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通用要想在中国市场上击败通用,就要把重点放在商务车上,因为乘用车在中国市场上基本上是大众占优势,但是它却没有开发商务车,因此,通用要强化着一个优势,达到垄断的目的,超额赢... 通用要想在中国市场上击败通用,就要把重点放在商务车上,因为乘用车在中国市场上基本上是大众占优势,但是它却没有开发商务车,因此,通用要强化着一个优势,达到垄断的目的,超额赢利,再以在商务车上取得的胜利,利润投入到乘用车上,促进它的发展,以利于和大众乘用车的正面交锋。
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2006-12-27 · TA获得超过201个赞
译文 : If want to defeat on the Chinese market commonly commonly, will put the focal point on the commercial car soon, because it is basically that Volkswagen preponderates to take advantage of using the car on the Chinese market, it has not developed the commercial car, so, will strengthen an advantage commonly, achieve the goal of monopolizing, excess profit, and then in order to the victory that is made on the commercial car, the profit puts into and takes advantage of using the car and, promoted the development of it, the ones that in order to benefit and took advantage of using the car with the masses were competed head-on against. First of all, reach status to monopolize manufacturer can well-above into ordinary profit of manufacturer, at market, country of China, commercial car first, once common to set energy free new development of variety to get commercial car, will undoubtedly obtain the great profit on the reducing of the cost. Later, and then with successful experience that it make at commercial car, technology, apply to, take advantage of field of using the car. Meanwhile, obtain superprofit is can to to take advantage of research and development that use the car it at commercial car market, sell and pour into a large amount of fund. Avoid its talent soon, will change over to one's own advantage to the other side's advantage with one's own weak tendency, defeat the other side's weak place completely completely with one's own advantage. Once the other side loses one to support, in set own resources, strengthen the inferior position, in order to achieve the goal of crowding the other side. The question is supplemented: It is unnecessary to adhere rigidly to a word and one sentence of this article, only Want until meaning it gets hold of to be better probably, concrete sentence can well give play to since.
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2006-12-27 · TA获得超过980个赞
General must want to defeat general in the Chinese market, must putwith emphasis on the commercial vehicle, because while basically isthe populace occupies the superiority with the vehicle in the Chinesemarket, but it has not actually developed the commercial vehicle,therefore, is general must strengthen a superiority, achieved themonopoly the goal, exceeds the quota the profit, again by the victorywhich obtains on the commercial vehicle, the profit invests to rideswith the vehicle on, promotes its development, favor with the populacerides with the vehicle frontage confrontation.
First, achieved the monopoly merchant the status may obtain is higherthan the ordinary merchant by far the profit, but in the Chinesecountry market, the commercial vehicle domain is general is withoutdoubt first, once uses in common the energy puts to the commercialvehicle new variety development, the cost reduces on can obtainwithout doubt the enormous profit.
Afterwards, again uses it the success experience which obtains on thecommercial vehicle, the technology, applies rides with the vehicledomain. At the same time, because has obtained the excess profit inthe commercial vehicle market, also may to it while with the vehicleresearch and development, the sale pour into the massive funds.
Must by own weak power to opposite party strong power, have to evade its point,changes over to own superiority, is weak with own superiority oppositeparty place thoroughly defeats. Once opposite party has lost a strut,is gathering own resources, strengthens the inferiority, achievedcrushes opposite party goal.
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