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2022-09-27 · TA获得超过5613个赞

1. 关于写风景的英语小作文

.Beautiful homeland

A into my village,saw the ground covered with grass,is so tender and beautiful.Scan,like a green brocade.A breeze,grass,like we nodded approvingly at to wele us.Modest willow with it that slightness green girl's arm,and gently pat on the bank.

In front of our house is a beautiful garden,the garden of lush trees and beautiful scenery,grass overgrown with all sorts of flowers and plants,like a big flower-bed,full of pigment beside a pool,pool of colorful fish swim to swim,clever!Our house is behind the building,neat flickering among the people,and street,car,a blast.

Our home is beautiful!We love our home!(.美丽的家乡




2. 英文作文写景的怎样写

My Favourite TV Programme

Nowadays the 26th Olympic Games are being held in AtLanta. It is the most popular program all over the world and also my favourite progamme.

In 1992 I was watching the 25th Olympic Games on TV with my schoolmates in China. We cheered at every success the Chinese athelets had. As the Chinese national flag was rising and the national anthem ringing in my ears I was moved to tears just as the medalists. It is the happiest moment for them and for me. I am proud of being a Chinese.

Now that I am in America, things are different. I am so near to the games yet so far away emotionally from those watching around lite. Whenever the Chinese made a mistake, the Americans cheered, which angered me greatly. Each country wants every gold medal. That is understandable. The problem is that they have so much prejudice against our motherland.

I admired Wang Yifu's courage and stamina. He lost his gold medal because of his illness. As soon as he regretfully put down his gun, he fell unconscious and was earried away on a stretcher.

Mo Huilen also lost her gold medal painfully. The young girl was not satisfied with a silver and braved for the gold at the risk of losing it. She showed the true spirit of sport *** anship. I sing in praise of them even if they lose. In my opinion we should praetice what we preach and stick to the Olympic creed that the most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought wen.

3. 描写景色的英语作文 带翻译

英:Do not know how long the effect, as if the fight was a nervous gradually revealing the known, the field from its broad chest in long plume from the atmosphere on the slopes and there is water ongenerally spread at the Qingming, round trees and crops have begun to sway in the breeze, the leaves bee calm and. Dew back in the early morning and evening wetting the ridge, quietly put up the field. Lu Lan also came upquietly afloat, no longer go back to the valley. Although the sun is still bright, but the pain is no longer the backbone of Sunburn people bee, Kiyosumi, as if it was weak, and can not be distilled into a field, it is the field of reconciliation and the like; 。 。 Autumn is here!


4. 上海美景英语作文小短文

Shanghai is one of the most wonderful cities .There are quite a few highrise buildings and a sea of people around us.

You can see something special on the Bund,such as The Oriental Pearl TV ,Jinmao Building and various boats. By the way,there are famous for its night views.

Shanghai is regarded as"shopping paradise"as well.So there is no doubt you can buy anything you want.Xujiahui and Yu Garden are the best place you can go shopping.

5. 怎样写英语中关于写景的作文

Beijing in Autumn is more beautiful than other seasons. Red leaves in Xiang Moutain, the Great Wall,the Summer Place and so on .

Actually Autumn is not the best time since the temperature is still too high. And the real time that red leaves full fille the Fragrant Hill (xiang shan should be translated in this way) is in October, around the golden week on October 1st.

the symbol of Beijing as well as of China; Tiananmen Square, the largest city square in the world; the former Imperial Palace (the "Forbidden City"), the largest and best-preserved ancient architectural plex in the world; and the Great Wall at Badaling, one of the "seven wonders of the world." Of these, the former Imperial Palace, the Great Wall, the site of Peking Man at Zhoukoudian, the Summer Palace and the Temple of Heaven are on the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List.

