There are many important things in life. Your family and friends. A hobby perhaps. Working out and staying healthy.Reading, learning and growing as person.人生中有许多重要的事情等着我们去做。比如说 你的家人和朋友,或是一个兴趣。努力工作,保持健康。阅读、学习、成长。
But finding the time for what is most important in life is not always easy. It sometimes feels like there aren't enough hours in the day.但是为了人生中那些最重要的事情腾出时间并不总是那么容易。有时 候我们总是会觉得时间不够。
But even if it may not feel like it, there are often ways to improve how you use your time. In this article I'll share some of the most effective strategies I have found for doing so and for shaking yourself out of a rut and reconsider how you actually spend your time.虽然有些人并不觉得如此,但总是有一些办法能够改善你利用时间 的方式的。在本文中我会分享一些我曾经试过的最有效的方法,能够帮助你打破桎梏,重新思考你应该 如何利用你的时间。
But finding the time for what is most important in life is not always easy. It sometimes feels like there aren't enough hours in the day.但是为了人生中那些最重要的事情腾出时间并不总是那么容易。有时 候我们总是会觉得时间不够。
But even if it may not feel like it, there are often ways to improve how you use your time. In this article I'll share some of the most effective strategies I have found for doing so and for shaking yourself out of a rut and reconsider how you actually spend your time.虽然有些人并不觉得如此,但总是有一些办法能够改善你利用时间 的方式的。在本文中我会分享一些我曾经试过的最有效的方法,能够帮助你打破桎梏,重新思考你应该 如何利用你的时间。