Really Don't Care的英文歌词

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2016-06-01 · TA获得超过168个赞

You wanna play, you wanna stay  you wanna have it all,  You started messing with my head  until I hit a wall,  Maybe I should've known,  maybe I should've known  That you would walk, you would walk,  out the door, hey!  Said we were done and  met someone and rubbed it in my face,  Cut to the part, she broke your heart  and then she ran away,  I guess you should've known,  I guess you should've known,  That I would talk, I would talk  But even if the stars and moon collide,  I never want you back into my life,  You can take your words and all your lies,  Oh, oh oh! I really don't care!  Even if the stars and moon collide,  I never want you back into my life,  You can take your words and all your lies,  Oh, oh oh! I really don't care!  Oh, oh, oh! I really don't care!  I can't believe I ever stayed up  writing songs about you,  You don't deserve to know the way  I used to think about you,  Oh no not anymore, oh no not anymore,  You had your shot, had your shot, but you let go!  Now if we meet out on the street  I won't be running scared,  I'll walk right up to you  and put one finger in the air,  And make you understand,  and make you understand,  You had your chance, had your chance!  But even if the stars and moon collide,  I never want you back into my life,  You can take your words and all your lies,  Oh, oh oh! I really don't care!  Even if the stars and moon collide,  I never want you back into my life,  You can take your words and all your lies,  Oh, oh oh! I really don't care!  Oh, oh, oh! I really don't care!  Yeah, listen up!  Hey, hey, never look back,  Dumbstruck boy, ego intact,  Look boy, why you so mad,  Second guess him but should hit that,  Hey demi, you picked the wrong lova',  You should've picked that one,  he's cuter than the other,  I just wanna laugh 'cause  you're trying to be a hipster,  Kick 'em to the curb, take a Polaroid picture!  But even if the stars and moon collide,  I never want you back into my life,  You can take your words and all your lies,  Oh, oh oh! I really don't care!  Even if the stars and moon collide,  I never want you back into my life,  You can take your words and all your lies,  Oh, oh oh! I really don't care!  Oh, oh oh! I really don't care!

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