Hamlet, a tragedy written by William Shakespeare, is the story of Prince Hamlet, whose father, the king of Denmark, is murdered by Hamlet’s uncle. This murderous uncle then marries Hamlet’s mother. The play centers around Hamlet’s angst and indecision about how to avenge his father’s death. It’s Shakespeare’s most famous play about Shakespeare’s most famous character (that would be Hamlet), and it contains Shakespeare’s most famous line: “to be or not to be, that is a question.”
It marks the emergence of a new kind of literature that focuses on the struggles and conflicts within a single individual, rather than the external conflicts between individuals. Hamlet was one of the first characters ever to have such a developed, and mysterious, inner life.
Throughout Shakespeare’s plays, the maintenance of identity is a very common conflict, as it was shown in Hamlet. In this play Shakespeare has portrayed young hamlet to convey the two sides to him; one side shows his insane behavior towards his family, the other side determines his thoughts of either doing right or wrong according to what he has seen. The play trembles with conflicts: one being identity, which shows all the characters in different disputes of their own. We also see the problems of lack of self-confidence, misjudgment, and betrayal.
To be or not to be, that is a question.
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them?
Hamlet, a tragedy written by William Shakespeare, is the story of Prince Hamlet, whose father, the king of Denmark, is murdered by Hamlet’s uncle. This murderous uncle then marries Hamlet’s mother. The play centers around Hamlet’s angst and indecision about how to avenge his father’s death. It’s Shakespeare’s most famous play about Shakespeare’s most famous character (that would be Hamlet), and it contains Shakespeare’s most famous line: “to be or not to be, that is a question.”
It marks the emergence of a new kind of literature that focuses on the struggles and conflicts within a single individual, rather than the external conflicts between individuals. Hamlet was one of the first characters ever to have such a developed, and mysterious, inner life.
Throughout Shakespeare’s plays, the maintenance of identity is a very common conflict, as it was shown in Hamlet. In this play Shakespeare has portrayed young hamlet to convey the two sides to him; one side shows his insane behavior towards his family, the other side determines his thoughts of either doing right or wrong according to what he has seen. The play trembles with conflicts: one being identity, which shows all the characters in different disputes of their own. We also see the problems of lack of self-confidence, misjudgment, and betrayal.
To be or not to be, that is a question.
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them?