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2023-03-11 · TA获得超过294个赞
【 #英语资源# 导语】时间过得真快,美妙的假期就要结束了。对我来说暑假是多姿多彩的,在这个暑假里,我也过得很开心,收获颇多。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Summer vacation is almost over. Looking back on what I did in the summer vacation, I got a lot of gains. Now I will introduce my gains to you. Students, do you have similar achievements with me? My first gain is to get rid of my two shortcomings. The first disadvantage is to find excuses for not going home on time. The second shortcoming is that I don't keep my promise. My father said that I could watch TV at 10 o'clock. I turned on the TV quietly without being watched, but my father found it. After my efforts and the support of my parents, I finally got rid of these problems.

  This is my biggest gain. One day, my father took me to Ledao. I slid down the slide on the 5th and 6th floors. Through this thrilling game, I became brave. This is my second harvest. I learned roller skating by myself and became strong through exercise. This is my third harvest. I learned to care for and love others by doing two chores every day that the teacher left for us. This is my fourth harvest. This summer vacation, I learned to preview the text to lay a good foundation for future study. This is my fifth harvest. I plant flowers to cultivate my confidence and responsibility. This is my sixth harvest.

  In this summer vacation, I got a lot of gains. I benefited from it. Happiness enhanced my sense of responsibility and exercised. I want to maintain these advantages and get rid of my shortcomings bit by bit.


  The summer vacation is coming to an end. I had a full and meaningful summer vacation. Whether my family is traveling or participating in collective activities, I have learned a lot of knowledge and understood a lot of truth.

  During the summer vacation, I participated in many activities, including the "Chuying chick Eagle" youth quality development summer camp. This summer camp taught me that you should be brave in everything you do! We should unite in everything we do! Obey orders at all times! In this way, you will become a real warrior! The caring home visit activity gave me a real understanding of the difficult situation of left behind children in summer. I think: each of us should help them from all aspects!

  During the summer vacation, I also read a lot of extracurricular books, such as "treasure island", "around the earth in 80 days", "wolf king dream", "journey to the west", "Little Prince", and so on. Each of these writings has its own characteristics, which makes people memorable. I was deeply moved by the book wolf king's dream.

  During the summer vacation, my family went to Beijing and enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the capital of the motherland. In Beijing, we visited many places of interest and watched the solemn flag raising ceremony in Tiananmen Square. At the flag raising ceremony, when the national anthem sounded, my heart was extremely excited. Think about the humiliation our country suffered before, and then look at our powerful motherland now. It's really very emotional and exciting! I believe that everyone and I feel the same!

  I gained a lot in the summer vacation and prepared a lot. I hope to make greater progress in the new semester!


  The two-month summer vacation is coming to an end unconsciously. These days, my mother asked me to sum up what I gained this summer vacation. I calmed down and thought about it. I think I have gained a lot.

  In the summer vacation, my happiest thing is reading extracurricular books. I read more than 20 extracurricular books, such as Charlotte's net, if you give me three days of light, I want to be a good child, and insects. Each extracurricular book taught me a lot of knowledge and made me understand a lot of truth. After reading the book, I also wrote several post reading comments.

  Every summer vacation, my parents take me out to travel, and the place of travel is decided by me. This summer vacation, my parents and I went to Shenzhen, visited the tourist attraction "window of the world" in Shenzhen, and learned a lot of knowledge that can't be learned in books. We also went to Hong Kong and visited Hong Kong Disneyland, Ocean Park, Avenue of stars and other famous tourist attractions, which broadened my eyes.

  In this summer vacation, my mother asked me to master 300 to 400 English words and some basic grammar. I tell you, in a short time of 9 days, I have completed the task my mother gave me. I recite about 30 to 40 words a day. I am fully prepared for the Cambridge level 1 exam on September 7, and my goal is full shield (15 shield).

  The summer vacation is over and the new semester is coming. I will adjust my mind as soon as possible and be ready to start my study and life in the new semester.


  This holiday, I read a lot of Shen Shixi's animal novels, which made me look at those fierce large animals with new eyes. It turns out that I only like the kittens and dogs at home. I think they are kind and loyal, and they are our human friends. But now I find that the beasts described by Uncle Shen Shixi also have spirituality, and they also have a warm and kind side, which makes me like them.

