
我急需哪位高人帮忙写一段英语介绍有害的真菌。速求,加分!麻烦把中文附上最好是关于类似于体骨藓的这种... 我急需哪位高人帮忙写一段英语 介绍有害的真菌。 速求,加分!
麻烦把中文附上 最好是关于 类似于体骨藓的这种
2010-07-28 · TA获得超过5.9万个赞
There are over 70,000 identified species of fungus, including various types of mushrooms, molds, truffles, rusts and yeasts; some estimates of total species count (including unidentified varieties) lie in the 1.5 million range. Despite being such a large and diverse group, there are actually relatively few harmful fungi. And out of these few harmful varieties, most are low risk. However, there are some fungal infections that may lead to serious complications, especially in people with suppressed immune systems, like those with HIV.

1. Dermatophytes are a group of fungi that include several related dermatophytosis (ringworm or tinea) causing species. Infection may occur at many places on the skin and nails; athlete's foot and jock itch are some of the most common forms of tinea. The primary symptom of athlete's foot is scaly, itchy and peeling skin of the foot and toes. Jock itch usually takes the form of a burning rash between the legs. Ringworm creates red, slightly raised rings on the skin. Some forms of dermatophytosis can cause hair loss or even severe lesions. Most dermatophyte fungi are spread via skin-to-skin contact or contact with infectious, shed skin cells.

2. Candida is a genus of yeast fungus, some of whose members cause a condition called candidiasis. According to the University of Adelaide's mycology department, candidiasis "may be localized to the mouth, throat, skin, scalp, vagina, fingers, nails, bronchi, lungs or the gastrointestinal tract, or become systemic as in septicemia, endocarditis and meningitis." Cutaneous infections take the form of pink to red rash-like lesions that usually converge, forming one or a few large lesions. Candidiasis is most common in newborns, the elderly and those with compromised immune systems. The worst and most dangerous forms are opportunistic, affecting only those with conditions like HIV, leukemia and lymphoma.

3. Cryptococcus is yeast-like fungi that can cause cryptococcosis, a chronic pulmonary, systemic or meningitic disease. The primary culprit is the C. neoformans variety, although a few other species in the Cryptococcus group are occasionally responsible. C. neoformans almost solely affects immunocompromised (HIV, etc.) hosts, most often causing meningitis but sometimes leading to secondary ulcerative skin infections. A cryptoccocis-causing offshoot of C. neoformans is C. gattii, which is geographically restricted to places like Mexico, Australia and southern California, and affects those with healthy immune systems. C. gattii cryptococcosis causes brain and lung lesions, and usually results in death.

4. Aspergillus, a mold, is found many places worldwide, though most healthy individuals are naturally immune to aspergillus spores in the air. However, those with asthma or fungal sensitivities can experience increased asthma-like conditions. People who have had recent lung illnesses are especially susceptible to aspergilloma, an aspergillus disease which causes the formation of a fungal ball within a lung cavity, sometimes leading to the coughing up of blood. Invasive aspergillosis can form in those with compromised immune systems and will often lead to death.

Stachybotrys Chartarum
5. Stachybotrys chartarum is a fairly common outdoor mold that is sometimes found indoors in high moisture areas on wood, paper, sheetrock and other cellulose materials. It really only becomes a problem indoors; when spores in the air are inhaled in large or continuous doses, they can cause flu-like symptoms and sometimes coughing up of blood.

Poisonous Mushrooms
6. As they must be ingested eaten in order to cause harm, the dangers of poisonous mushrooms are much easier to avoid than some other harmful fungi. Beginning mushroom pickers should consult experienced pickers, or at least an extensive field guide, for proper identification. Most toxic mushrooms will only cause upset stomach or diarrhea, but some can lead to complete kidney failure and death. Some potentially deadly species to identify and avoid are false morels, galerinas and certain amanitas. Jack-o-lantern and green-spored lepiota mushrooms are somewhat poisonous but not deadly. If you think you have found an edible mushroom, first check some kind of guide for any possible harmful lookalike species.

