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2022-07-16 · TA获得超过6901个赞
1.概括性复现。根据后暗示I think almost all the people in the town werethere可知, 差不多全镇的人都在广场上, 由此full(充满的)概括了后面语境,故选B项。

2. 原词复现。由I often had crazy dreams...可知,Miller的话让作者从恶梦(dream)中解脱出来,故选D项。这里的bad dream就是上文中的crazy dream,而dream就是原词复现。memory(记忆),idea(主意)和attitude(态度)与语境不符。

3. 同义词复现。由下文“告诉她火已扑灭,不要动”可知,选B项。staystill(别动)与should not move是同义复现。stayquiet(保持安静),stay calm(保持冷静),stayaway(远离,别接近)均不合语境。

4.同源词复现。由下文的became friends(成为朋友)可知,写信可以毫不费力地保持友谊(friendship),故选C项。friend和friendship是同源词复现。



7.C。概括词复现。前文中的“Miller因车祸失去右臂”是“事故”。其中accident是上义词(概括),“Miller was struck by acar and lost his right arm”是下义词(具体内容)。故选C。decision(决定),mistake(错误),sacrifice(牺牲)与语境不符。

8. B。最有可能与mountains同现的单词是“登山者(climbers)”,而不是“科学家(scientists)”、“当地(locals)”和“官员(officials)”。故选B项。句意:在乞力马扎罗,登山者(climbers)在几公里的空间里穿越五种生态系统

9. A。此空是上文中的get的同义词复现,故选A项。

10. C。原词复现。我以前从未有过学习(learn) 任何手语的冲动。与下文“I only learned how to sign thealphabet that day”中的“learn”一词是原词复现。故选C项。

11. B。根据后暗示like an opportunity (机会) of some sort” 可知,此处表示门和窗都有重要的比喻意义, 即指生活中的机遇。故选B项。

12. A。由前提示Nicolo finally won the paintings for $32可知,这幅画是尼科洛竞拍获得的,故此处指他们“拥有(owned)”的这幅画。故选A项。

13. C。由前提示telling them that our sliding glass door is justa window和后暗示they’ll want to go outside可知, “我们”之所以对孩子们撒谎说滑动玻璃门是窗户, 是因为不想让孩子们总想着出去玩。故根据语境可推知, 此处应表示“理由(reason)”很明显。

14. D。词语同现。最有可能与customers、shop、style、colour同现的应当是goods(商品),而不是foods(食物)、catalogues(目录)和belongings(所有物)。句意:他们会试用商店里一半的商品,只想要一种你没有那种特别颜色的存货。




语篇中的句子之间常常通过连接性词语的运用,来实现语义上的连贯。语篇标志词的使用常常涉及递进(besides,furthermore,moreover,worsestill等)、层次顺序(afterthat,before,first,secondly,atlast/ finally,and,next,then等)、目的或因果(dueto,owing to,thanksto,as a result (of),so,so…that…,such…that…等)、让步和转折(although,though,but,yet,however,inspite of等)、对比(unlike;in contrast (to);on the contrary;contrary to;whereas;while;on theother hand,instead)、举例或解释(forexample,for instance,thatis, namely,such as,inother words及冒号等)、总结(to sum up,ina word,in short,allin all,briefly)等关系。考生在做完形填空时要充分利用这些语篇标志词,领悟暗示,选对答案。

[例1][2020课标II卷]“Nicolo,” whose real name cannot be        to the public because of Italy’sprivacy laws, finished working the whole night at a factory in Turin.

A.attached  B. allocated    C. exposed    D. submitted

【名师导学】C。根据下文的becauseof Italy’sprivacy laws可知,由于意大利隐私法,人们的真名不能在公众场合下被 “暴露(expose)” 出来。前后为因果关系,故选C项。

[例2][2013课标II卷] Firstof all, I respected his devotion to teaching…______, I admired the fact that hewould talk to students outside the class­room or talk…Finally, I was attractedby his lively sense of humor.

A.  Later      B. Secondly    C. However  D. Therefore

【名师导学】B。属层次顺序。前有Firstof all 提起, 后有Finally落脚,中间应用Secondly 来过渡,故选B项。

[例3][2020课标I卷] The kids apparently knowthe ______.Butour insisting it’s merely a window has kept them from attempting millions ofrequests to open the door.

A. result  B.danger  C. method  D. truth

【名师导学】D。由But可知前后句为转折关系。由ourinsisting it’smerely a window可推知,此处表示孩子们显然知道真相(truth),但是“我们”还一直坚称那只是一扇窗户。故选D项。

[例4][2017课标I卷] Isoon realized that the silence was not unpleasant. _________, if there had beenany talking, it would have caused us to learn less.

