The ship I notice was big, it's hull setting high in the water meaning it was not heavy laden with cargo. I watch as her main sail came up reminding me of an elegant lady with her beautiful white gown being blown by the wind around her body. Then the aft sail started up, follow by the bow sail and you could tell that the ship was a fast, cause in a matter of a few minutes she was out of sight.
Turning my attention back to the dock I made my way to Mason ship the Magellan, not a fancy ship but a modest one. She could carry a cargo capacity up to 500 tons with a crew of 45, or correction 46 now. She makes way up to 80 miles a day and the around trip to Dublin Ireland would take 6-8 months depending on weather and winds.
The Captain of the Magellan was Stan Alto a rude and boisterous, demanding man. His First Mate was a man name Jesse who Mason said was an ass from the get go. Then there was Mason who was the Quartermaster in charge of the cargo and some of the crew duties on deck. 展开
Turning my attention back to the dock I made my way to Mason ship the Magellan, not a fancy ship but a modest one. She could carry a cargo capacity up to 500 tons with a crew of 45, or correction 46 now. She makes way up to 80 miles a day and the around trip to Dublin Ireland would take 6-8 months depending on weather and winds.
The Captain of the Magellan was Stan Alto a rude and boisterous, demanding man. His First Mate was a man name Jesse who Mason said was an ass from the get go. Then there was Mason who was the Quartermaster in charge of the cargo and some of the crew duties on deck. 展开
麦哲伦号的船长是Stan Alto,一个粗鲁、喧闹、要求高的人。他的大副名叫Jesse,Mason说他是一头不折不扣的笨骡屁精。接著就是Mason,他是舵手,负责管货物和一些在甲板上船员的职责。
麦哲伦号的船长是Stan Alto,一个粗鲁、喧闹、要求高的人。他的大副名叫Jesse,Mason说他是一头不折不扣的笨骡屁精。接著就是Mason,他是舵手,负责管货物和一些在甲板上船员的职责。