体癣:Tinea cruris
股癣:Tinea corporis

Tinea corporis
(Ringworm of the body)

The key characteristic of Tinea corporis is that the fungus involves the glabrous (relatively hairless) skin. The infection is limited to the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Vellus hair (the fine hair present on glabrous skin) may be invaded, and the hair follicle may serve as a reservoir for the fungus. Tinea pedis,Tinea manuum, and Tinea cruris refer to Tinea corporis that is limited to the foot, hand, and groin, respectively. There is otherwise little special about them. History lesson: The term tinea has an interesting origin. A worm of a moth would sometimes grow on a woolen blanket. The resulting round holes were similar to the rounded lesions seen on the skin of patients. The genus name for the moth was Tinea, and thus this name was used as part of the Latin binomials naming these infections.

Transmission of tinea corporis may occur from direct contact with infected animals (especially cats and dogs), infected humans, or contaminated fomites such as furniture and clothing. Like many other fungal skin infections, warmth and humidity favor the occurrence of this infection. Therefore, tropical and subtropical regions have a higher incidence of tinea corporis.

Tinea imbricata is an unusual form of Tinea corporis caused by T. concentricum. This form of Tinea is characterized by ring-like growth in overlapping circles that may have an autosomal dominant genetic predisposition. This may explain its geographic restriction to certain regions of the Far East, South Pacific, and South and Central America.

Clinical manifestations
Tinea corporis can present on any area of the body. Zoophilic organisms commonly affect exposed areas like the face, neck and arms. Oppositely, anthropophilic organisms classically affect occluded areas of the skin or areas of trauma. In regards to the clinical appearance, multiple varieties have been described, and to make things a little more confusing, many of them have distinct names although they are all forms of tinea corporis!

The classical and more common clinical variety in which annular lesions have active, erythematous and spreading borders with central clearing is called in common parlanceringworm and scientifically,tinea circinata. When herpetiform, subcorneal vesicles appear the term "bullous tinea corporis" has been used.

Between 3 to 4% of tinea corporis cases present with an erythematous, scaly rash on the face with or without telangiectasia, atrophy, and photoexacerbation. This clinical form, calledtinea fasciale, may be confused with lupus erythematosis.

When any of these dermatophytoses are treated with corticosteroids, the lesions take on an atypical appearance and lose the characteristic scaling of tinea corporis. Patches, papules, or small nodules appear. For this variety the termtinea incognito is used.

Tinea profunda refers to the appearance of subcutaneous abscesses, which are frequently associated with T. mentagrophytes.

Tinea axillaris refers to the involvement of the axillary (armpit) region.

Other atypical inflammatory forms include the appearance of verrucous lesions, kerion-like lesions and/or nodular granulomas (Majocchi's granuloma).

Tinea cruris
(Jock itch, ringworm of the groin)

Tinea cruris is an acute or chronic infection of the groin, perineum, and perianal region.

This dermatophytoses is more commonly seen in men. According to Martin et al., the apparent reasons for this include:
The temperature, humidity, and occlusion of the scrotum and groin area, especially related to the clothing, are ideal for the development of these fungi.
Men suffer more frequently from other dermatophytoses, particularly tinea pedis, and cross infection between sites is very common.
Both direct contact between infected individuals and indirect contact with nonliving contaminated objects (towels, clothing, bed linens, urinals, and bed pans) are ways of transmission. Tropical climates and summer months in temperate regions appear to promote higher rates of this infection.

Clinical manifestations
Tinea cruris presents with sharply demarcated lesions with a raised erythematous margin and thin dry epidermal scaling. Papulovesicular lesions may also be present but pustules such as those caused by Candida are very unusual. Lesions classically involve the genitocrural area and medial upper thigh in a symmetrical fashion, but asymmetrical involvement may occur. The scrotum is usually minimally affected, and this is a distinct contrast with infections of this area by Candida ("Intertrigo"). Extension to the pubic area, lower abdomen, buttock, and perianal areas occurs rarely but can be seen, especially if Trichophyton rubrum is the causative agent [1447]. Patients complain initially of intense pruritus, but the lesions will become painful if maceration and superinfection occur. In addition to candidiasis ("intertrigo"), the differential diagnosis also includes lichen simplex and erythrasma.

Prognosis and therapy
Topical therapy is usually enough to cure tinea cruris. Drugs formulated in powders or minimally occlusive cream bases are preferred. Oral antifungal agents such as griseofulvin, terbinafine, ketoconazole, itraconazole or fluconazole are reserved for widespread and severely inflamed cases. Recommended regimens are the same discussed for Tinea corporis.

