me?
Let me go!
Human you have been brought
before the council to face judgment
for crimes against the colony.
Read the charges.
"This human-destructor beast hereafter referred to
as Peanut the Destroyer did willfully
and with malice aforethought crush the food-storage chambers flood all of the lower
hatching chambers and douse the colony
with the dreaded yellow rain."
Hey, come on, I had to go.
Sentencing of the human
will be handed down by the queen herself.
Greetings, my children and to our unusual guest a human that threatens
the very existence of our colony.
Wait a second! Wait, wait, wait.
Time out.
How was I supposed to know
ants had feelings or families or trials?
- You're just a bunch of stupid ants.
- Destroy the Destroyer!
- Throw him in the pit.
- Let's eat him!
No, wait. We are not mindless savages.
This human should be studied.
- And then we'll eat him.
- Yeah.
Eat! Eat! Eat!
Order. Order.
Be still, be still.
Tonight we have a choice.
We could destroy this human
and make safe this day.
Or we could change
the nature of this human and perhaps create
a brighter future for all ants.
I therefore sentence the human
to live and work in the colony to learn our ways.
He must become an ant.
- What?
- No. No, my queen.
What if he does not become an ant?
Okay, I mean, come on.
That would be regrettable.
But... But who will teach him our ways?
- I will.
- Hova?
It is done.
Let us continue our work.
That's it?
How long am I gonna be like this?
I wanna go home.
Wait. This is inhuman.
Yes, it is.
Hello, Peanut?
Hello? We have to go.
It's time to start your training.
Where are you?
Okay, okay. It's simple.
All I have to do is run past the guards,
then escape the anthill and not get eaten by anything.
- Well, hello there.
You know, there's a million things
I wanna ask you.
When were you hatched?
Are you...? Are you male or female?
And how do you tell the difference?
Is it...? Oh, is that how?
Hey, stop peeking.
Or... Or I'll stomp on you.
Well, I wouldn't if I were you.
You see, I'm the only friend you've got.
You're gonna eat me.
You know, now that you mention it,
you do look soft and chewy but I promised the queen I wouldn't.
Cross your heart.
What? Oh, all right.
Cross my heart, I will not eat you.
I said, cross your heart, not your butt.
I just did.
See, there, did it again.
Strange custom.
I'm still not going.
- Peanut, you need to...
- My name's Lucas, not Peanut.
Well, Lucas. You heard the queen.
You must become an ant
if you ever want to return home.
And how am I supposed to do that?
Well, you just have
to find your place in the colony.
So, Lucas,
do you have any special skills?
I can make milk come out
of my sister's nose.
Okay, well, let's try foraging.
The instructor
is a personal friend of mine.
I'm sure she'd love to help.
Peanut? The Destroyer?
I had to move out
of my nest because of you.
I lost everything.
Took me all morning to rebuild.
Hova, don't tell me
that you are mentoring this... This... This...
It's Lucas.
Why is he covered in trash? Is he crazy?
Because I don't teach crazy ants.
No, no, no. He calls the trash "clothes."
They like keeping
their gender traits hidden.
He's male.
Okay, Lucas, you're on the blue team.
- Oh, man. That's not fair.
- Come on.
Hey, hey, hey, quiet.
And suck in that thorax.
Like everything in the colony,
foraging is a team effort.
In this test, each team must act
as a single unit to avoid obstacles retrieve the sweet rock
and return to the nest.
No ant gets left behind.
First team back wins.
Any questions?
- Hello, baby.
- Fugax.
Well, isn't it true that scout ants,
such as myself lead an exciting life of adventure
and intrigue.
- Fugax!
- While foragers, such as you just walk around and pick up sticks.
Questions, anyone?
- Oh, sir?
- The guy with the crooked mandibles.
What kind of adventures?
Well, I'm glad you asked.
