come to英语翻译
come to英语翻译:苏醒,恢复知觉; 总计为,加起来是; 涉及到; 恢复知觉; (形势)成为…,变为…(通常指变糟); 突然被某人意识到(想起来); 被…继承;
With the advantages of smart cards has been growing recognition, it can be said that the applications of smart card has come to various areas, Sharp increase in market demand. 随着智能卡的优点越来越被人们所认同,智能卡的应用涉及到了各个领域,市场的需求量急剧上升。
It seems logical to us that the greatest validation benefits should come to processes that truly eliminate human interventions and to those with the most capability for in-process control. 这就像给我们展现了一个逻辑,即最好的验证益处应涉及到那些真实地排除人为干预和那些具有最大容量的在线控制的工艺。
She had come to see the problem in a new light. 她开始用新的角度来看待这个问题。