Rates of relapse for this infection are very high, therefore hygiene measures are crucial for long term success. They should include thorough drying, the use of well-ventilated clothing, and separate towels for the groin area.

Histopathology and laboratory
As mentioned above, tinea cruris is just an anatomic variety of tinea corporis, therefore pathologic and diagnostic considerations are the same.

Mycology (principal dermatophytes)
Epidermophyton floccosum
Microsporum canis
Trichophyton mentagrophytes
Trichophyton rubrum

2010-07-27 · TA获得超过4万个赞
【白色念珠菌(Candidaalbicans) 或亦称“白色假丝酵母”。一种呈椭圆形、行出芽繁殖的假丝酵母。通常存在于正常人的口腔、肠道、上呼吸道等处,能引起鹅口疮等口腔疾病或其他疾病】candida albicans (Candidaalbicans) or also say "white candida". An oval, reproductive candida eruptions. Often exists in normal bowel, upper respiratory tract etc, and can cause disease or other oral thrush, etc。
【黄曲霉(Aspergillusflavus) 半知菌类,黄曲霉群的一种常见腐生真菌。多见于发霉的粮食、粮食制品或其他霉腐的有机物上。菌落生长较快,结构疏松,表面黄绿色,背面无色或略呈褐色。菌体由许多复杂的分枝菌丝构成。营养菌丝具有分隔;气生菌丝的一部分形成长而粗糙的分生孢子梗,梗的顶端产生烧瓶形或近球形的顶囊,囊的表面产生许多小梗(一般为双层),小梗上着生成串的表面粗糙的球形分生孢子。分生孢子梗、顶囊、小梗和分生孢于合成孢子穗。可用于生产淀粉酶、蛋白酶和磷酸二酯酶等,也是酿造工业中的常见菌种。近年来,发现其中某些菌株会产生引起人、畜肝脏致癌的黄曲霉毒素】Aspergillusflavus (know) yellow aspergillus fungus aspergillus flavus group, a common saprophytic fungi. In the grain, grain products moldy or other rotting on the organic. Rapid growth of colonies, osteoporosis, surface yellow-green, colorless or slightly brown back. Bacteria by many complex branches. Hyphae Nutrition is separated hyphae, Hyphae formation of gas born long and rough conidiospore infarction produced at the top of the stem, nearly spherical shape or flask, the top surface many small terrier (usually double), small terrier on the formation of the spherical surface roughness conidiospore. Conidium infarction, small terrier, born in synthesis of spores and spores. Can be used in the production of amylase, protease and phosphodiesterases etc, also in common. In recent years, some strains that will cause people and livestock liver cancer of yellow aspergillus toxin
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2010-07-29 · 超过13用户采纳过TA的回答
真菌真菌在生物学分类上属于藻菌植物中真菌超纲,具真核细胞型的微生物,它们在自然界分布广泛,绝大多数对人有利,如酿酒 、制酱,发酵饲料,农田增肥,制造抗生素,生长蘑茹,食品加工及提供中草药药源(如灵芝、茯苓、冬虫夏草等,都是真菌的产物或本身或利用真菌的作用所制备的)。对人类致病的真菌分浅部真菌和深部真菌,前者侵犯皮肤、毛发、指甲,为慢性,对治疗有顽固性,但影响身体较小,后者可侵犯全身内脏,严重的可引起死亡。此外有些真菌寄生于粮食、饲料、食品中,能产生毒素引起中毒性真菌病。
Fungi in biological classification belongs to the fungus algae bacteria, fungi, plants with super outline of eukaryotic cells in nature, their microbial widespread, the vast majority of people, such as wine, sauce, fermentation feed, farmland to add fertilizer, manufacturing antibiotics, growth, food processing and she sing provide herbal medicine (e.g., ganoderma lucidum, tuckahoe, cordyceps sinensis etc, are the product or itself or fungal yeast using the function. Human pathogenic fungi points of shallow and deep fungus, former fungi violation of the skin, hair, nail, treatment for chronic and stubborn, but in small, which can affect the body's internal, serious attack can cause death. In addition, some parasitic fungi in food, feed, food, can produce toxin causes of fungus.
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