Life is very rich. We live in an abundant, continually expanding universe. Make sure that you allow yourself to enjoy all of life’s colours and distinctions. 生活是丰富多彩的。我们生活在一个充裕并且不断膨胀的世界。你一定要让自己享受到生活的多姿多彩和不同凡响。
It is easy to judge others, especially if they are different to you. It is easy to judge yourself, too. See if you can stop your judgement; simply observe and accept both others and yourself. It is different people that make life so interesting and unpredictable. Variety adds spice to life. 你很容易去评判别人,尤其是当他们不同于你时。你也很容易评判自己。尝试停止你的评判,只去观察、接受他人和自己。正是不同的人让生活如此有趣、如此不可预知。多姿多彩才使生活有滋有味。
Sometimes we meet people in personal and business relationships, and things start out very promising. duanwenw.com Then things happen and we find out that our original impression was not accurate and the relationship does not work out. See if you can discover the lesson in it for you and do not judge yourself or the other person. You always have free choice to do what you want to do or be with who you want to be with. You are never under the influence of anyone else unless you choose to give up your power and freedom of choice. 有时我们会因私事或公事与他人相识相知。开始时情形非常乐观。然后,一些事情发生了,我们发现最初的印象并不准确,人际关系不能成功地发展。尝试从这件事中得到教训,不再评判自己和他人。你总有权选择去做你想做的事,选择和你喜欢的人在一起。英语短文除非你选择放弃你的权力和选择的自由,你永远不会受其他任何人的影响。
Keep an open heart and mind, and stay positive. Even a bad experience can teach you something important and have a silver lining. Even the worst experience contains within it the seed of benefit. 胸怀坦荡,乐观积极。即使糟糕的经历也能让你受益匪浅,黑暗中总有一线光明。即使最坏的经历也包含着益处。 So drop the loss and take the gain! Take the best and leave the rest! 所以,放下已经失去的,珍惜现在获得的。取其精华,去其糟粕。
It is easy to judge others, especially if they are different to you. It is easy to judge yourself, too. See if you can stop your judgement; simply observe and accept both others and yourself. It is different people that make life so interesting and unpredictable. Variety adds spice to life. 你很容易去评判别人,尤其是当他们不同于你时。你也很容易评判自己。尝试停止你的评判,只去观察、接受他人和自己。正是不同的人让生活如此有趣、如此不可预知。多姿多彩才使生活有滋有味。
Sometimes we meet people in personal and business relationships, and things start out very promising. duanwenw.com Then things happen and we find out that our original impression was not accurate and the relationship does not work out. See if you can discover the lesson in it for you and do not judge yourself or the other person. You always have free choice to do what you want to do or be with who you want to be with. You are never under the influence of anyone else unless you choose to give up your power and freedom of choice. 有时我们会因私事或公事与他人相识相知。开始时情形非常乐观。然后,一些事情发生了,我们发现最初的印象并不准确,人际关系不能成功地发展。尝试从这件事中得到教训,不再评判自己和他人。你总有权选择去做你想做的事,选择和你喜欢的人在一起。英语短文除非你选择放弃你的权力和选择的自由,你永远不会受其他任何人的影响。
Keep an open heart and mind, and stay positive. Even a bad experience can teach you something important and have a silver lining. Even the worst experience contains within it the seed of benefit. 胸怀坦荡,乐观积极。即使糟糕的经历也能让你受益匪浅,黑暗中总有一线光明。即使最坏的经历也包含着益处。 So drop the loss and take the gain! Take the best and leave the rest! 所以,放下已经失去的,珍惜现在获得的。取其精华,去其糟粕。