SS501- Let Me Be The One中文音译歌词?
在贴吧里找到了这个: Look I know It’s 批特 don’t time enough Now I get tell somebody So I Can do it Fast in fast 内尬哈普西普蛮, 傲第四普塔西家kei呀哈集木拉度 马路某米没搜,集内卡机, 啊集叫够搜斯喽急吗 哦~~(no no) 瞧的样gi那位给 一楼末比哦吗某他那加啦 一sei啊哈毛,马季k你够噶他 要一扫西甲卡塔baby图的叫(let me be the one) let me be the one的吗你萨拉内噶唯不希大不(let me be the one) let me be the one呢哈比就给nou木sing噶卡那播(oh , lover) let me be the one呢亚搜卡给nou屋一也萨达播(let me be the one) let me be the one呢要我走喽nou马萨拉尬把播(oh , lover) 的都米sei个跟大拉米对喽,哦某里怒叫黑楼脚脖李楼 马尼苦就卡那噶他那家够,nou里门吗怒里wo~ be so special love love let me love baby 呃gi love ki叫噶题高 嗯let me 一毛没把八角because I wanna be with you let me be the one的吗你萨拉内噶唯不希大不(let me be the one) let me be the one呢哈比就给nou木sing噶卡那播(oh , lover) let me be the one呢亚搜卡给nou屋一也萨达播(let me be the one) let me be the one呢要我走喽nou马萨拉尬把播(oh , lover) baby 那给哈给nou搜搜,家他那,有all the world 的密咧耶(oh!yeah!) 的萨拉马尼表叫内噶the苏子为你不 内给普怒,斯普怒,我四度,木路都,都母哈那wi黑~~ Nou哇哈,给大庙,度累播,给啦哦内高~~~~huhuhu~~ let me be the one你尬一艘艘,内噶动咋哈拧girl let me be the one for all your answer个萨拉你那拉剖! let me be the one的萨拉哈那let me be the one..ok let me be the one表哈吉呀那赖斯kei哦内day搜(baby in you) let me be the one的吗你萨拉内噶唯不希大不(let me be the one) let me be the one呢哈比就给nou木sing噶卡那播(可里萨拉马拉播) let me be the one呢亚搜卡给nou屋一也萨达播(let-me-baby-)(let me be the one) let me be the one呢要我走喽nou马萨拉尬把播(oh , lover)