
63.恐怕这得花费一大笔钱.(beafraid;cost;alargeamountofmoney)64.我们怀着天气可能会好的侥幸心情决定在户外聚会.(decidetod... 63. 恐怕这得花费一大笔钱. ( be afraid ; cost; a large amount of money )

64. 我们怀着天气可能会好的侥幸心情决定在户外聚会.

( decide to do sth. ; take a chance; have a / the party)

65. 他很有礼貌地与我们谈话. ( in a …. manner)

66. 晚宴是日本式的. ( in a … manner)

67. 至于我, 我再也不来这个餐厅了. ( as for; come to this restaurant; any more)

68. 至于你的书, 我保证, 下周一定会还给你.

( as for ; promise; give sth. back to sb.; next week)

69. 你迟早能学会做这件事. ( in time )

70. 年轻时, 他不知道自己日后会举世闻名. ( to be do ; win the world fame ; later on )

71. 他的父母不允许她晚上在外逗留超过11点. ( allow sb. to do sth. ; stay out)

72. 我认为她光靠给钱是帮不上他的. ( don’t think…; help sb.; give sb. sth. ; by doing )

73. 他以前是靠画画为生. ( used to do sth. ; make a living; by )

74. 他的心脏病没能阻止他第二天去上课. ( prevent …from….; go to class; the next day)

75. 什么也不能阻止他们的计划得以实施. ( prevent ..from…; carry out )

76. 所以, 在未来的数百万年中, 生命能否在地球上得以延续取决于这个问题能否得到

解决. ( whether; continue ; for millions of years; depend on; be solved)

77. 观众看到运动队进场时欢声雷动. (the crowd ; cheer up; see; arrive)

78. 他们每天都在观察这棵植物生长,心里充满了希望. ( watch …. Grow; be fill with hope )

79. 大家既然已到齐, 我们就开会吧. ( now that; begin the meeting)

80. 你既然已长大了, 就该像些样子了.( now that; behave better)

81. 他神不知鬼不觉地走了进来. ( unnoticed 过去分词做状语)

82. 半夜, (他们) 突然大吵起来. (break out: at the midnight)

83. 他不愿惹麻烦,宁可离去. ( rather than; cause trouble; leave)

84. 与其说这颜色是蓝的,不如说他是绿色的. ( rather than)

85. 他爷爷手拿报纸,坐在扶手椅里. (settle down in …; with a newspaper)

86. 你适应新工作吗? ( settle down in one’s work)

87. 他有语言方面的天赋. ( have a gift for )

88. 好像他对音乐有些天赋. ( have a gift for)

89. 我可以隐约看到三个人影在远处移动. ( make out… moving ; in the distance)

90. 我陪她一直走到公共汽车站. ( go as far as….; accompany sb.)

91. 我们就到这里了. ( as far as)

92. 黎明,我们又出发了. ( at dawn; set off)
2010-08-09 · TA获得超过1569个赞
63.I am afraid it will cost a large amount of money.

64.We decieded to take a chance with weather and have an outside party.

65.He talked to us in a polite manner.

66.The evening dinner is in a Japanese manner.

67.As for me, I will not come to this restaurant any more.

68.As for your book, I promise to give it back to you next week.

69.You can learn to do it in time.

70.When he was young, he didn't know he was to win the world fame later on.

71.His parents don't allow her to stay out beyond 11 o'clock.

72.I don't think she can help him by only giving him money.

73.He used to make a living by drawing pictures.

74.His heart disease couldn't prevent him from going to class the next day.

75.Nothing can prevent their plan from being carried out.

76.Therefore, for millions of years to come, whether life can continue on earth will depend on whether the problem can be solved.

77.The crowd cheered up when they saw the sports teams arrive.

78.They are watching the plant grow every day, their heart filled with hope.

79.Now that everyone is here, let's begin the meeting.

80.Now that you are grown up, you should behave better.

81.He walked in unnoticed.

82.They suddenly broke out quarrelling at the midnight.

83.He would rather leave than cause trouble.

84.The color is green rather than blue.

85.His grandfather seetled himself down in an armchair with a newspaper in his hands.

86.Can you settle yourself down in your new work?

87.He has a gift for language.

88.He seems to have a gift for music.

89.I could indistinctly make out three figures moving in the distance.

90.I accompanied her and went as far as the bus station.

