我认为正是因为主创团队选择忠实于游戏世界和叙事风格而展开的新故事给予了其独特的质感,在我眼里肯定是好看但是有些游戏原作的叙事风格放进电影里来很容易叙事梁好信混乱,加上导演的个人风格混杂进来就会造成很烂的错觉(故事也还没完全展开,只是√标题真正含义),我和刺客教条之父来自相同的专业背景,他也认可这部电影(那些声称玩过不认可这片的就没有悟透过) 像我 我一直想要个在现代的刺客教条,在现代践行无物为橡轮真,诸行皆可才是最高造诣(电影采取的让现代主角觉醒方式就是让他被祖先的过去所改变,肩负对抗现代圣殿的重任反抗专制压迫)
For me Assassin's Creed is essentially a long epic story about someone who's stuck in prison and this someone needs to go through a machine called the Animus, to relive the lives of 4-6 ancestors and to relive only the pivotal moments in history, the backstory of assassins and templars...conspiracies with famous historical figures. Transformed by the past this someone will gaining the knowledge and skills necessary to battle the oppressive Templar order in the modern day.