2020-09-05 · 专注留学英语和高端商务英语培训。
Epoch /'iːpɒk; 'epɒk/历史或生命中的一段时刻The Renaissance was an epoch of unparalleled cultural achievement.文艺复兴是一个文化上取得空前成就的时代。
2Ineffable /ɪn'efəb(ə)l/形容美到难以言喻By virtue of something ineffable and melancholy which enveloped him, she felt the look in his eyes which she could not see.她看不见他的眼睛,却感到他的目光里有一种说不上来的忧伤把她裹住了。
Only, as he was five and fifty, and Cosette eight years of age, all that might have been love in the whole course of his life flowed together into a sort of ineffable light.可是,他已经五十五岁,而珂赛特才八岁,他毕生的爱已经全部化为一点无可言喻的星光。
3Hiraeth /hɪəraɪ̯θ/对于无法回去或不曾存在的家所产生的乡愁近义词有 longing(思念、渴望),nostalgia(乡愁、怀旧)。
4Petrichor /ˈpɛtrɪkə/雨下过以后,泥土的香味释义:It refers to the distinctive scent which accompanies the first rain after a long warm dry spell.
5Serendipity /,ser(ə)n'dɪpɪtɪ/意外发现有趣、新奇事物的天赋Some of the best effects in my garden have been the result of serendipity.我花园里最珍贵的几件物品是机缘巧合之下意外所得。
6Sonorous /'sɒn(ə)rəs; sə'nɔːrəs/形容低沉、浑厚的声音"Doctor McKee?" the man called in an even, sonorous voice.“麦基医生?”那个男人电话上的声音均衡浑厚。
7Aquiver /ə'kwɪvə/形容兴奋到发抖的感受She could see in the open square before her house the tops of trees that were all aquiver with the new spring life.透过窗户她看见,在房前的院子里,树梢在新春的重生里兴奋地颤动。
8Limerence /'limərəns/因为一个人而神魂颠倒的状态释义:a state of mind caused by a romantic attraction.
9Bombinate /'bɒmbɪneɪt/发出嗡嗡声响近义词:buzz
10Ethereal /ɪ'θɪərɪəl/形容脱俗的高雅She's the prettiest, most ethereal romantic heroine in the movies.她是那些电影中最美丽、最优雅浪漫的女主角。
11Iridescent /,ɪrɪ'des(ə)nt/形容彩虹般的五颜六色In shallower waters, the iridescent pink fronds of Platoma algae from Australiaresemble the sheen of a pair of pink stockings caught in the glow of a nightclub stage.在较浅的水域,澳大利亚平滑藻闪光的粉红色叶片类似于夜总会舞台灯光下闪亮的粉红色丝袜。
12Epiphany /ɪ'pɪf(ə)nɪ/顿悟Here is the inscape, the epiphany, the moment of truth.这是本质,是对真谛的顿悟,是真理的时刻。