
初学者写个小文,请帮忙改下错误heZaytunaCollegeInUniteStatesZaytunaCollegeisafirstaccreditedMuslimcol... 初学者写个小文,请帮忙改下错误

he Zaytuna College In Unite States

Zaytuna College is a first accredited Muslim college in Unite States. When the September eleventh was passed nine years, today’s American peoples and Muslim peoples how to think the Islamic college.

“The Muslim college is the first accreditation college in USA. Several years, our students will easier get financial aid and I hope this situation will be continued many long phases. This year we already study of Arabic to prepare for classes in the fall. Zaytuna currently offers two majors, a choice of Islamic law and religion or Arabic language. General education classes include American history, anthropology, philosophy, literature and political science.” The Chancellor Zaid Shakir said.

But the American scholar Michael Higgins said: “I am very worry about that, I think there will be a lot of fear or apprehension around the establishment of a college that adheres to Islam. If it becomes a madrasa or a college of inculcation only, that could be hugely problematic.”

However, the Zaytuna College has established four yeas and it is important for Arabic peoples who live in American. The September eleventh already passed many years, If American critics turn to the other side, they maybe have better voices to talk about the Zaytuna college.
2010-08-10 · TA获得超过956个赞
Zaytuna College is the first accredited Muslim college in Unite States. When the September eleventh ,it has passed nine years. How do today’s American peoples and Muslim peoples think the Islamic college ?

“The Muslim college is the first accreditated college in USA. For several years, our students get financial aid more easily and I hope this situation will continue many long phases. This year, we have already studied Arabic to prepare for classes in the fall. Zaytuna currently offers two majors, Islamic law and religion or Arabic language. General education classes include American history, anthropology, philosophy, literature and political science.” The Chancellor Zaid Shakir said.

But the American scholar Michael Higgins said: “I am very worried about that, I think there will be a lot of fear or apprehension around the establishment of a college that adhering to Islam. If it only becomes a madrasa or a college of inculcation , that could be hugely problematic.”

However, the Zaytuna College has been established four yeas and it is important for Arabic people who live in American. The September eleventh already passed many years, if American critics turn to the other side, they maybe have better voices to talk about the Zaytuna college.

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