- Fugax.
- Gather round, young scouts.
In my travels, I have journeyed
far beyond the great flat rock.
You mean, the street?
No. The great flat rock where the humans
ride in their giant metal cocoons.
Did I call on you?
Who invited Captain Party Pooper?
Fugax, meet the Destroyer.
Now, are there any other...?
Are there any other questions
about your assignment?
Yeah, what's a sweet rock?
- Bridge.
- Stack up.
Bridge, hooyah.
Come on, Peanut.
Hello, I can do it myself.
Hey, guys. I think he's dead.
I'm not dead.
- Ladder.
- Ladder, hooyah.
- Come on.
- Grab hold.
I don't need your help.
I need your help! I need your help!
Bye, losers.
Come on.
- All right.
- Hurry, human.
You're gonna make us lose.
Hey. I've only got two legs.
Go, Two Legs, go.
Go, Lucas.
- Spring.
- Spring, hooyah.
Oh, time out.
I don't think I can do this...
All right.
- Let me off!
- Don't let go!
I'm gonna be sick.
Don't let go.
- I'm letting go.
- Don't let go.
He let go.
- A jellybean?
- All right, Lucas.
Good thinking.
Slingshot, hooyah.
- All right, Lucas. Good job.
- Yeah, Peanut, you rule.
- Come on, we're losing. Let's go.
- Good job, Lucas.
- Did we win yet?
- Almost.
We just have to get the sweet rock
over the finish line.
Come on, let's go.
Hurry up, Peanut.
Yeah, right.
Hurry, Lucas, climb the wall.
Climb fast, Peanut.
They're catching up.
Bye-bye, loser.
Climb the wall.
Come on. Climb the wall.
Come on.
Forget it. This game is rigged.
- Ladder.
- Hooyah.
Come on. Let's go. Go, go, go.
We got it. We go it. Yeah, man. All right.
Red rules.
Red team wins.
All right. We did it.
Thanks for trying.
Lucas, you did fine, really.
You just need to discover the ant within.
Start by visualizing yourself with six legs.
- Then, if you...
- How's that gonna get me home?
Look at me. I'm not a stupid ant.
Lucas, being an ant means more
than just having six legs or...
Or lifting 10 times your own weight
or walking vertically up a wall it's being part of a colony.
Not always thinking of yourself first.
- Oh, careful.
- Hey, don't touch me.
I'm trying to help you.
You think this is easy for me?
Being the Destroyer's little helper?
So you worry about you,
and I'll worry about me.
Oh, Lucas.
That's not the way ants are.
Oh, Hova, that's the way I am.
Well, if I could just...
Just what?
Hello? Earth to ant lady.
You were in the middle
of sounding like my mom.
They're coming. Run!
Hey. Hey! What's wrong?
- They're after the herd.
- What herd?
Whoa, easy, girl.
Take cover.
Tell the queen I love her.
Oh, we're cut off.
Come, brothers, for queen and colony.
Get to the grass.
Attack formation.
Load them up.
- Enemy fire.
- Watch your wing. Watch your wing.
- Now, that's gotta sting.
- Nice shot.
My turn.
- Thanks.
- Where's Hova?
I don't know.
Come on.
To your positions. Ready.
Please, I was just following orders.
Who wants magic?
You look tasty.
Leave him alone.
Hova? Oh, quick, get out of my way.
- Hova.
- Hurry.
Everyone, into the grass.
Don't just stand there. Help her.
Lucas, run.
What are you doing?
Everyone, into the grass.
Where are you little bug?
Please, hurry up. Light, light.
Light, light.
Hova, get down.
Stop, hey! No, no.
Fire in the hole!
- What was that?
- It's bath time.
They're leaving.
We... We won.
All hail the Destroyer.
Peanut! Peanut!
Brilliant. Genius.
I mean, Lucas made a:
And then... they all flew away.
And now I know
why they call you Peanut.
He's got a brain the size of a peanut.
Lucas the Destroyer.
I take back everything
I thought about you.
You saved us.
Thank you, Lucas.
Yeah, sure.
He saved us.
Oh, it's so obvious, I was so dumb.
Praise the Destroyer.
Wake up. He saved himself.
The rest of us just...
Just got in the way.
Zoc. Oh, are you all right?
- No, I'm...
- What happened to you?
I'm fine. I'm fine.
- You're hurt.
- No, it's nothing, really, I just...
