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目的:戈尔丁在西方被称为“寓言编撰家”,《蝇王》是威廉戈尔丁的一部重要作品,在这部小说中他运用现实主义的叙述方法编写寓言神话,承袭西方伦理学的传统,着力表现“人心的黑暗”... 目的:

国外:这部作品自1954年发表后就受到文学评论家和书评者的高度关注。关于戈尔丁的研究学派也相继出现。与此同时西方文学界出现大量关于对《蝇王》这部小说的文学评论其中包括Woodward declaring that “Golding presents us with a completely unrealistic model of the originsof human politics”E.L. Epsteincalls Golding’s explanation“merely a casual summing-up
on Mr. Golding’s part of his extremelycomplex and beautifully woven symbolic web” .纵观这些研究成果,我们不难发现,《蝇王》中关于象征主题的分析在较早时期没有受到一定程度上的关注,在将来会成为研究重点。

 我来答
Golding in the west is called "the fable compiled", Lord of the flies is an important work of William golding, he used in the novel the narrative method of realist writing fable myth, inherited the tradition of western ethics, the expression "the heart of darkness," this one theme, show the author's concerns the future of the human. Lord of the flies the symbolic and the analysis of the theme of evil humanity very early to get the attention of the academia. Based on interpretation of the symbolic image of the way to the Lord of the flies the important symbolic image of expression and meaning has made the detailed analysis in order to deepen the understanding of works of art spirit and creativity.
In this work, golding USES his unique meditation and calm mining with one thousand years of human never stopped at the root of killing each other, has been hailed as a modern fable evil human nature. Novel reveals the in front of desire and savage, why human civilization is so fragile. Golding full use of symbolism in the novel illustrate the evil of humanity, the writing technique in the novel is irreplaceable. At the same time, the novel cautionary role more worthy of our modern thought. In the modern society, we should strengthen the construction of spiritual civilization and the development of democracy, so as to build a harmonious and stable society.
Domestic and foreign similar research situation and development trend:

Abroad: after this work published since 1954 by literary critics and reviewers. Research on golding school also appeared. At the same time the western literary world appears a lot about Lord of the flies the literary criticism of the novel including Woodward declaring that "Golding presents us with a completely unrealistic model of the originsof the human politics says" e Epsteincalls Golding's explanation "merely a casual summing - up
On Mr Golding 's part of ihs extremelycomplex and beautifully woven -- web ". Throughout these research results, it is easy to find, on the analysis of the symbolic theme in Lord of the flies in the earlier period no attention to a certain extent, will become the research focus in the future.

Domestic for golding started relatively later in the study of his works. Golding domestic began to appear after the Nobel Prize for literature in the research of more professional academic papers and books. Domestic for Lord of the flies research focuses on "the evil", the narrative structure, symbolism and archetypal, etc. Results including Li Fengxia "symbolism in < > king of flies in the application of"; Line far "> < fly king theme, characters and structure characteristics of jasmine ng from the animal to the shadow - the search for < > king of flies, along with the diversification of means of access to information and with research abroad, critics of the study about the Lord of the flies will get development.
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