  For example, Zilan, the female wolf in wolf king's dream, tactfully deals with the big white dog in order to give birth to her baby smoothly. Her heart only has her own child and she would rather die for her child; Another example is the female elephant in "stabbing the elephant". When the baby elephant is injured and sad, she touches the baby elephant's head with its omnipotent nose to give it strength. When they coerced the barefoot doctor to treat the baby elephant, the mother elephant actually felt that the doctor was grumpy and roared in the doctor's ear. They all give children the most selfless love.

  When I see these, I think of my mother. My grandmother said that my mother lost a lot of blood to give birth to me. Fortunately, the operation was timely and saved my mother. However, in order to better take care of me who was born prematurely, she went home after living in the hospital for only three days despite the doctor's objection. Every time I think of these, I am very grateful to my mother. I hope to be the best myself and make my mother happy! I think this is the best reward for my mother.


  How time flies! It's the end of the summer vacation in an instant. In this summer vacation, my every day is colorful and fruitful.

  During the summer vacation, I visited the gas company, learned how to send gas to every household, and learned how to check the gas pipeline; Visited Coca Cola company and learned about the production process of Coca Cola and the history of Coca Cola company; Through a wonderful two-day visit to Qingyun Mountain, I climbed over the whole Qingyun Mountain Grand Canyon, saw seven famous waterfalls, and learned about the environment on the mountain and the formation history of Qingyun Mountain Grand Canyon. These have enriched my extracurricular knowledge.

  I participated in the anti frustration summer camp and learned how to manage and control my emotions through the wonderful five days; By being a volunteer, you can understand the hardships of sanitation workers and know that you can no longer litter; Through the activities of Small Agricultural Bank of China people, we gained work experience, and I also learned that it is not easy for my parents to work. This summer vacation, my mother praised me for growing up and being sensible, and knowing how to help my parents share housework.

  During the summer vacation, I played chess with my uncle and father every day, watched the wonderful chess match on TV, and listened carefully to the chess master's explanation of the game, which made my chess level significantly improved. At the beginning of the summer vacation, I lost to my uncle every time I played chess, but now I can win him continuously, and my uncle is afraid to fight now!

  There are still many gains in the summer vacation. This colorful summer vacation makes me unforgettable forever. It has left a good memory for my childhood.


  Time like water, with the hot summer, ushered in my long-awaited summer vacation, my summer vacation life is full and colorful.

  I like dancing. I get up in the morning and hurry up. When the weather is still cool, I practice martial arts. See my cross standard? In addition to dancing, I also like the violin. I have to take the grade examination during the holiday, so I insist on practicing the piano every day. Sometimes the melodious sound of the piano attracted the early birds, who stood outside the window chirping a tune and dancing with my piano.

  I have arranged a reasonable time for myself to study. I spend an hour in the morning and afternoon every day practicing calligraphy, reading books, doing math problems, reciting ancient poems, and combining work and rest. Practicing calligraphy means practicing your heart; Writing is being a man! Practicing calligraphy, calming Qi, calming spirit and meditation, let people enter the wonderful realm of soul and enjoy the fun of pure writing. I like writing!

  In my spare time after dinner, I will take the initiative to help my mother do housework - washing dishes. The job of washing dishes seems simple, but in fact, there is a lot of knowledge. The detergent is put less, and the bowl is greasy, so it can't be washed clean; Put too much, full of foam, it is difficult to clean; Sometimes after washing the bowl, I find that there is a fish that has slipped through the net. I slowly sum up my experience, and now I can finally be at ease.

  In the hot summer, if I didn't have such a rich and colorful life, wouldn't I suffocate?


  After ten months of study in Karamay, we finally returned to our hometown and parents who were thinking about it day and night. The summer vacation will pass in the blink of an eye, and I will return to school in a few days. Although my heart is full of the reluctance of my hometown relatives, it is also full of the thoughts of my school teachers and classmates. This is my first vacation in junior high school. For me, it is of great significance and also has a lot of gains.

  This holiday is the first time I will arrange a full holiday every day, the first time I finish my homework in the last few days, and the first time I don't have time to play the piano.

  There is only one reason: busy. But my heart is not empty. To tell the truth, it is very full - full of knowledge. Although it is the same every day, it seems to be busier than going to school. But it should be. After junior high school, the learning pressure is different from the past, and it is even heavier. The subjects have increased a lot, and parents' expectations for their children have been improved. So it's not easy to get grades in the whole grade. During the holiday, I have to make good use of it and teach myself the course of the second day of junior high school.

