乙组:种经济作物,在村子里及周围种树。 结果:村民们赚了很多钱,空气清新,人也健康。
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乙组:种经济作物,在村子里及周围种树。 结果:村民们赚了很多钱,空气清新,人也健康。
按以上提示写一篇短文。 展开
We had a school survey. the student of our school were devided into two separate groups. Group One come to Village A where a small chemical factory was set up. The villagers wanted to benefit from it. But unfortunately they didn't become rich beacuse they paid no attention to environmental protection,instead many of themhad been sick beacuse of the polluted air and water. Group Two came to another village-Village B. There they found the villagers had planted a lot of industrial cropsin their fields and trees planted in and arround their village. There was hardly any pollution in this area.
The villagers there made much money by selling their industrial crops and they are now healthy and happy.
绝对纯手工打造,顺便鄙视粘贴范文的人, 希望能帮到你,要是答案还满意的话,记得采纳哦,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~!
The villagers there made much money by selling their industrial crops and they are now healthy and happy.
绝对纯手工打造,顺便鄙视粘贴范文的人, 希望能帮到你,要是答案还满意的话,记得采纳哦,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~!