~Secret of my heart ~
专辑名:Secret of my heart
多恩那 扩拖巴你卡哎太
ki米你 促大哎拉来入大罗
阿来卡拉 一苦朱莫偌 ki塞朱嘎
投哦里 苏给他开累多
衣子莫 索巴得 哇拉阿带路
Secret of my heart
衣次妈带 苏扩西诺米拉衣嘎阿来巴
西恩机子哇 忒你衣来拉类路哈组
I cannot say
I'm waiting for a chance
扩恩那 哦大呀卡那拖ki
莫哦多 次那嘎阿太衣大衣
苏被太哦 米塞路诺嘎 扩哇苦太
苏古西 哈那累忒阿路苦
ki米诺 哟扩嘎哦嘎那宰嘎
扩哇来索哦带 妈莫里他衣莫哦多
Secret of my heart
大来大~忒 你给他衣拖ki莫啊路开多
索累大开家 那你莫哈机妈拉那衣
I cannot say
I'm calling for a chance
Can I tell the truth?
卡拉马瓦砾速录 哭泣笔录你
Feel in my heart
卡酷塞纳一 扣来依旧哦
'Cause I love you
I will be with you (with you, with you)
Wherever you are? (you are, you are)
Can you feel my heart?
Can you feel my heart?
Can't you see, you're my dream
打衣塞子那 ki米拖苏扩苏扩诺机嘎恩
阿ki拉买路 苦拉衣那拉 细恩机带
I just wanna say
莫无 妈哟哇那衣
(I just wanna say forever)
Can't you see, you're my dream
懂那 子苦里莫诺莫
看打恩你 扩哇来忒西妈呜HI嘎苦路
大开多妈大 衣次妈得莫 卡哇拉那衣
Secret of my heart. Our future is forever.
Secret of my heart....
Secret of my heart....
Secret of my heart....
专辑名:Secret of my heart
多恩那 扩拖巴你卡哎太
ki米你 促大哎拉来入大罗
阿来卡拉 一苦朱莫偌 ki塞朱嘎
投哦里 苏给他开累多
衣子莫 索巴得 哇拉阿带路
Secret of my heart
衣次妈带 苏扩西诺米拉衣嘎阿来巴
西恩机子哇 忒你衣来拉类路哈组
I cannot say
I'm waiting for a chance
扩恩那 哦大呀卡那拖ki
莫哦多 次那嘎阿太衣大衣
苏被太哦 米塞路诺嘎 扩哇苦太
苏古西 哈那累忒阿路苦
ki米诺 哟扩嘎哦嘎那宰嘎
扩哇来索哦带 妈莫里他衣莫哦多
Secret of my heart
大来大~忒 你给他衣拖ki莫啊路开多
索累大开家 那你莫哈机妈拉那衣
I cannot say
I'm calling for a chance
Can I tell the truth?
卡拉马瓦砾速录 哭泣笔录你
Feel in my heart
卡酷塞纳一 扣来依旧哦
'Cause I love you
I will be with you (with you, with you)
Wherever you are? (you are, you are)
Can you feel my heart?
Can you feel my heart?
Can't you see, you're my dream
打衣塞子那 ki米拖苏扩苏扩诺机嘎恩
阿ki拉买路 苦拉衣那拉 细恩机带
I just wanna say
莫无 妈哟哇那衣
(I just wanna say forever)
Can't you see, you're my dream
懂那 子苦里莫诺莫
看打恩你 扩哇来忒西妈呜HI嘎苦路
大开多妈大 衣次妈得莫 卡哇拉那衣
Secret of my heart. Our future is forever.
Secret of my heart....
Secret of my heart....
Secret of my heart....

2025-02-13 广告
KOF-K Kosher犹太认证全球通用和认可,认证产品数量不限,新品随时默认免费增加,1个工作日响应的快速服务。KOF-K机构直营,免费咨询,售后服务出色。超过50年历史的KOF-K Kosher犹太认证,执行最高犹太标准,全球认可,品质...
左边是中文 右边是对应的英文
屋顶上繁星点点的夜晚, Starlit night above the roof tops
我冥思苦想,用什么语言来表达我对你的感觉. I sit and think, what words could show you how I feel?
于是我想知道:我们共度的幸福时刻它们是真的存在么? Our happy times were they real? So I wonder
闪烁的星光划过,似乎告诉我这幸福的结局将要来到,而幸福就是因为有你在我的身边时而不时的一个微笑. Shooting star, falls as if to tell A happy end will come because you're by my side Always a smile but all the while
一直有一件在我内心深处不能向你诉说的事, 我心底的秘密,何时才能把它道出? There's still one thing inside, that I cannot tell you Secret of my heart, when can I ever start?
