高手帮忙 20
The possibility of a change of meaning and of redetermination throws light on the significative difference. Every concrete meaning embodies a perspective, i.e. it is based on a selection: a ‘so instead of so’, ‘this way rather than that way’. The choice of the point of view in a given thematization determines what counts as relevant and what not; to this extent meaning and significance are intimately connected with one another. Thus, for example, for an impressionist like Monet, the cathedral in the morning light is not the same as in the evening light, since he is precisely interested in the light in which the cathedral presents itself; the subject is taken up into a frame of reference which is different from the established styles of painting. Cubism, which is interested in the simultaneity of modes of appearance, exchange this frame of reference for still another.
In this manner, not only is it possible for something new to appear in our experience and our praxis within a fixed framework; it is also possible that something novel appears, which breaks out of the existing framework and leads to its transformation. Change of meaning implies the surprising, unfamiliar, foreign and strange, which constitute the backside of the domesticated world-a factor of threat, but also a stimulus for innovation in which openness with respect to existing rule structures manifests itself. The ambivalence of the strange, which simultaneously attracts and repels, an ambivalence which appears in the experience of the child as well as in situations of crisis, is an affective index for this duality. This dialectic of the old and the new, in which the productivity of experience and praxis is concentrated, eludes a rationalism which intercepts the stimulus of the novel by means of a priori forms which are fixed once and for all, and thus degrades cognition to recognition. But this dialectic also eludes an empiricism which registers the unusual as mere factual irregularity and is condemned to eternally running after the facts.
3. As preparation for my concluding reflections, I would like to indicate briefly how the theory of meaning sketched above can be translated into the language of Gestalt theory and structuralism thought. With regard to the attempt to integrate the relevant results of research in the human sciences into a phenomenological theory, I refer here especially to the work of A. Gurwitsch and M. merleau-Ponty. 展开
In this manner, not only is it possible for something new to appear in our experience and our praxis within a fixed framework; it is also possible that something novel appears, which breaks out of the existing framework and leads to its transformation. Change of meaning implies the surprising, unfamiliar, foreign and strange, which constitute the backside of the domesticated world-a factor of threat, but also a stimulus for innovation in which openness with respect to existing rule structures manifests itself. The ambivalence of the strange, which simultaneously attracts and repels, an ambivalence which appears in the experience of the child as well as in situations of crisis, is an affective index for this duality. This dialectic of the old and the new, in which the productivity of experience and praxis is concentrated, eludes a rationalism which intercepts the stimulus of the novel by means of a priori forms which are fixed once and for all, and thus degrades cognition to recognition. But this dialectic also eludes an empiricism which registers the unusual as mere factual irregularity and is condemned to eternally running after the facts.
3. As preparation for my concluding reflections, I would like to indicate briefly how the theory of meaning sketched above can be translated into the language of Gestalt theory and structuralism thought. With regard to the attempt to integrate the relevant results of research in the human sciences into a phenomenological theory, I refer here especially to the work of A. Gurwitsch and M. merleau-Ponty. 展开
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