It's opposite the library。
doctrine library doctrine library.准则书库。
educational library; pedagogical library.教育图书馆。
private library proprietary library.私立图书馆。
a photographic library.摄影资料集。
academic library.学术博物馆。
opposite Party.对立的一方 ; 对方 ; 对方当事人。
opposite course.相反航向 ; 相反的进程。
directly opposite.表示相对的位置用 ; 戴领带 ; 和相对 ; 和。
Diametrically Opposite.直径上对置的 ; 截然相反 ; 正好相反的 。
opposite sequence.逆程序 ;[经]逆顺序 ; 逆序列。
1、We would appreciate the prompt return of books to thelibrary.(若能及时将图书归还图书馆,我们将不胜感激。)
2、I'm going to thelibrary straight after the class.(我一下课就马上去图书馆。)
3、This explains the rules under which thelibrary operates.(这份材料说明了图书馆的运行规则。)
4、Thelibrary will be officially opened by the local MP.(图书馆将由当地下院议员正式揭幕。)
5、We are all going to play charades in thelibrary.(我们大家都将在图书馆玩哑谜猜字游戏。)
6、Members can borrow up to ten books from thelibrary at any one time.(会员在图书馆每次最多可借十本书。)
7、Shelves were built to adapt thelibrary for use as an office.(做了个书架,以便将这个图书馆改作一个办公室用。)
8、He goes to thelibrary and makes a pretence of reading some Thoreau.(他去图书馆假装读梭罗的书。)