我一直坚信着并知道有一天我将会对你说出我爱你. Never any doubt, knowing how someday I'll say I love you
我的爱将超越一切 It will shine on through, my love will shine out true
请给我一点时间,我正在寻找我的方向 Give a little time, I'm looking for a sign
你要知道,我正在等待属于我的机会 You know I'm waiting for my chance
微风真切的对我耳语:安静些吧 So quiet now, winds whisper true to me
我感觉到一种需要,要大声的吼出我所感觉到的这些事 I feel a need, to scream out loud these things I feel
庆祝这份爱,我不能揭示也不能展示给你 Celebrate this love I can't reveal I can't show you
那么就让我们再一次的在一起 So here we are, together once again
在我的身边看似走出了一些距离 You seem to walk this little distance from my side
你的面容看似那么的忧伤 Your face it seems so sad
我想知道你到底隐瞒了什么,我想要接近你 I wonder what you hide I wanna be close to you
你能否明白我心底的这些秘密 Secret of my heart can you understand those parts
深深的隐瞒的地方,只有我去奔向 Hidden far away, in a place I run to, doesn't everyone
在我心里,我知道必须让我们的爱生长 In my heart I know I must let our love grow
我不能说为什么 I can't say why
我知道我必须找到呼唤出/(制造出)我的机会的方法 I know that I must find a way to call out for my chance
我能否述出我的真实么?思想中一片空白 Can I tell the truth? No words come to my mind
逃出我的嘴唇,躲进天空的云中 They escape from my lips to the clouds above
我不能掩饰我心中的感受 Feeling in my heart, I can't hide
因为我爱你,我任何都不能掩饰 I can't hide anymore, 'cause I love you
我将与你同在 I will be with you (with you, with you)
无论你在哪里? Wherever you are? (you are, you are
你能感到我的心么? Can you feel my heart?
你能否看见你在我的心中 Can't you see you're in my heart
但事情也许会离散 But things may break apart
也许有一天 Maybe one day
很难去说心心相印会有多久 It's difficult to say how long two hearts can beat as one
但我知道两颗心现在是在一起的 But I know now all the same
不变的真心将来到除非只把这份爱当作儿戏 No change will come unless I play the game
我只想说,我想我准备好了,baby. I just wanna say, I think I might be ready, baby
我只想说永远相爱/(在一起) (I just wanna say forever)
你能否看见,你在我的梦境里 Can't you see you're in my dreams
我不能失去你,baby明白么? I can't lose you, baby see?
每次我们相遇 Every time we meet
每次相近你都给我所有的人生意义 Every time we're near boy gives all meaning to my life
baby不要离开,总有一天我将回来 Baby don't get down, someday I will come around
我心底的秘密,我们的未来是永远 Secret of my heart, our future is forever
我心底的秘密 Secret of my heart
屋顶上繁星点点的夜晚, Starlit night above the roof tops
我冥思苦想,用什么语言来表达我对你的感觉. I sit and think, what words could show you how I feel?
于是我想知道:我们共度的幸福时刻它们是真的存在么? Our happy times were they real? So I wonder
闪烁的星光划过,似乎告诉我这幸福的结局将要来到,而幸福就是因为有你在我的身边时而不时的一个微笑. Shooting star, falls as if to tell A happy end will come because you're by my side Always a smile but all the while
一直有一件在我内心深处不能向你诉说的事, 我心底的秘密,何时才能把它道出? There's still one thing inside, that I cannot tell you Secret of my heart, when can I ever start?
我一直坚信着并知道有一天我将会对你说出我爱你. Never any doubt, knowing how someday I'll say I love you
我的爱将超越一切 It will shine on through, my love will shine out true
请给我一点时间,我正在寻找我的方向 Give a little time, I'm looking for a sign
你要知道,我正在等待属于我的机会 You know I'm waiting for my chance
微风真切的对我耳语:安静些吧 So quiet now, winds whisper true to me
我感觉到一种需要,要大声的吼出我所感觉到的这些事 I feel a need, to scream out loud these things I feel
庆祝这份爱,我不能揭示也不能展示给你 Celebrate this love I can't reveal I can't show you
那么就让我们再一次的在一起 So here we are, together once again
在我的身边看似走出了一些距离 You seem to walk this little distance from my side
你的面容看似那么的忧伤 Your face it seems so sad
我想知道你到底隐瞒了什么,我想要接近你 I wonder what you hide I wanna be close to you
你能否明白我心底的这些秘密 Secret of my heart can you understand those parts
深深的隐瞒的地方,只有我去奔向 Hidden far away, in a place I run to, doesn't everyone
在我心里,我知道必须让我们的爱生长 In my heart I know I must let our love grow
我不能说为什么 I can't say why
我知道我必须找到呼唤出/(制造出)我的机会的方法 I know that I must find a way to call out for my chance
我能否述出我的真实么?思想中一片空白 Can I tell the truth? No words come to my mind
逃出我的嘴唇,躲进天空的云中 They escape from my lips to the clouds above
我不能掩饰我心中的感受 Feeling in my heart, I can't hide
因为我爱你,我任何都不能掩饰 I can't hide anymore, 'cause I love you
我将与你同在 I will be with you (with you, with you)
无论你在哪里? Wherever you are? (you are, you are
你能感到我的心么? Can you feel my heart?