A.  Lastly

B. Thus

C. However

D. Instead

【名师导学】D。上一句I soon realized that the silence was not unpleasant(我很快意识到这种沉默并不令人不快)与if there had been any talking, it would have caused usto learn less形成对比关系,句意:恰恰相反(Instead),如果交流中有讲话(即有声语言)的参与,这势必让我们少学习一些手语。故选D项。

[例5][2020课标III卷]If you do, you won’tbe able to handle it and the whole thing develops into an unpleasant scene andthat ______everyone’sday.

A.ruins  B. makes        C. starts      D. saves

【名师导学】A。根据前提示thewhole thing develops into an unpleasant scene and that可知一旦事情发展成不愉快的场面,那么最终只会毁了每一个人的一天的心情。ruin意为“毁坏,毁灭”。与上文内容构成了递进关系。

[例6][2010大纲II卷] Ourmeetings were not ______: our conversation was filled with arguments andquarrels.

A. normal      B. necessary    C. pleasant    D. possible

【名师导学】C。解释关系。冒号表示解释说明,由“arguments and quarrels(争吵)”可知,我们的见面是不“愉快的(pleasant)”。



[例7][2013课标II卷] Thefirst goal of scientific studies of the data collected is to determine if, someday,man can actually ______ the moon.

A.settle on    B. work on      C. study      D. arrive at




[例8][2007全国I卷] Scott and his four companions were terriblydisappointed. When they got to the South Pole, they found the Norwegians (挪威人) had ______ them in the race to bethe  first ever to reach it.

A. hit              B. fought          C. won        D. beaten

【名师导学】D。这是同一范畴词的考查,除C项won之后不可以接sb.作宾语外,其他几个词均可以与them搭配。D项beaten有打败之意,既有动作也有结果,用最贴切的选项—— 求“最小”。hit 和fought 只强调了动作“打”,而没有结果。

[例9][2010全国I卷] The 22-year-old student ______ to stop her car by the side of the road in the winter night and opened thetrunk.

A. afforded    B. wanted      C. allowed    D. managed

【名师导学】D。从本句后面的“and opened the trunk”这个信息可以知道:这个学生确实成功地把车子停下来了。A 项afforded,B 项wanted,C 项allowed 三个动词只表示“想做,但还未付诸行动”。managed to do等于wanted to do and did successfully。显然,涵盖了其他三个词的意思,求“最大”。


1.  [2016课标Ⅲ卷] That season, I _______ all of Miller’srecords... We went 10 — 1 and I was named most valuable player...

A. held            B. broke          C. set            D. tried

2. [2016课标 II卷] Everything theyknow about you came through this device sometimes from hundreds of miles away._____ they feel they can know you ... from the sound of your voice.

A. Thus          B. Yet              C. Then        D. Indeed

3. [ 2016课标Ⅱ卷] I turned aroundand saw a pleasant woman with a big smile on her face waving to wish me a safetrip. I was speechless! Why had I thought she was cold? Rani was, well, so_______.

A. calm            B. nice          C. proud          D. clever

4. [2013课标I卷] I tried to find acomfortable position and thought it might be restful, _______ kind of nice tobe pushed around for a while.

A. yet              B. just            C. still            D. even

5. [ 2010大纲I卷] ...I was moved,and asked him, “And you _______ go every morning, even though she doesn’t knowwho you are?”

A. only            B. then          C. thus            D. still

6. [2016天津卷] Humans will haveto develop new space to increase and develop more social _____.

A. activities  B.exercises    C. problems  D. discussions.

7. [2014江西卷] For example, themodern buildings, the chemical fertilizer, the vehicles _____ petrol andman-made reservoirs and dams play great important roles in people’s lives.

A. having        B. carrying    C. burning    D.using

8. [2010大纲II卷] Our meetings werenot _______: our conversation was filled with arguments and quarrels.

A. normal        B. necessary  C. pleasant    D. possible

9. [2017课标II卷] I had advised thekids that while verbs(动词)may seem dull, most of the _____ thingsthey do throughout their lives will be verbs.

A. simple        B. unique      C. fun            D. clever

10. [2017课标III卷] ...and receivedthousands of e-mails, including thirty from actual Elizabeth Gallaghers withthe right passports. “More _________, there are hundreds of Canadians who areinterested in changing their name to Elizabeth Gallagher,” Axani said...

A. interesting  B. annoying  C. satisfying  D. convincing

11. [2018课标I卷] .During my secondyear at the city college,I wastold that the education department was offering a "free" course,called Thinking Chess,for three credits. I jumped at the idea oftaking the class because,afterall,who doesn't wantto  ______ a few dollars?

A waste          B earn            C save            D pay

12.[2020课标I卷] I shouldn’t lie to my kids…. Then when they come to otherdoors in life, be they real or metaphorical, they won’t _________ to open them and walk through.

A. hurry B. decide  C. hesitate  D. intend
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