谁英语好啊,过来帮我翻译一下,不要用机器 !!! 满意后给分 !!!

有第一个人翻译后上20分,此后每多一个答案加10分,谁的答案最满意分数都给他~~~~~~!!!!Hereismytips;Tomakeahornbow;(Ineverli... 有第一个人翻译后上20分,此后每多一个答案加10分,谁的答案最满意分数都给他 ~~ ~~~~ !!!!

Here is my tips; To make a horn bow;(I never like using gigs or clamps, that will let the bow looks pretty bad)
1. Prepare the wood core, either bending or splice joints.
2.prepare the glue; Buy some (dry) fish bladders handy, soak them till soft then chop into fine pieces, then cook in low heat(about 75 degree C) for over 24 hours (Filter it with very fine net in between) till very very thick. Cool down. Either store in freezer of completely dry out.
3. Cut two pieces of horns, be careful in selecting and find a "optima" surface.
4. Glue the horn strips to core. First rinse the core and horn surface by using alcohol then put glue on both surface. Start very thin like water then thicken up. When dry then apply glue again, it will take days for gluing.
5. Using the "Binding tool" and thick rope bind the horn and core together, then wait for a week and release.
6. Trim the core and horn using all kinds of tools to the shape.
7. Breaking the sinew into fine fiber.
8. apply sinew on back,carefully soak in glue and comb them through then attach.
9. When done for the first layer,wait about a week then move on for the next layer.
10. After each layer of sinew applied, tide and move the bow tips a little bit closer, finally it will form a "circle".
11. leave it cure for at least 6 months.
12. Prepare a pair of "Teplik" which should fit your bow length and horn shape.
13. "Open" the bow for the very first time using Teplik, then leave it for a night. At this stage shape the tips and string nocks of the bow.
14. String the bow for the very first time,don't remove the Teplik, and Check the balance and twist.
15. If OK, then remove the Teplik, Check the balance and twist again.
16. Place the bow back on heat and adjust the balance(brace high on both sides.) and twist.
17. If one side is much stifer then the other, then carefully scrap some horn out of the strong side. Leave it for a night then see if it is really OK in its balance and twist.
18. Unstrung the bow for a day,then repeat step 13~17 again.
19. If that's OK then draw the bow carefully and slowly till full draw. Check the balance and twist again after full draw.
20. The bow then complete and ready to shoot.

I don't have any prints or drawings of anything first, But when I grab a tool and start working, it will come.
 我来答
2010-08-12 · TA获得超过156个赞


1. 准备木头核心,不管是弯的或是拼合的都可以。
2. 准备胶水;买些鱼鳔(干的),泡软后切成很小的小块,然后用较低的温度(大约75摄氏度)煮够24小时(期间用筛孔很细的筛网过滤),直到煮得非常非常稠为止。冷却,然后冷冻存放或者全干燥存放。
3. 切两个角来,挑的时候要注意尽量要找表面“最优”的。
4. 把角粘到木头核心上,先用酒精把角和木头核心冲一下,然后两个的表面都上胶。先薄后厚。干了以后继续上胶,上胶要花好几天。
5. 用“捆绑工具”和密绳将角和核心绑在一起,放置一个星期后松开。
6. 用所有可能用得到的工具把核心和角休整至合适的形状。(原文没说具体是什么形状,我注明在此)
8. 把纤维小心地在胶中浸泡,梳理顺当以后粘在弓背.
9. 粘完一层以后,大约等一个星期,然后继续粘下一层。
10. 每粘完一层纤维,就把弓的两个尖端靠近一些,绑住,这样到最后就变成一个圆弧的形状了。
11. 放置6个月让圆弧定型。
12. 准备一对匹配弓长度和角的形状的teplik(这个词网上也查不到,估计是用来调试用的,作者这个词也是打了引号的,具体不知道是什么东西)
13. 用teplik“开”第一次弓,然后放一个晚上,在这期间准备好箭头,弓弦和箭羽。
14. 给弓上弦,先不要拿掉teplik,检查平衡和扭力。
15. 如果都正常,则拿掉teplik,再次检查平衡和扭力。
16. 把弓放回热源上调节平衡(两头都要架高)
17. 如果一头比另一头硬很多,就小心地把硬的那头的角削掉一些。然后放一个晚上看看平衡和扭力是不是真的都可以了。
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