你能否看见你在我的心中 Can't you see you're in my heart
但事情也许会离散 But things may break apart
也许有一天 Maybe one day
很难去说心心相印会有多久 It's difficult to say how long two hearts can beat as one
但我知道两颗心现在是在一起的 But I know now all the same
不变的真心将来到除非只把这份爱当作儿戏 No change will come unless I play the game
我只想说,我想我准备好了,baby. I just wanna say, I think I might be ready, baby
我只想说永远相爱/(在一起) (I just wanna say forever)
你能否看见,你在我的梦境里 Can't you see you're in my dreams
我不能失去你,baby明白么? I can't lose you, baby see?
每次我们相遇 Every time we meet
每次相近你都给我所有的人生意义 Every time we're near boy gives all meaning to my life
baby不要离开,总有一天我将回来 Baby don't get down, someday I will come around
我心底的秘密,我们的未来是永远 Secret of my heart, our future is forever
我心底的秘密 Secret of my heart
参考资料: http://baike.baidu.com/view/364693.htm?fr=ala0_1_1
Secret of my heart
多恩那 扩拖巴你卡厄得
ki米你 杜大厄拉瑞入大罗
阿累卡拉 一苦朱莫偌 ki色朱嘎
多哦里 苏给他可累多
衣子莫 索巴得 哇拉阿得路
Secret of my heart
衣次大得 苏扩西诺米拉衣嘎阿累巴
西恩机子哇 忒你衣类拉类努哈朱
I cannot say
I'm waiting for a chance
扩恩那 哦大呀卡那拖ki
莫么多 土那嘎阿得衣大衣
苏被得哦 米色努诺嘎 扩哇苦得
苏古西 哈那累忒阿路苦
ki米诺 哟扩嘎哦嘎那累嘎
Secret of my heart
大瑞大忒 你给他衣拖ki莫啊路可多
索累大可家 那你莫哈机妈拉诺衣
I cannot say
I'm calling for a chance
Can I tell the truth?
so no ko to ba i e zu
ka ra ma wa ri su ru ku chi bi ru ni
Feel in my heart
ka ku se na i ko re i jo u
'Cause I love you
I will be with you (with you, with you)
Wherever you are? (you are, you are)
Can you feel my heart?
Can you feel my heart?
Can't you see, you're my dream
他衣色子那 ki米拖苏国苏扩诺机嘎恩
阿ki拉美路 苦拉衣那拉恩机得
I just wanna say
(I just wanna say forever)
Can't you see, you're my heart
看淡你 扩哇瑞忒西妈鱼HI嘎苦路
大可多妈大 衣次妈得 莫卡哇拉那衣
Secret of my heart
Our future is forever
Secret of my heart
Secret of my heart
Secret of my heart
Secret of my heart
多恩那 扩拖巴你卡厄得
ki米你 杜大厄拉瑞入大罗
阿累卡拉 一苦朱莫偌 ki色朱嘎
多哦里 苏给他可累多
衣子莫 索巴得 哇拉阿得路
Secret of my heart
衣次大得 苏扩西诺米拉衣嘎阿累巴
西恩机子哇 忒你衣类拉类努哈朱
I cannot say
I'm waiting for a chance
扩恩那 哦大呀卡那拖ki
莫么多 土那嘎阿得衣大衣
苏被得哦 米色努诺嘎 扩哇苦得
苏古西 哈那累忒阿路苦
ki米诺 哟扩嘎哦嘎那累嘎
Secret of my heart
大瑞大忒 你给他衣拖ki莫啊路可多
索累大可家 那你莫哈机妈拉诺衣
I cannot say
I'm calling for a chance
Can I tell the truth?
so no ko to ba i e zu
ka ra ma wa ri su ru ku chi bi ru ni
Feel in my heart
ka ku se na i ko re i jo u
'Cause I love you
I will be with you (with you, with you)
Wherever you are? (you are, you are)
Can you feel my heart?
Can you feel my heart?
Can't you see, you're my dream
他衣色子那 ki米拖苏国苏扩诺机嘎恩
阿ki拉美路 苦拉衣那拉恩机得
I just wanna say
(I just wanna say forever)
Can't you see, you're my heart
看淡你 扩哇瑞忒西妈鱼HI嘎苦路
大可多妈大 衣次妈得 莫卡哇拉那衣
Secret of my heart
Our future is forever
Secret of my heart
Secret of my heart
Secret of my heart
Secret of my heart