新概念英语试卷答案 1
A Questions
Write the correct questions. 根据答案写出相应的疑问句。
What's his job? - He's a postman.
1 ______ - She's a keyboard operator.
2 ______ - He's a milkman.
3 ______ -She's a nurse.
4 ______ -He's a taxi driver.
5 ______ -She's a taxi driver, too.
B Structure
Fill in a or an. 用a 或 an 填空。
1 She's ______ housewife. 6 Sophie is ____ keyboard operator.
2 Robert is ______ engineer. 7 Gilberto is ______ ltalian taxi
3 She is ______policewoman. 8 I'm ______ hairdresser.
4 He is ______ mechanic. 9 He is ______ nurse.
5 She's ______ air hostess. 10 She's ______ typist.
C About you
Write answers about yourself. 根据你自己的情况回答以下问题。
1 Are you Italian? No, I'm not. I'm Chinese.
2 Are you a policeman? ___________________
3 Are you Japanese? ___________________
4 Are you a teacher? ___________________
D Situation
Look at the situation. What do you say? 根据情景写出你应该说的话。
Someone introduces you to a stranger in a formal situation . What do
you say? ______
1 What's her job?
2 What's his job?
3 What's her job?
4 What's his job?
5 What's her job?
1 a 2 an 3 a 4 a 5 an 6 a 7 an 8 a 9 a 10 a
C(Expected answers)
2 No, I'm not. I'm a student.3 No, I'm not. I'm Chinese.
4 No, I'm not. I'm a student.
How do you do?
新概念英语试卷答案 2
A Dialogue
Fill in the missing words.填空。
Robert: I ______a new student. ______name's Robert.
Sophie: Nice to ______you. ______ name's Sophie.
Robert: ______you French?
Sophie: Yes, I ______.
______ you French, ______?
Robert: No, I ______ not. I'm ______.
What's ______job, Sophie?
Sophie: I'm a ______ ______.
B Vocabulary
What are these jobs? Join the words and write them with a. 将两栏中
C Numbers
Write these numbers in figures.用阿拉伯数字表示以下数词。
sixteen ______ twenty ______ eighteen ______
twelve ______ nineteen ______ fifteen ______
Write these numbers in words.写出表示以下数字的英语数词。
17 ______ 11 ______ 8 ______
12 ______ 20 ______ 13 ______
A(Complete dialogue. The underlined words are those that students should
have filled in.)
Robert: I am a new student. My name's Robert.
Sophie: Nice to meet you. My name's Sophie.
Robert: Are you French?
Sophie: Yes, I am.
Are you French, too?
Robert: No, I am not. I'm Italian.
What's job, Sophie?
Sophie: I'm a keyboard operator.
2d a taxi driver 3a a postman 4c a hairdresser 5e a keyboard operator
6b a car mechanic
seventeen, eleven, eight, twelve, twenty, thirteen