create user 用户名 identified by 密码 [default tablespace 表空间名 ];
grant create session to 用户名;
grant create table to 用户名;
grant create tablespace to 用户名;
grant create view to 用户名;
grant connect,resource to 用户名;
grant create any sequence to 用户名;
grant create any table to 用户名;
grant delete any table to 用户名;
grant insert any table to 用户名;
grant select any table to 用户名;
grant unlimited tablespace to 用户名;
grant execute any procedure to 用户名;
grant update any table to 用户名;
grant create any view to 用户名;
create user 用户名 identified by 密码 [default tablespace 表空间名 ];
grant create session to 用户名;
grant create table to 用户名;
grant create tablespace to 用户名;
grant create view to 用户名;
grant connect,resource to 用户名;
grant create any sequence to 用户名;
grant create any table to 用户名;
grant delete any table to 用户名;
grant insert any table to 用户名;
grant select any table to 用户名;
grant unlimited tablespace to 用户名;
grant execute any procedure to 用户名;
grant update any table to 用户名;
grant create any view to 用户名;
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