Zoc, do you have any yucca sap?
Lucas has a burn. Poor baby.
This is our enemy.
They do not save ants, they kill ants.
He very nearly killed me.
Or does that not matter to you?
I do, you do
We all like the honeydew
Dinner is served.
And I'm the dessert.
And I'm on a low-fathead diet.
And you know, it looks good on you.
So, Lucas, what are you working on?
This is some good honeydew.
Oh, Lucas, you have to try some.
It's so good.
Go ahead.
This is awesome.
Tastes like green-apple bubble gum.
That went away quick.
Another round for you?
Oh, yeah, keep it coming.
Get it while it's hot.
Whoa, I didn't know
humans could change their colors.
- Trippy.
- Perhaps our young pupa ate too much honeydew.
Here, eat this.
It'll make you feel better.
What did that come out of?
It's an alka root.
Zoc discovered its powers to expel evil
and create well-being.
He is a great wizard.
Yeah, he hates me.
Whoa, he really does, doesn't he?
I mean, he hates your guts.
It's actually amazing
how much he hates your guts.
Okay, I'm sorry.
Yes, Zoc has anger issues,
especially towards humans but he's a true ant.
Hard on the outside,
but soft on the inside.
Just give him time, Lucas.
Praise the Mother.
Praise the Mother.
Who is this mother
you keep talking about, anyway?
Is it the queen?
No, Lucas, the Ant Mother.
The queen of queens.
She gave birth to the first colony.
To all ants.
Come on. It's time for you to see.
This is the Chamber of the Ages.
What are these?
They tell the story
of our colony, our history.
These are pretty cool.
This is the image of the Ant Mother.
It is said that one day she will return and honeydew will pour
from the sky like rain.
Then we will never go hungry again.
So you actually want warm poop
to fall from the sky?
Yes. That would be a blessed day.
I'm sorry, it's just so beautiful.
Hey, what's that one?
It's the evil one.
The Cloudbreather.
It is ancient, drawn before our time.
No one knows for sure what it is,
except that death is said to follow it.
I think it's just a story used
to scare naughty pupas into behaving.
No, the exterminator.
L... I gotta cancel him.
I gotta go home now.
But you're not an ant yet.
- Just a quick visit.
- No way, Two Legs.
The humans' nest is strictly forbidden.
Well the colony needs food, right?
Yeah, sweet rocks.
My house is filled with them.
- In assorted colors and flavors.
- Assorted flavors?
Even the greenies?
Well, you'll be needing a scout.
No. There is no way
you're gonna get me...
- I'm in.
- Come on.
Better be some red ones.
Wow, this is a big nest.
Must have taken thousands
of humans to build this.
- What's that?
- It's just the door.
A door? Fantastic.
Do all of your guests
pass under this door?
Well, actually, you guys
are the first friends I've had over.
We are the first ones?
Kreela, we're the first ones
to pass under the door.
- Great.
- And to think all of this is made from your own poop.
Oh, why did Mom
have to get shag carpet?
Lt'll take days to get to the kitchen.
Oh, gee, that is too bad.
I guess now we'll have to go home
before we all get in trouble.
Come on.
This is called hang-gliding.
Have you ever done this, actually?
I played the video game.
Now, when I give the word,
everybody jump.
Oh, sorry, was that the word?
- Coming.
- Hey, hey, look out.
For queen and colony.
Oh, God.
- Showoff.
- Awesome. Yeah.
This is Hawaii.
We went there last summer.
It's got volcanoes and hula dancers
and Don Ho and surfboards.
And I caught a fish.
And these are the pyramids.
Well, no

2021-09-02 · 每个回答都超有意思的

Oh, that"s it! Spindle, taillight.

Hey. Hey!


 What do you mean, "what"?

Hey! Hey, what are you doing?

Yeah, this is the sleeping chamber.

Go to sleep.

Don"t make me come up there!

I"m so sorry, but I must have

the final ingredient for my potion.












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