91.We shall go as far as here.

92.We set off again at dawn.

63.I'm afraid it must cost a fortune
64、We had the weather may good luck in the mood to the outdoor party
65。We had the weather may good luck in the mood to the outdoor party
66.the dinner was prepared in the japanese manner
67.As for me, i will not come to this restaurant has
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2010-08-09 · TA获得超过5388个赞
63. 恐怕这得花费一大笔钱. ( be afraid ; cost; a large amount of money )
I am afraid it will cost a large amount of money.

64. 我们怀着天气可能会好的侥幸心情决定在户外聚会.

( decide to do sth. ; take a chance; have a / the party)
We decide to take a chance of the good weather to have a party outside.

65. 他很有礼貌地与我们谈话. ( in a …. manner)
He talks with us in a polite manner.

66. 晚宴是日本式的. ( in a … manner)
The dinner party(evening party) is in a Janpanese manner.

67. 至于我, 我再也不来这个餐厅了. ( as for; come to this restaurant; any more)
As for me, I will not come to this restaurant any more.
68. 至于你的书, 我保证, 下周一定会还给你.
( as for ; promise; give sth. back to sb.; next week)
As for your book, I promise I will give it back to you next week.

69. 你迟早能学会做这件事. ( in time )
You can do this thing in time(sooner or later).

70. 年轻时, 他不知道自己日后会举世闻名. ( to be do ; win the world fame ; later on )
When he was young, he didn't know he is to win the world fame later on.

71. 她的父母不允许她晚上在外逗留超过11点. ( allow sb. to do sth. ; stay out)
Her parents not allow her to stay out over 23:00.

72. 我认为她光靠给钱是帮不上他的. ( don’t think…; help sb.; give sb. sth. ; by doing )
I don't think by giving her money can help her.

73. 他以前是靠画画为生. ( used to do sth. ; make a living; by )
He used to make a living by drawing.

74. 他的心脏病没能阻止他第二天去上课. ( prevent …from….; go to class; the next day)
His heart disease cannot prevent him from going to class the next day.

75. 什么也不能阻止他们的计划得以实施. ( prevent ..from…; carry out )
Nothng can prevent their plan from being carried out.

76. 所以, 在未来的数百万年中, 生命能否在地球上得以延续取决于这个问题能否得到解决. ( whether; continue ; for millions of years; depend on; be solved)
So, whether life can be continued on Earth for millions of years depends on the problem being solved

77. 观众看到运动队进场时欢声雷动. (the crowd ; cheer up; see; arrive)
The crowd cheered up when they saw the ball arrive the goal.

78. 他们每天都在观察这棵植物生长,心里充满了希望. ( watch …. Grow; be fill with hope )
They are filled with hope when watch the plant grow every day.

79. 大家既然已到齐, 我们就开会吧. ( now that; begin the meeting)
Now that everybody is here,let's begin the meeting.

80. 你既然已长大了, 就该像些样子了.( now that; behave better)
Now that you have grown up, you should behave better.

81. 他神不知鬼不觉地走了进来. ( unnoticed 过去分词做状语)
He came in, unnoticed.

82. 半夜, (他们) 突然大吵起来. (break out: at the midnight)
They suddenly broke out at the midnight.

83. 他不愿惹麻烦,宁可离去. ( rather than; cause trouble; leave)
He would rather leave than cause trouble.

84. 与其说这颜色是蓝的,不如说他是绿色的. ( rather than)
I would rather to say it is green than say it is blue.

85. 他爷爷手拿报纸,坐在扶手椅里. (settle down in …; with a newspaper)
His grandpa settled down in an armchair, with a newpaper in hands.

86. 你适应新工作吗? ( settle down in one’s work)
Have you settled down in your new work?

87. 他有语言方面的天赋. ( have a gift for )
He has a gift for language.

88. 好像他对音乐有些天赋. ( have a gift for)
It seems that he has some gift for music.

89. 我可以隐约看到三个人影在远处移动. ( make out… moving ; in the distance
I could somehow make out three figures moveing in the distance.

90. 我陪她一直走到公共汽车站. ( go as far as….; accompany sb.)
I accompany her go as far as to the bus station

91. 我们就到这里了. ( as far as)
That's as far as we could go.

92. 黎明,我们又出发了. ( at dawn; set off)
At dawn, we set off again.
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