求2-3分钟的英语口语作文 10

1).Tellafunnyorinterestingstoryofyourtravellingexperience.Eitheratriponyourownoronewi... 1). Tell a funny or interesting story of your travelling experience. Either a trip on your own or one with family or friends.
3). Talk about your childhood, present life and future plan. Emphasize on the aspects like study, relations with people, etc.
5). Talk about your dream job(s) after graduation. Connect it (them) with the efforts you are making today.
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2013-12-01 · TA获得超过1670个赞
I have only travelled twice so far in my whole life. First time to London and second to Stockholm. I have to admit I was a bit naive when it came to airports and was really intimidated by them, but I relied heavily on my interpretations from movies so I thought id be fine. Not a good idea.

Firstly let me say that i arrived at the airport 3 hours before departure. My dad told me the day before that thats what you are suppose to do for international flights. Had I not know this tidbit of information I most certainly would have spent my birthday at Pearsons Airport.
Anywho I arrived 3 hrs early only to discover that my Air India plane was 3 hrs late. I was mighty upset but hey what can you do. Long story short (and this can be taken as a funny experience, a bad experience or sheer stupidity on my part) but because my flight was 3 hours late arriving I thought that that particular plane was always late arriving so when I left London to go back to Toronto I got to the airport 3 hours late too. I didnt wanna sit around the airpot like last time so I thought this was smart thinking on my part. I realize some of you may be shaking your heads at me now. Its ok I am too now that I know better. In conclusion I missed my flight and my parents had to buy me a whole new plane tix. I sat in the airport for 3 hours as they sorted out the details online and made several long distance calls.

Wait there's more. My trip to London was my first time on a plane so I excitedly asked the steward when Id be meeting the captain and getting my cute airplane pin. She gave me a very confused look and told me that they only do that for kids and I sank back in my seat in embarrassment and shame.
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