Some people think that schools should concentrate on academic classes, because they are helpful for future career. But they think music and sports classes are not useful. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people argue that the fittest and strongest individuals and teams can achieve the greatest success in sports. But other people think the success is much related to the mental attitude. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Some people think that university students should specialize in one subject, while others think universities should encourage students to learn a rang of subjects. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Some people think the cheap air flight gives ordinary people more freedom. However, others think the cheap air flight should be banned because it pollutes the air and brings many other problems. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Some people think that children should obey rules or do what their parents and teachers want them to do, but others think that children controlled too much cannot deal with problems well by themselves. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
With technology speeding up, more and more young people begin to use mobile phones and the Internet, but old people have little chance to be exposed to them. What ways could mobile phone and the Internet be useful to old people? How do old people be encouraged to use this new technology?
Some people think students should learn more practical courses like computer, but others think they should learn more about theoretical courses like geography and mathematics. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Society is based on rules and laws. If individuals were free to do whatever they want to do, it could not function. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Many people use distance-learning programs to study at home, but some people think that it cannot bring the benefit as much as attending college or university. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people think that economic progress is the only way to measure a country’s success, while others think that there are other factors which can be used to measure a country’s success. What are these factors? And among them, which one is more important than others?
More and more people now choose to wear the fashionable clothes. Why is it? What are the positive and negative effects does this trend impose on the society?
More and more people work at home and study at home with the development of computer technology. Do you think it is positive or negative development?
International travel is becoming cheaper than before, so more and more countries open their doors to tourists. Do the advantages of the increased tourism outweigh the disadvantages?
Some people think modern games can help children to develop wide range of skills, but other people argue that traditional games can be much better for developing such skills. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Because of the global economy, many goods including what we use as daily basic goods produced by other counties have to be transported for a long distance. To what extent do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
Memorization of information by frequent repetition, namely rote learning, plays a role in many education systems. To what extent do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
Some people believe that a country can benefit a lot from university education, while others believe that sending a large percentage of young students to go to university is the way leading to unemployment. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Nowadays, a lot of charities and organization publicize their activities for setting up a number of special days, like 'National Children's Day', for encouraging good care of children, and 'National Non-smoking Day', for encouraging people to pay more attention to healthy. Why do these organizations take these activities, and what will be the effect?
雅思Writing Task 2所占的分数比例比WritingTask 1高,难度和对于英语水平的要求都比较高。花在Task 1的建议时间是20分钟,而花在Task2的建议时间是40分钟,但也应留小量时间在最后阶段作最后检查。在Task2这一部份,必须写一篇至少250字的评论或报告,测试的不只是考生的写作能力,同时考察考生的思考和判断能力,因此考生们应该对一些社会新闻和常识有一定的认识和见解。
1. 分析题目
Writing Task 2的问题可分为两类。
2. 考虑答案
3. 计划和组织答案
1) 题目和问题-要认清题目的要求和找出题目中想问的问题;
2) 介绍-这是用来表达文章的大意,如果要写的是一篇评论文,笔者的方向也要在这里表达出来;
3) 主体-如主体分为三段的话,通常前两段是观点和理由,后一段是用来平衡讨论的相反观点;
4) 结论-会包括一点比较次要的观点。
4. 写答案
1) 介绍(Introduction)
2) 主体(Body)
与介绍文一样,主体文每段的第一句都是用来说明整段的大意,之后的内容可用连接词(如However, Although, Notonly, Also, Even though, Consequently, In addition等等)或顺序词(Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly ...)连贯在一起。
Many people…
Those who disagree believe that ... / may argue that ... /point out that ...
However, I strongly disagree ...
Nothing could be further from the truth (Strongdisagreement) because ...
In fact, ...
... for the following reasons: I find it hard to agree...
Nevertheless, I cannot agree ... (Mild disagreement)
Perhaps this is true, but it cannot be denied that ...
This is partly true, then again ... (Concessionaldisagreement)
3) 结论(Conclusion)
结论文的开始通常都会用一个特别结论句式(In general, To sum up, Toconclude, In conclusion等等)来串联整段。在结论文中,条件句(Conditional sentence) (If....,....)是非常有用的。当然,在文章的其他位置也可以用条件句,使用条件句时,须注意有没有文法错误。
5. 检查答案
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