6. 描写青岛风景的英文作文

Once three years ago, I went to Qingdao, three years later when I again set foot on this piece of land of Qingdao, I was deeply attracted by her beauty, such as the one after an absence of long-lover 。

。 青岛三面环水,一面环山,独特的地理环境,造就了她得天独厚的风景人文景观。

Qingdao is surrounded by water, one side by mountains, the unique geographical environment created a unique landscape of her cultural landscape. 这次去青岛正好遇上下大雾,远处的楼群在雾中若隐若现。 Trip to Qingdao, right there under the fog, the distance-rise buildings looming in the fog. 据导游说,青岛的楼房建筑风格有26国风格之多,我没有细数,也分辨不出来。

According to tour guide said the architectural style of buildings in Qingdao, there are 26 countries many styles, I did not breakdown, but also to distinguish not e out. 青岛的城市是建在小山坡上的,车开在狭小而干净的山间街道上,一会上升,一会下沉,一会是九十度的转弯。 Qingdao city is built on the hills, he drove in a *** all mountain and clean streets, one will rise for a sink, one will be turning niy degrees. 人们都好奇的等待,希望下一次的转弯出现的是另一番美景,而青岛每次都没有令游人失望。

People are curious to wait, hoping the next turn there was another round of beauty, but each time it failed, Qingdao, will give visitors a disappointment. 跟随着导游的解说,我们一路左顾右盼,郁郁葱葱的青岛植物园、偌大的汇宾广场、旧时的德国监狱……还有很多我记不清的美丽景点,不断的从我们眼前闪过,然后慢慢向后边退去。 Followed guide, explanations, and we were glance right and left, Qingdao lush botanical gardens, the huge Department of bin square, the old German prison, I can not remember 。

。 There are many beautiful spots, constantly flashed before our eyes from, and then slowly retreated behind. 车窗外,一个红发、碧眼、高鼻梁的外国男士正在街边的人行道上小跑,他穿着运动的球衣球裤,显然是在锻炼,我不由自主的看了看表,才发现这是在午后! Outside the car, a red hair, blue eyes, high nose of foreign men are street sidewalk trot, He was wearing sports pants jersey ball is clearly in the exercise, I could not help of looked at my watch, it was found that this is a Afternoon! 青岛潮湿的空气、蒙蒙的薄雾和并不热烈的阳光会让你忘记了时间……听说青岛很多沿海的别墅楼群都被外国人买了去,作为他们休闲度假的场所。

Qingdao, moist air, misty haze, and do not let you fet the warm sun of time 。 。

heard a lot of the coast of Qingdao, villa-rise buildings have been bought to foreigners, as their venue for leisure. 精明的外国人在周游了世界之后,最后的落脚点选择了青岛,足以说明青岛的魅力与吸引力! Shrewd foreigners traveling the world after, the final choice of Qingdao, Qingdao, illustrates the charm and appeal! 当你在青岛旅游观光的时候,也许在不远处的别墅里,正有一个金发、碧眼的美丽女郎,正在阳台上品着咖啡,朝着你深情的微笑……正所谓你在桥上看风景,楼上看风景的人在看你。 When you travel and touri *** in Qingdao, when, perhaps not far from the villa, is a blond, blue-eyed beautiful girl, is the balcony top grade of coffee, affectionate towards you *** ile 。

。 the saying goes, you look at the bridge scenery, the people upstairs to see scenery see you. 我总觉得生活在青岛的人们是幸福的,整个青岛就像一个大大的花园,是风格各异、参差不齐的楼群点缀了这个“花园”,而不是这些花园、植物园点缀了这座城市! I always felt that people living in Qingdao, is happy, the whole Qingdao, like a big garden styles, uneven-rise buildings interspersed with the "garden" rather than the gardens, botanical gardens dotted the city ! 青岛不但是个旅游的天堂,也是个消遣、饮食、购物的天堂。

Qingdao is not only a tourist's paradise, is also entertainment, dining, shopping paradise. 日本的足疗、韩国的料理、法国的家乐福等许多久负盛名的厂商和知名品牌纷纷在青岛安家落户。 Japan's Foot, South Korea's food, the French Carrefour and many other prestigious panies and brands have settled in Qingdao. 如果你是个美食家、购物狂或者是个追求完美主义的人,那么青岛你一定不可不去。