  Just a few days before returning home, several of our classmates discussed to be a guest at the teacher's house and also brought greetings to the teacher. This summer vacation, we gained gratitude. Dad has a bad stomach, but he always smokes and can't give up. When I was at school, I called him and he agreed that he would never smoke when I came back, but when I got home, the house still smelled like "smoke". So I have another thing to do, that is not to let him smoke, as long as a smoke will be confiscated. This time I came back, I've learned a lot, and I know that I care about my parents, so that they don't take care of their bodies.

  Although this summer vacation has yielded a lot, it is still far from enough. People need more development······


  This summer vacation has passed for almost a month. I have gained a lot, but the most impressive one is that one.

  I think everyone has eaten steak. I have also eaten steak many times, but have you ever cooked it yourself? I'll make one today.

  One day, it was sunny and cloudless. I was possessed by greedy cat again. I quarreled with my mother to eat steak. My mother said: of course, I can eat it, but I have to cook it myself. I said: but I can't do it. Mother said: you can learn. I said again: but I'm afraid of oil splashing on me. My mother said: if you turn the fire down a little, it'll be all right. I have to say: OK.

  In the afternoon, my mother went out to buy some steak and came back. I rolled up my sleeve and began to fry. My father came to help me. I turned on the fire first, and then began to prepare to pour the oil. My father immediately grabbed my hand and said: turn the fire down a little, or it will spill on my body. I immediately turned the fire down and poured the oil in. After a while, I put the steak in. The sound of frying unconsciously turned into a symphony of joy, and then turned the steak back and forth repeatedly. After a while, I was already very hot, but I thought, I fought for the steak, and suddenly my father said: OK. But I don't think it's cooked yet, so I didn't listen to what my father said. My father said: steak should be eight mature. I had to put it on a plate, pour the sauce into the pot and heat it, and then pour it on the steak.


  I have a happy summer vacation.

  I have gained a lot this summer vacation. I learned to play table tennis: I used to serve only by bouncing the ball on the table and then sending it out. When I received the ball, I would only lift it up. Now I can serve the spin ball, and I can catch the ball up and down, left and right. Sometimes I can Ko my father. I learned to swim: once I got into the water, I was very nervous. My hands were tightly lying on the edge of the pool. Slowly, I began to float on the water. Now I can swim freely in the water like a small fish. I learned Mathematical Olympiad: I used to be very poor in Mathematical Olympiad. Now I have made primary school language and Mathematical Olympiad textbooks. Mathematical Olympiad suddenly improved, learned to find rules, figure counting, clever calculation and quick calculation, sum and difference times application problems, tree planting problems and other problems. I learned composition: before, I couldn't even write hard compositions. Now my compositions are lifelike. This summer vacation, I wrote more than 20 articles, of which 5 were published in Ganzhou evening news. My father gave me a reward! I read six books such as "fly, little egret" and "super laughing mouse". After reading these books, I learned a lot of knowledge and understood many principles, such as being generous and not haggling with others. I learned English: I used to only speak English letters. Now I can speak in English. I insist on reading English every morning and evening. I also learned billiards: I used to only play directly with a club, but now I can play.

  This summer vacation is really a lot! This is an unforgettable summer vacation.


  In the summer vacation, my mother decided to let me learn the electronic piano in order to make me versatile.

  From the first day of learning electronic organ, I encountered difficulties. When I was learning the first song, there was always a period of unstable rhythm, and I really wanted to give up. At this time, my mother didn't scold me, but comforted me with her heart: "don't worry, take your time. As long as you are serious, you can learn." Watch the score carefully with me, read the score and practice the rhythm. With the help of my mother and teacher, I played this rhythm well and stably.

  When learning the electronic organ, I learned it in class. If I don't play it every two or three days at home, I will be rusty. I must practice hard and more. I can practice and teach my mother to play when I'm familiar with it. Now my mother can also play some simple songs.

  Whenever we have to report and take the grade examination, the teacher pays special attention to us. At least three classes a week, often let us practice more and contact quickly. Even practice dozens of times every day. Once we pass the examination or report, the teacher will bring us some food and toys to reward our achievements.

  I have learned level 6 now, and I will learn level 7 soon. After studying the piano lessons on bookshelves, I think my music knowledge has increased a lot, and my piano skills have also improved a lot. This summer vacation has been a great harvest, and I am very happy!

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