英语作文a story about marco polo

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推荐于2017-07-01 · TA获得超过6.2万个赞
Marco Polo as a child, his father and uncle to the East business, Dadu came to Beijing and met Kublai Khan of the Mongol Empire towards today, and also brought back the papal letter to sweat. After they got home, Polo pony every day pestering them about Orient travel story. The story caused a pony Polo strong interest, so he was determined to keep his father and uncle to China. In 1271, Marco Polo was 17 years old, his father and uncle holding a gift and reply the Pope, led by Marco Polo, together with a dozen companions marching to the east. They entered the Mediterranean from Venice, and across the Black Sea, the Middle East after the ancient city of Mesopotamia came to Baghdad, from here to the sea to the Persian Gulf Hormuz on a boat headed for the Chinese. However, when it happened the accident. When they go out and buy things in a town, was eyeing the robber, robbers take them in at night caught them up and they were imprisoned. Midnight, Marco Polo and his father escaped. When they got reinforcements, the robber had left, except his uncle, the other companions also disappeared. Marco Polo and his father, uncle came Hall surgery hereby, have been waiting for two months, did not encounter the vessel to China, we had to change to go by land. This is a road full of difficulties and obstacles, is to make the most ambitious travelers are prohibitive way. They Hormuz from the east, across the desolate desert of terror in Iran, across the steep cold Pamirs, hell and high water along the way, to overcome the disease, hunger and distress, invasion robbers escape, the beast, and finally came Xinjiang, China. One here, Marco Polo's eyes will be attracted. Beautiful downtown Kashgar, Hotan jade rich, there are always smelling flowers orchard, Mark they continue east across the Taklimakan Desert, he came to the ancient city of Dunhuang, visited the world-famous Buddha carvings and murals. Then, they saw through the Pass of the Great Wall. Finally, through the Hexi Corridor, finally reached the capital - the northern capital of the Yuan Dynasty. This time is the summer of 1275, from them to leave the country has passed the four summers! Marco Polo's father and uncle Kublai Khan goes to the papal letters and gifts to sweat introduces Marco Polo. Khan appreciated very clever young Marco Polo, specially invited them along the way knowledge about the palace, and bring them back with the most, and later they remain in the Yuan Dynasty official office. Smart Marco Polo soon learned Mongolian and Chinese. He was ordered by Bong sweat tour opportunities around the country, all over the mountains and rivers of China, China's vast and rich let him stunned. He has been to Xinjiang, Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian and Beijing and other places, has been ambassador to Vietnam, Myanmar, Sumatra. He went, always examine the local customs, geography, human detail. Most of the back after he detailed to Kublai Khan were reported. In "The Travels of Marco Polo", he praised China's Fan Sheng Changming; well-developed industry and commerce, bustling bazaars, beautiful cheap silk brocade, pet Wei spectacular capital, perfect and convenient post road transportation, general circulation bills and so on. Contents of the book, read the book so that each of them infinitely fascinating. 17 years passed quickly, Marco Polo getting homesick. The spring of 1292, Marco Polo and his father, uncle commissioned by Kublai Khan, Mongol escort a princess to marry Persia. They took the opportunity to put forward a request to return profusely. Khan promised them that after the completion of the mission, you can turn the way home. At the end of 1295, three of them finally returned after an absence of loved ones twenty-four contained. They quickly spread throughout China came back from Venice message, their knowledge aroused great interest. They brought back countless treasures from the east overnight so that they became wealthy in Venice. 1298, Marco Polo Venice and Genoa took part in the war, September 7, unfortunately captured. In prison, he met writer Ruth Qian ladder, so there was Marco Polo dictated Ruth ladder modest record of "The Travels of Marco Polo."
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