八年级英语作文,求学霸解答,简单一点就可以,看图 100
One day,a pretty girl lost herself in a big forest and she was afraid,then she walk on,but there were nothing else but only trees,the sky was almost night,but she sill can't find the way to her home,so she turn on a flash light,suddenly, she saw a house there,then she ran toward there and knocked on the door,the door was oppen,"coming please"an old woman said,then the girl came into the house,she saw rabbit was near the old woman,and she's little grandson is near too.So she told her that she was got lost,and asked how to found the way to her house,the old woman was smiled,"Oh my friend......"
"Hey Lily!Get up,you are late for school!"The girl was awaked by her mother.."What a strange dream."The girl said to her self.
"Hey Lily!Get up,you are late for school!"The girl was awaked by her mother.."What a strange dream."The girl said to her self.