The final goodbye to my very pity, the little prince want to can have a more magicalmagic to keep his body, more to retain his soul, so the fox and the pilot would not bethinking of the wheat color with golden hair.But I knew it was impossible, because on the other star, the only rose in his heart was theone that lived in the star called b-612.
When I saw the second time, I noticed a sentence in the book, "all adults were children." Iseem to understand that this book is written for us who used to be children. So, I try to readthis book from the perspective of the child - the mind, not the brain.Then, sure enough, I saw a lot of interesting things. At first reading this book, I feel a lttleconfused.
It doesn't seem to know what the author is trying to say. A few times later, Igradually realized that the book was always in a clear line. That's "taming" -buildingrelationships. There is a second thread: it's a question of what is important.
Just received the "ittle prince" hardback edition. He began to look.Children of the world is like that, how much they think things, that the matter how, eventhe adults look very trivial things, even adults think it makes no sense, but the child will think,"just because I spent time on my roses, this makes her become so valuable.'
This is the child, I think children and adults are completely different, standing in the adultworld to see children, that is prejudice, standing in the children's world to see adults, that is confused. If you can, be a child, not an adult.
In my eyes, the lttle prince is not a pure fairy tale, but a metaphysical primer. The wordsare simple, but profound meaning, each chapter a few words of white space, such as spring, always can feel more meaning in the text, just touched but couldn't say for sure what it is, oris said a lot but still feel express.
Demonstrate a variety of life in the book, all kinds of human nature, all kinds ofinteraction, all kinds of relations, all kinds of values, all kinds of cognition, and it is preciselythis all sorts of all sorts of everyone in the life experience, and everyone has to face theproblem: death. To understand: life is not the same as death.
The lttle prince is a book full ofbeauty and philosophy!