写一篇英语作文 what is the most important quality for college students? 150词左右,

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2022-08-27 · TA获得超过5200个赞
The Most Important Personal Quality of a University Student
From my point of view,the most important personal quality of a university student should be the ability to withstand setbacks and obstacles.The stronger,more tolerant a university student is,the more able he is to deal with the ups and downs in his life.
Life is not always sweet and sunshine.I think that life is just like a pendulum swing.Half the time,things are better than normal; the other half,they are worse.When facing with setbacks and obstacles,a strong heart will reinvigorate one and offer assurance that he can thrive.Life begins with innocent childhood,followed by awkward adolescence trying awkwardly to adapt itself to mature society,with its young ideals and follies meet with the cruelty and heartlessness of the reality.Misfortunes and setbacks are humanly impossible.Through misfortunes,setbaks,obstacles,the breaking of hearts and the ending of fairy tales,people become more sophisticated with time.The mellowing of one’s character is like the ripening of fruit and the mellowing of good wine,during which a strong heart is a must.
On the contrary,a wicker heart might not help one go though the misfortunes.It is known to almost all university students in Shanghai that there is one famous building located on the campus of East China Normal University.The surrounding scenery of it is so serene and beautiful that many university students reckon it a most suitable place to rest their lives.Therefore,each year there are students from different universities come to this building like pilgrims and then fly off the top of it.In their souls,the discordant note becomes hasher and hasher and finally overwhelms or submerges the main melody.But that is because their original leitmotivs have been hopelessly overshadowed through the lack of the ability to withstand the blows of life.
A university student will gradually acquire a more tolerant,more cynical and at the same time a kindlier view of life as his life goes on.But the basis is that he should be able to withstand the blows of life and remain vigorous and confident to meet with the nasty surprises of the future.People make mistakes and learn from them.That is what the life is about.To withstand the bad of life,one should be strong enough,and that should be the most important quality for students to develop in their university lives.
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