“中国的首都是北京”用英语”:The capital of China is Beijing.
Kabul喀布尔 Bahrein巴林,AlManamah麦纳麦 Bangladesch孟加拉,Dhaka达卡 Bhutan不丹,Thimpu廷布 Brunei文莱, BandarSeriBegawan斯里巴加湾市 Burma,Birma缅甸,Rangun仰光 Indien印度,Neu-Delhi新德里 Indonesien印度尼西亚,JakartaRaya雅加达 Irak伊拉克,Bagdad巴格达 Iran伊朗,Teheran德黑兰 Japan日本,Tokio东京 derJemen(VDRJ)民主也门,Aden亚丁 Jemen也门,Sana萨那 Jordanien约旦,Amman安曼 Kambodscha柬埔寨。

2024-02-20 广告
北平为中国的首都已有七百多年的历史。在政治上,北平位于华北老解放区内,人民力量雄厚,规模弘伟,文物集中,是世界上有名的历史的大都市之一,且自五四以来,这里就是新文化思想的摇篮。 此外,在地理上,北平位于一个大平原之中,将来有足够的扩充的余地...
Beijing is the capital of China.
或:The capital of China is Beijing.
或:The capital of China is Beijing.
2017-04-11 · 知道合伙人教育行家

The capital of China is Beijing;
Beijing is the capital of China. It is also one of the birthplaces of the Chinese civilization (文明) and one of the six ancient capital cities in China. It is the second biggest city with an area of 17,020 square kilometers. Beijing is changing every day and it is becoming more and more beautiful. Now there are a lot of new buildings, modern shopping malls and large markets.
In the past, Beijing was very clean and quiet and most people went to work or school by bike. Things have changed a lot. Now people can take the bus, the underground or the taxi to go to work or school. It is fast and convenient.
The changes in Beijing have brought many advantages but they have also caused some problems: air pollution, noise pollution, sandstorms and lots of traffic.
The capital of China is Beijing;
Beijing is the capital of China. It is also one of the birthplaces of the Chinese civilization (文明) and one of the six ancient capital cities in China. It is the second biggest city with an area of 17,020 square kilometers. Beijing is changing every day and it is becoming more and more beautiful. Now there are a lot of new buildings, modern shopping malls and large markets.
In the past, Beijing was very clean and quiet and most people went to work or school by bike. Things have changed a lot. Now people can take the bus, the underground or the taxi to go to work or school. It is fast and convenient.
The changes in Beijing have brought many advantages but they have also caused some problems: air pollution, noise pollution, sandstorms and lots of traffic.