psp 大航海4 简体中文版补丁有没有比 V1.00 更好更高的补丁了?(在网上看有人说出4.00左右的了 不知真假

如果有的话给发下谢谢大大们了~~~~~~~~~~因为1.00这个补丁里有错别字我在商会里打听到的城市名跟实际城市名不一样有的NPC名字也是这样!!!... 如果有的话 给发下 谢谢大大们了~~~~~~~~~~
因为1.00这个补丁里有错别字 我在商会里打听到的城市名 跟实际城市名不一样 有的NPC名字也是这样!!!
 我来答
Find the perfect sneakers
Do you have many sneakers but you don’t consider that they are perfect? Then how to find the perfect sneakers, you would find the method as follow:
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Three: you should also think about the budget that you are willing to spend when you look at the price.
Four: when you find that the sneakers have passed all of those points then you need try them on and walk around in them to feel about them.
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Eight: Think about how you'll look in an important situation in front of a cute guy/girl.
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