电影《泰坦尼克号》中的那颗炸弹没有炸掉船。- The bomb in the movie Titanic did not blow up the ship.
飞机上不允许携带易燃物品,包括炸弹。- No flammable items are allowed on an airplane, including bombs.
这个包裹里装有一颗炸弹。- This package contains a bomb.
炸弹被引爆的时候,整个建筑物都轰的一声被炸毁了。- When the bomb was detonated, the entire building was blasted apart.
这个国家受到了敌对国家的炸弹攻击。- This country was bombed by a hostile country.
警方正在调查这起炸弹袭击事件。- Police are investigating the bomb attack.
这个演员在电影中扮演了一个携带炸弹的恐怖分子。- The actor played a terrorist carrying a bomb in the movie.
火车上携带炸弹是违法行为。- It is illegal to carry a bomb on a train.
bomb explosion - 炸弹爆炸
bomb threat - 炸弹威胁
bomb squad - 拆弹小组
bomb site - 炸弹爆炸地点
bomb shelter - 防空洞
bomb test - 炸弹测试
bomb attack - 炸弹攻击
bomb crater - 炸弹弹坑