If you are a gourmet, shopping, mad, or is a perfectionist doctrine, then you must not do not Qingdao. 因为在青岛,你不用出国就可以享受不同国家和地区的异域风情,满足你对不同国家和地区、美食和购物、物质和品位等种种不同种类、不同层次的追求。 Because in Qingdao, you do not have to go abroad can enjoy the different countries and regions of exotic locations, to meet your different countries and regions, food and shopping, material, and taste all kinds of different types, different levels of pursuit. 俗话说靠山吃山,靠水吃水。

As the 。

7. 求一篇写风景的英语作文

1、Guilin is in the north of Guangxi. The population in the city of Guilin is more than six hundred thousand. There are famous and beautiful sceneries in Guilin. If you e to Guilin, you will know how clear the water is and how green the hills are. Every year many tourists e to Guilin for a visit. You can take a boat to see the scenes of the Li River. You can also visit the scenic spots in the city on free buses. You will enjoy yourself if you go to Guilin. 桂林在广西的北部,市区人口是60多万。

桂林有著名而美丽的风景。 如果你来到桂林,你将知道那里的水是多么的清,那里的山是多么的绿。


如果你来桂林,你一定会玩得愉快。 Guilin lies in the north of Guangxi. There are more than 600, 000 people in the city. Guilin is famous for its beautiful sceneries in the world. ff you e to Guilin, you will know how clear the water is and how green the hills are. Many tourists e and visit Guilin every year. There you can take a boat to see the scenes of the Li River and visit the scenic spots in the city on free buses. Wele to Guilin for a visit. 桂林位于广西北部,市区有60多万人。

桂林以风景荚丽而闻名于世。 如果你来桂林,你将会知道那的水是多么的清,山是多么的绿。


欢迎来桂林参观。 2、it's well known that the yellow river is the second longest river in china. though my hometown is close to her, yet i had no chance to enjoy myself at her beautiful scenery. what a pity!to my great joy we were told that we would go there and have a good look at the lovely river on sunday. it took us quite a few hours' ride to reach the bank of the river,where we saw the chunü spring.it is one of the most famous hot springs there . the water of the spring is so clear that we couldn't help diving into it. our head teacher, together with us, swam happily. floating on the water, i looked around . we were surrounded by the great mountains. then we got on some *** all boats. we had been longing to float on the mother river. seeing her powerful current and attractive beauty, i felt proud of being one of her sons. it was noon before we knew it. we went ashore and then danced and sang happily on the grassland. we helped ourselves to the tasty fish, crabs and other food, which we cooked ourselves. it was time for us to go home. we had to say good-bye to the mother river. we all felt reluctant when we left her.. 【译文】但众所周知,黄河是中国第二大河。









8. 求一篇关于写乡村美景的英语作文

Last summer vacation, my parents asked me where I wanted to travel. I answered, since I had not see my grandfather and grandmother for long time, how about to see them. My parents *** iled and nodded with admiring.

My grandpa and grandma live in a mountain village. After three hours on the coach, we reached a hill entry. When I get off the coach, I saw a familiar figure, my uncle. Beside him, there was a cow carriage. My uncle told us that he followed my grandpa and

9. 写一篇关于风景的英语作文,

Our beautiful school

this is our school. It's very beautiful. We've got a big library. Some children can read books here. We've got a pretty garden. Some flowers are bloom. We've got a music room, an art room and a sports centre. Some children can sing songs in the music room. Some children can draw pictures in the art room. Some children can play ping pang in the sports center. Some children can play soccer on the playground. Some fish can swim in the lake. Some children can have classes in the classroom.

I like our beautiful school!

10. 写丽水的美景英语作文

My hometown is the Zhejiang Lishui, is a very beautiful city,throughout the year as beautiful as a painting. Spring, on themountain the bird sounds, the hundred flowers open, the sunlightscatters down from the leaf beeen, according to on the place, treebeeen on the forest also has each kind of bird. In the autumn, thehometown also has very many delicacies the fruit, I love hometownLishui.。

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