《无声的语言》The Silent Language (1959)
《隐藏的维度》The Hidden Dimension (1966)
《超越文化》Beyond Culture (1976)
《生命之舞:时间的另一个维度》The Dance of Life: The Other Dimension of Time (1983)
《空间关系学研究手册》Handbook for Proxemic Research
《暗藏的差异:和日本人做生意》Hidden Differences: Doing Business with the Japanese (1987)
《爱德华·霍尔自传:生活中的人类学》An Anthropology of Everyday Life: An Autobiography (1992, Doubleday, New York)
《理解文化差异——德国人,法国人和美国人》Understanding Cultural Differences - Germans, French and Americans (1990, Yarmouth, Maine)
《三十年代的美国西部》West of the Thirties. Discoveries Among the Navajo and Hopi (1994, Doubleday, New York etc.)