Located in Pudong Park in Lujiazui,Shanghai, the Oriental Pearl TV Tower with the Yangpu Bridge in the northeast and the Nanpu Bridge in the southwest, creates a picture of "two dragons playing with a pearl”.
This magnificent scene attracts thousands of visitors all year long.This 468-meter-high tower is the world's third highest TV and radio tower.The entire structure rests on rich green grassland and gives the appearance of a pearl shining on a jade plate.
It is amazing that this ultra-modern TV tower combines ancient concepts such as the spherical pearls, with technology, commerce, recreation, educational and conference facilities of the 21st century.
东方明珠广播电视塔(the Oriental Pearl TV Tower)坐落于上海陆家嘴浦东园区。东方明珠东北是杨浦大桥,西南是南浦大桥,构成“二龙戏珠"的画面。
The tower, surrounded by the Yangpu Bridge in the northeast and the Nanpu Bridge in the southwest, creates a picture of 'twin dragons playing with pearls'(双龙戏珠).
The entire scene is a photographic jewel that excites the imagination and attracts thousands of visitors year-round.